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Lets talk 1930's Started by: Sylvestor on Mar 19, '17 07:28

I bring this topic to the table for a few reasons. We got a door to enter that is explicit for 100% 1930's Role Play.  Many years ago when I was talked into playing a mafia game because they needed bodies to sustain a goal, I took the extra step to read up on real life mafia. I was fascinated with many good reads. First step for me was if I am going to portray the character of an Italian-American mafioso, I am going to choose ones history I was most impressed with and do my best to live that character by role playing my chosen character to the best of my ability. It did not take me long at all to succumb and excel to become thee most powerful and richest organization over and over. It was friggin orgasmic going against the top dogs. 

Everywhere you go there are top dogs. I can safely argue the top dogs HERE like anywhere else designate who is top dog and where the dogs rule. Coffee shops are in effect. Thus why you are really losing out and killing a good thing. Make no mistake, I have no desire to be in "favour". Acceptance of the favour theme is an insult to my intelligence and many I know. 

My desire is to make this a 1930's role play, a challenge, a place where families can set up w/o having to be a minion, a place where the playing field is leveled, and place where mafia names exist instead of folklore names.

I find it quite disturbing when a CL tells a lineage the only reason your kin was invited to join me was to keep you off the streets. The irony of it is the "kin" had not been around for awhile. So how did they know? Back to paragraph 2?

And for FS stop assuming one is a crying/whining troll because that is real old and has chased many off. The real problem is the SAME ones who rebuttal with the words a troll who is angry.  Nothing but a piss poor rebuttal. A wise man would not speak such gibberish. I assure you on the life of everyone I love,  I personally do not fit that weak excuse as I have lived the earned dream .  Besides frowns result in wrinkles, I opt to smile and laugh as I am now. 

My lineage here has been quite an asset and interesting. I have backed some in the corner with my words. I have retired many times because I don't take kind to being patronized and viewed as an idiot.

I know for a fact I am not alone in my view points.  My recruits left for the mere fact there is no challenge with the top dogs.




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So if I have got this right.

We allow people to set up, like in the real mafia, without anyones blessing?

We let anyone disrespect us, like in the real mafia, without saying a word?

We allow ourselves to become weak so, like in the real mafia, someone can kill us.

As in the real mafia, if you have the skills and the bollocks, you can shoot me and take my place.

But I will not stand here, bend over and take it.

Earn it. Want it. Take it. Like everyone has before. You might see that as piss poor but that is the way it is.
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So, your point is? Sylvestor not you Richard_Sharpe.

You've stated "facts" about the 1930s.

You've stroked your own ego.

You've said the leadership sucks.

You stroked your own ego some more.

You shared what you'd like to do.

You stroked your ego some more, do you need a tissue?

You want something, earn it, take it, win it... You want to be a "top dog" then prove it by doing so. If you're so shit hot, why aren't you a "top dog" already?

Thanks for sharing.

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Sylvestor I think I can understand and appreciate your views. I may not agree with them all but I can at least get where you are coming from at the very least.

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Haha I expected Lillith to make an appearance. It gives me great pleasure and a hearty laugh to the point where my stomach hurts. Thanks Lillith. Read again. This time don't cherry pick.  Has anyone ever told you that you are an intellectual ass? Pros and cons to that there.


Richard, I like sarcasm.  Bank on one thing you said which is I will not here, bend over and take it in the ass. lol 


Shantelle, thanks.  Not sure what you would not agree with beings everything I stated is fact.

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Perhaps you could offer some insight into how you would "make this a 1930's role play"? I would be interested in hearing your thoughts. 

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Isn't a lot of 

"My desire is to make this a 1930's role play, a challenge, a place where families can set up w/o having to be a minion, a place where the playing field is leveled, and place where mafia names exist instead of folklore names."

What was attempted in experimental cities to a large degree? of course permission to leave existed but experimental crews dropped people to become experimental crews like with Tell in Ph?

The reason it doesn't happen a lot pretty bluntly is people want to protect them and their members,  people look at members as hopefully an investment for the future, if no one has any loyalty long term why take anyone in ever?

As many different ways as people may want to give others a chance there has to be limit on crews whether by hq allowance or number of leaders and some sort of discipline if someone uses the power just to shake things up in their mind. 

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This isn't really about giving "anyone" a chance. It's about introducing challenge once again, and conducting business rather then being controlled and controlling every Tom Dick and harry that lands here. The "experimental" attempts were a complete failure 99 % of the time.  Control and/or ulterior motive killed it. 


Like I said, every mafia game has top dogs. How business expands or goes under, is totally up to the top dogs.


LuciousSweet, for starters I would of never in a million years have you as my most trusted (RH) when you spend more time vacationing in Tahiti then anyone I know. Then to be authed while still in la la land is not impressive to say the least. Surely you know one job of many is to be aware of our surroundings. Why can't a top dog get in character to do something different other then the need to be "top dog" to bring some life back?

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I guess your criticism of me is justified because FitzChivalry did really shit with me as his RHM and I'm doing just terribly these days myself after all, so kudos for that studious observation.

I asked you what you would do, specifically, to "make this a 1930's role play" and you haven't answered me. So if we could get to that in your next response, that would be super. 

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100% 1930s Roleplay - a topic that many choose to turn their head away from out of convenience

I have no idea what any of the leaders currently are. Are they sicilian/italian american cosa nostra or gangs of criminals that became organized. Why do they auth and control every city in sight. They address the public at times breaking omerta instead of roleplaying for example a conversation between the don and a consigliere which only requires a simple thought of introduction to the roleplay. Some crews have different rules than others so do we assume we barely have any cosa nostra currently?

What represents 1930s roleplay is certainly not the controlled environment we have here on mafiareturns nor is it the set of rules laid out for everyone to obey. So what exactly is 1930s roleplay? Not something anyone can simply do without the research and effort put into the topic. I wager it would take years to get close to being able to represent 100% 1930 roleplay. We do however know a few basic things. Immigrants from italy "first started" organized crime in america and that it was most prevelant as opposed to other forms/groups of organized crime during that time. That doesn't mean a gang of irish people can't become the 'top dogs' in one of the cities in a 1930s roleplay setting.

Sylvester, i think you are saying you would like to see more opportunities for people fresh off the boat and people already living in one of the cities to form their own organization. This is something that i also want very much as it would provide more enjoyment for a bigger amount of people. For the most part it is something only the current leaders can enforce. Container crews somewhat 'worked' and allowed people to stay alive being housed without being in an organization. Being unsponsored until 11 days of character age can work too. What stops the current leadership from doing that and instead makes them introduce a favour system and the 'LA Casting Couch' is that they want to control everything seeking transparency from their possible foes. They also fear the chaos that many unsponsoreds could cause. As for me i embrace the unpredictability of things and enjoy the thought of freedom to design one's path from the get go.

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Can I point out that when it comes to chaotic unsponsoreds we don't really have a choice but to get everyone we can housed right away. If we don't the game goes into rebuild mode and people get angry about that. We're pretty much forced to recruit. Keeps people playing and makes the money dumped into the advertising worth something. It's not something we fear.
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ZhaoYun, thank you for putting some thought into your response.

I agree that both the leaders and players generally, really, could and probably should put more effort into their back stories. There are some notable exceptions knocking around but I would have to hold my hands up and say I'm guilty of that. I set this account up with the premise of being a fight promoter and continuing with the story I set out for green, but that kind of got put on the back seat and I haven't really re-established or developed it any further. Instead I've built (what I think at least) a reputation as being a right hand who oversaw the creation of a dynasty and has now started a new chapter in Chicago with every intention of doing the same. Or, if the original poster/Isabella are to be believed, I've just sat on the beach all day and let others do the heavy lifting before plonking myself on an ill-deserved 'thrown'. Each to their own, I guess. 

Anyway, we digress. Back to the matter at hand and I guess the main issue I have with announcements being entirely between a boss and his underlings is how is that then interacted with by those on the streets? They wouldn't even be hearing the conversation because they aren't there so why would they suddenly be able to know what was being said. I've used that setup before (as you will know if you've seen some of my threads) and sometimes I opt to just go straight for the message. I tend to always do some scene-setting but honestly I find that can sometimes dilute the message I'm going for. Some of the best threads, in my opinion anyway, have had little to no scene-setting for exactly that reason.

I can't speak for everyone, but personally, I have absolutely no intention of undertaking copious amounts of research into what the Mafia was exactly like in the 1930s. I feel I have a broad enough understanding to enable me to comfortably get by and emulate a mafia-experience which has largely been influenced by what I've seen on tv or read in books, which I think is what most people are looking for. Those diehards are more than welcome to approach me with their idea for a 100% legitimate 1930s experience and I will gladly let them have a crack at creating it in Chicago should they so wish.

You say that you would like for more people to be given an opportunity. Ok, I get that. Now if you would kindly point out to me all the people who are demonstrating that they deserve such an opportunity, because I don't see all that many, honestly. We are giving away a city right at this very minute and until this morning when we got our 6th application, I could literally count the number of applicants for such a vaunted position on one hand! So like, this shit does go both ways; we can only tell you where the water is, you still need to go ahead and drink it.

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LuciousSweet, I answered your question in my opening.

" My desire is to make this a 1930's role play, a challenge, a place where families can set up w/o having to be a minion, a place where the playing field is leveled, and place where mafia names exist instead of folklore names. "


That would be a great start getting back on track! Are you asking me to break it down?


ZhaoYun, like yourself, I embrace "unpredictability"  Transparency started gaining momentum at least 3 1/2 years ago if not 4.


Lillith, the only ones who get mad when we go into rebuild mode are the controllers.

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You didn't answer my question. I've asked how you are, specifically, going to make this:

  • A 1930's role play
  • A challenge
  • A place where families can set up w/o having to be a minion
  • A place where the playing field is leveled
  • and place where mafia name exist instead of folklore names

While you put some meat on those thin old bones, here is my take on it:


A 1930's role play

I can't speak for everyone, but personally, I have absolutely no intention of undertaking copious amounts of research into what the Mafia was exactly like in the 1930s. I feel I have a broad enough understanding to enable me to comfortably get by and emulate a mafia-experience which has largely been influenced by what I've seen on tv or read in books, which I think is what most people are looking for. Those diehards are more than welcome to approach me with their idea for a 100% legitimate 1930s experience and I will gladly let them have a crack at creating it in Chicago should they so wish.

I don't think we are really too far away from that.


A challenge

What isn't challenging about the current platform? I think it is pretty challenging as it is. I don't see a Godfather in every district and everyone else being a Don. 


A place where families can set up w/o having to be a minion

Who's a minion exactly? We are currently offering a city to be run entirely as that person sees fit and we've had what, 6 applications thus far? Doesn't seem to be many people crying out for the opportunity being afforded to them.


A place where the playing field is leveled

We were all thugs once and I don't feel like the playing field has been skewed in our favour at all. What is uneven about it at the moment?


and place where mafia name exist instead of folklore names

That would be nice but people, in general, are very nostalgic and resistant to change. Yesterday typically seems better than today and people who achieved something way back when are exulted whilst those who do something in the moment are rarely appreciated during their own time. 

We'll see though, who knows how people will look back on this time? 


Anyway, those are my thoughts. I look forward to hearing your explanations too.

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" We are currently offering a city to be run entirely as that person sees fit and we've had what, 6 applications thus far? "


It is your definition of "We" that is a turn off.  You can't be serious to think this "We" decision will stand a chance to prevail? Only six applications are be for a couple reasons. The "We" gang bored many, and are not trusted. Now your idea might work if you let one of your minions/close associates.  But I doubt that is the road you want to take. You would  want to take the road that involves a rumor from a coffee shop.


Did you have a straight face when you said there is challenge among us and your take on leveling the playing field?

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Still waiting for your specifics, Sylv. 

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The specifics are not your department to determine.

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Lucius is a Godfather, I'm pretty sure 'specifics' are exactly his job.

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Dean Lucious is one of many GF's. Lets reflect on the 1930's again, shall we?

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In some instances the reality won't fit the game because it is a game. There has to be some sort of balance. Now I think that Lucius bringing up a thorough way of approaching the points you are trying to make is great.

I don't understand why you are so reluctant to have a chat. Do you see any other Godfather out here offering you the chance to be heard? At least he is asking. So why not just lay it out as thoroughly as you can.

Personally, I think the role play aspect has to be down to individual people. Some will go further into it then others and I think that should be fine. On this level I would like to see more attempts at it but I am guilty of not being consistent with it. I have my moments but I have not fleshed out a character for Shantelle since I tend to spend most of my time in discussions rather than stories.

When it comes to deaths some people are caught doing things they probably should not have been. Death is always a way of life here. Sometimes you don't last very long, other times its longer. I used to believe that the playing field could be leveled but it's not likely to happen. The closest you get to it is a site wide war that annihilates basically everyone minus a select few. Even then those select few have an advantage. But no one lives forever. The saying "What goes up must come down" does happen. I think the attacks on the number of godfathers is fairly useless. Some of us remember when it was 1 GF per city and no districts. There has been talk of wanting that back among some people but we have districts. We have the ability to have multiple Godfathers per city and in some ways it may even be foolish not to take them because of the benefits. There is the option if a city chooses that there remains one but that is down to the cities and how they choose to run themselves. So I am not sure if there is an actual way to level the playing field. Perhaps you feel that the cities should get a chance to grow? I think they are attempting to do that in their own ways.

Every reign in this game runs differently. Some will be better for certain people and others for other groups. Its unfortunately the way it is. Families are all different. Its been shown that there are different types of leaders. Some could be classified as minions and some really lead. It varies from person to person, the type of family they are. Are they a first time auth? They may be more hesitant on certain things. I know the first time I was bold I probably seemed more of a minion then anything because I was learning. There are things as a leader you don't always learn as a hand. And hell even being a hand for various people can be very different.

I think majority of the names I personally use are reasonable. Not like "PeanutButterJellyTime" or something. I am not going to look up random names every time I die and have to recreate and then make sure they are a certain type of name. I find that a bit unrealistic.

Challenges are all around. Make a personal one if you feel you are lacking. I challenged myself to have a decent character this round. Sounds simple? It really isn't always for me. I challenged myself to prove that I could make Don again. These are my own personal goals. These are things I challenged myself for Shantelle to do. I challenge myself to learn something from someone every day. A challenge to me doesn't have to be something as big as getting auth. It could be daily things that you give yourself to do.

I'm sorry I am probably rambling now so I apologize for anyone who has taken the time to read all of this. At the end of the day I think you should just explain what exactly it is that you are looking for while someone is willing to consider what you are saying.

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