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GAME CHANGE: Profile Tags Started by: Kendra on May 24, '10 17:37

Based on events of the past, and more recent experiences, we have decided to add a change into the game that will help the hitters of today perhaps to become a bit more conscious of what they are shooting.

Above profiles, in areas where you normally see the tags for "-48", we have added a few other tags:

MIA tags will be above those Made Inactives that are spawned by a user.
NPC tags will be above the Non-Playable Characters that are spawned as apart of the Durden family.
RIA tags will be above the Required Inactives that are spawned by the game to fulfill the inactive quota as needed.

While we are not placing these tags in to dictate what you, the users, can and cannot shoot, we are merely adding these tags in the hopes that future shooting 'accidents' (and therefore future dissatisfaction) will be prevented.

Thank you, and enjoy!

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Dislike, times about a million. If "hitters" are stupid enough to shoot something they're not supposed to, then they deserve to die. There shouldn't be any help on the admin end of this, imho. The only thing this allows us users to do is be even more lazy, and blend the groups of "shooters" into "hitters".

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James, there is also a side benefit, of being able to identify real new users, so you can approach them as such.  This way you are not wasting your time trying to educate/recruit/flirt/whatevers with an RIA :)

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I agree with James. This is an uneccessary safety blanket and takes a lot of thought out of using your gun. While this may prevent some accidental deaths, it will also prevents natural selection.

And unless I'm misunderstanding you Hashimodo, no one should be contacting/recruting new players anyways.

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That flirting bit sounds nice, though.

*whistles innocently*

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i think this isnot a good idea. there is a nice obvious place on a profile wher it says family:(fillintheblank). there should be no safty blanket. the only one of these i think is good are the npc tags above the durden family because people tend to look and say "not unsponsored." but they don't usually see what family a person is in unless that is what they are looking for.

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I don't really like this at all. One of the challenges to shooting should be checking and double-checking your target before shooting at them. Putting a tag next to their name takes a lot of accountability off the hitter. The recent accidents have lead to scenarios that enhance gameplay. An entire city was wiped out as a result of an accident, but thats not to say that an accident couldnt lead to negotiations/discussion/interaction between crew leaders, which I think would also enhance gameplay in a Mafia RP context.

While I can sympathize with players who may accidentally get shot as a result of an 'accident', I don't think tags should be put next to a name to make things easier for the shooter. Besides, accidental shootings were happening before the advent of MIAs and NPCs. In my humblest of opinions, the Delaware City, Tyler_Durden family, and hot pink gif banner are more than enough indication of an NPC. I understand that often times these NPCs are shot in haste to beat out other shooters, but again that accountability should fall on the shoulders of the shooter for not checking their target before shooting.

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I liked to open stupidity from those that didn't know what they could and could not shoot :(

On a real note;


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I have to agree with all of the above (Except for the MEMBER RECRUITING part). As someone who has made such a mistake in the past, I have to say it was nothing short of a learning experience. One that has more impact on the game than just loosing your account.

While this may sound like a good idea, I think it is a step backwards and not forward in requiring new members to adhere to certain rules when shooting. The people who have experience have all made such mistakes and hopefully they too learn from them. Without that I feel the game loses a big step in the player - to - hitman process.

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I dont like it either... makes the whole thing too easy. I have to say i was surprised when i saw the MIA tag on a profile. I really dont think the hitters need help. Personaly, i have never made such a mistake in the past as of shooting someone that did'nt deserve to die. And i have played for over a year now. In short, this change is'nt necessary!:)

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I don't see the need for this. Mistakes are part of the game....or, not making them is anyway.

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I have to agree with the majority here. if someone is stupid enough to shoot the wrong person, well ain't that just the Darwin effect removing tainted DNA from the gene pool?

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I am on both sides. This isnt aimed at new players learning the ropes, and yes that is what a HSL is for, but this isj ust to help.

For veteran players, this is annoying because we have been there and made those mistakes, but this is just 1 more way of getting new players learning/enjoying all aspects of the game instead of logging on, doing 1-2 petty's then not coming back. Because thats what the aim here is, it isnt to make the game more like playschool, but to grow the player base.

What i was going to suggest, is can this be something everyone has when they first create a character, but once they have done x number of kills, or maxed ranges and are reguarly shooting, that it is removed. By that time, they should know what is right to shoot and what isnt.

That would benefit everyone, new players have a helping hand at the start, and once they are familiarised with the 'rules', then it is removed and they are just like everyone else.

In the end, this wont really make a difference, it may stop some silly mistakes, but in the end there will be shooters, and then there will be hitters. It will still be a big difference.

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this is*** aimed.


sorry mis spelled the first sentence :/

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I definately agree with the majority here. *DISLIKE X1000000* If people are complaining about how it is becoming to easy to become a hitter why then add a feature that makes it even easier to become a hitter. Mistakes are definately part of the game and their is no need for this at all...

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Hashimodo, if I want to contact new users, I would take a look at the bottom of the 60 second list. Unless I'm mistaken, RIAs and MIAs never show up as "online" so there's no real risk.


And Kiku, you're exaggerating a rule, by far. I totally disagree that no one should be contacting new players. "Recruiting" is also a tricky one there. The point is not member whoring, not going out there offering help or advice.

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This is hardly the end of the world.

The talk of difficulty in becoming a hitter is nonsense. The clicking of the buttons doesn't separate one hitter from another, nor does the ease of accumulating their kills. In fact, the skill has long since been taken out of it, so I don't really perceive this as doing anything detrimental from that perspective.

Similarly, I don't think it'll reduce the small number of mistaken kills all that much either. It is pretty easy to distinguish between each of the account types and the mistakes only arise due to the speed involved. I doubt a tag will alter that much.

Still, I guess we'll see.

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I don't see the big problem with this? Lets put it this way..

MIA - They are MIA's it alerts us if we are over our limit when we go to shoot anyways. Also there is no rules saying we can't shoot them.

NPC - They are purposely made for the fact of shooting them. Any TylerDurden is an open target and once again no rules apply role play wise.

RIA - They are made to balance out the number of daily IA's to the amount of 'proper' hitters to make it more fair.

NONE of these are role play wised saying we CAN NOT shoot at them other in -48's So.. there shouldn't be any need for discussion on this what so ever in my opinion as there is no way to make a mistake when shooting a legit target!

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Only if Flying Pig had this he and LA would probably still be alive.......

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part of the game dislike

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