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May 08 - 20:02:25
Report Anyalis-
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Name: Anyalis- Send Mail...
Level: 60
Bodyguards: Not Protected
Status: Dead
Sponsor: None
Home City: Downtown, LA
Wealth: Dirt Poor
Lounge Credits Won: 16
Messages Sent: 391
Threads / Posts: 1 / 1 (View Activity)
Achievements: View

Proud member of 

The Firm

Forever greatful to



The Morningwood Elite

It's dangerous..don't get too Close

If you don't feed me, fuck me, or finance me.  Your opinions can go where the sun don't shine. 

This was a quote that I lived by that Thomas loved the most. His entire life was based around that quote.  So I thought I'd contribute this quote to him.  Thomas will never be forgotten, but he will be forever missed and forever in my heart.  This ones for you Thomas. 🖤💜💚💙❤


My full name is Anyalis Nalia Ayakaris De Laurentis, I'm the hidden Mafia Princess/prince. Some call me Aya, some call me Karis. My origins are unknown. I have no recollection of where I'm from, except for a diary that was given to me at birth, I'm on the hunt of revenge and inquirey of who my bloodline is. No one knows what I look like except people make assumptions but what I can tell you is that I'm a killer, I've taken one name at time out for the crimes that have been committed against me. No one has seen me and lived to tell the tale. Only whispers of what I leave behind on purpose for whispers to be told, as a warning to never cross me.


Story of Anya

1) Past Opportunities (Completed).

2) Past opportunities part 2 (Ongoing)



Partner stories










[Always responding in character, and always looking for a good story]


 Let's get one thing straight...You begged her to kiss you, she begged me to fuck her, we are not the same.



Yaveo says I need to warn you that I make people scream for touching me as a reflex. It's courtesy.


Personal Notes on Anyalis-. These notes can only be read by you (WebSpider) not any other player.     
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