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Favorite Ice cream flavor for my new business Started by: Blu_Blank on Jul 02, '14 09:48

We all seem a bit worked up. First off, let's take a moment of consideration for Jono and Achilles comments, as they both made truly valid points that I do think everyone had in the back of their mind.

Second, let's get some mother fucking edible glitter in the topping department. It provides no nutritional value, sticks in your teeth, and makes a mess should you ever spill it. Plus, it fancies up any dull dessert.

Also, a soda fountain would be amazing. Not sure what Dante meant though, because it's not divergent at all. Blu_Blank could hire some real old school soda jerks with funny mustaches and have a tip jar out for when they perform ice cream centered musical pieces.

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Damn straight we all seem a bit worked up.

Jono and Achilles both make valid points which you have made absolutely no effort to respond to.  Granted, you admit that they have made valid points points but then you make absolutely zero effort to address the points they have raised.  Seriously, do you really think that nobody would pick up on this massive "dodge"? 

Let me quote Izzy:

As a reminder, OOC is for talk about the game itself, mafia, irc, or things direcrtly related to the game.

Apologies for the typo's, I have directly pasted, :p

Now, while I do not disagree that this is directly related to the game, sort of; I do take offence that it would seem this is an attempt to directly abuse the thinking behind OOC posts gaining VIP / XP.

All I see here, aside from the one liners coming from South Side, is a flagrant attempt to abuse the system to further your districts ability to garner mapping.  This was pointed out by Achilles, albeit dressed up in a slightly nicer way.

Having had a rather constructive discussion (albeit drunken) in #divinelunacy tonight even Squishy admitted that it would seem the addition of said XP / VIP to OOC  has been a horrible failure (at first glance).  

I can only assume that this particular thread has factored into his thinking.  I was not against the addition of the OOC forum to the point garnering system but after this travesty I can only say that I am slowly coming around to the idea that it is a BAD idea.  When you have nothing but (in the most part) one liners without any back up how can he see it any differently.  This wouldn't be so bad aside from the fact that the majority (as pointed out by Achilles) of replies have come from South Side.  Had I been the author of the thread, I would have tried to engage with my audience at least, you know, WHY is it your favourite flavour?  WOULD it be even better if we added say, nutmeg to the flavour?  I do not see any of this kind of interaction though.

The only conclusion I can come up with is if the admins give more opportunities for XP / VIP the first thought you came across was "Hey, I / we can abuse this for our own gain".  With this attitude you are not only ruining it for yourself and your own district, you are also ruining it for other districts who may be able to come up with something more engaging for the other users of the site.

In that respect, way to go.

Unfortunately, I can only now oppose this addition which is a massive shame as it had so much potential.

*kiss kiss*

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Mako Taco flavored ice cream. 

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At first glance I thought this was simply to get some flavors or something to design an actual Business District Thread. I somehow missed the addition in my absent-minded state that boosts VIP points from the OOC Forums and now I'm disgusted for having helped you spam a forum for points. Disgusted enough to break my silent protest in the streets. I hope for your sakes this really wasn't about getting mapping... because regardless of if it was or wasn't I sincerely doubt you'll ever see it again.

For those of you interested in getting the admins to remove a feature because of this thread, they have less points than one quality street thread from this. It's in no way, shape, or form imbalanced and is perfectly fine as is. It still requires a lot more content than one liners and a simple vocabulary to hit the higher totals of VIP Points and I'll happily demonstrate that with comments I feel have an actual purpose within the next few days as I'm sure many from our district will be. All this thread does is prove spamming quotes isn't enough to really tally up any VIP points, it takes a real presence in the forums. I'm again sorry for any participation on my end, it was done without realization of what was likely going on.

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+1 IronSight.

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+1 lronsight. 

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What started out as a playful thread has obviously been blown out of proportion. The simple fact that we did it as a family thing for laughs was all that it was. Do you honestly think that I, someone who never participates in the streets, really thought this whole master plan through?  I mean, if so, thank you, I appreciate that. Other than that, that's all it was. 

I really can't wait to get back to my evil lair and work on my next master plan. MWAHAHAHA!

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+1 Princess
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Good effort Princess. I'm not sure if there was enough content in that reply though tbh.
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you are right. I should've probably slanted some words and boxed in some know made some things bold. Put in a lot of color and stuff. All that extra stuff would've really just made it a lot better.

Oh sorry, you were talking about how I was trying to get XP from all my one liners.

I mean, I REALLY REALLY REALLY thought that I would be at 65 units by now with all of those.

:( Sad days.

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Where a playful thread = spam / one liners.  Save it for IRC.  If you want to +1 someone, tip them, surely that is what it is there for?

Funny how this cropped up soon after the whole OOC points thing was announced eh?  Seriously, can our leaders not manage anymore than a simple +1 (insert name here).  For something that it supposed to be a forum based RP game this is absolutely shocking.

Again, I will hark back to Squishy implementing points for OOC with the hope that people could at least make somewhat of an effort.  I was under the impression I had contributed more to the thread than anybody had previously, it took me 5 minutes of thought.  Yet still I see people posting apologies and meaningless one liners rather than contributing something that is actually worth my / the communities time in reading.

Is this really what the game has descended into?  It begs the question why I bother and why anyone else should bother......

Has it really become nothing but a mad rush to click as many times as possible?  I sure as hell don't see it being anything other than this.  The total users has stayed hovering around the same amount of users for the last 6 months since I stopped playing and to be honest I can't say I am surprised when something that is advertised as an ORPG is so far off the mark it is unreal.

Get a fucking grip, seriously.

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I believe OOC is an acronym for out of character Segretezza. 

So that means that funnily enough there are no "leaders" here. 

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By that thinking Desmand, anyone can say whatever the fuck they want to here, with impunity.



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People can always say whatever the fuck they want, whenever the fuck they want.

If someone takes offence to it then that person may or may not face the consequences of their actions. 

It's the same in this forum, the streets, IRC or the real world. 

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You have completely contradicted yourself there then buddy, ;)

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How do you work that out?

My response befitted the quality of the thread and I obviously wanted anyone who read the thread to know that I agreed with lronSights words, they wouldn't had I tipped him. 

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I believe OOC is an acronym for out of character Segretezza. 

So that means that funnily enough there are no "leaders" here. 

I believe you are correct, Desmand. And I believe that this statement in itself is all the argument that SHOULD be needed for OOC to count towards nothing in game.

Things said OUT of character should not at all help you develop your IN character stats. 

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How about you actually respond to the points I raise Desmand?


You know, actually use your brain and respond accordingly?  Rather than just type a line or two?

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Since people are calling for answers, I'll provide some.


1) YES, this thread was started after seeing the update about XP, however not necessarily to get any. The update was more of a reminder that OOC existed. Knowing that I was looking for a new business thread, I figured that an OOC thread might be a good place to come up with some site wide ideas.


2) YES, there are a lot of South Side people who commented here. That is simply because AFTER starting this thread, I posted a link to it in crew chat asking for others to contribute. It was the easiest way to get and keep this thread full of responses. Responses, mind you, that WILL be used for a proper RP business.


3) I am more than willing to see one line responses here, as long as they relate to the original topic: Ice cream flavors, and toppings. 90% of these responses don't need to be full length or full of useless bullshit. A simple response of "I like cookie dough!" is more than enough to give me another flavor to include in the ACTUAL business thread.



For those who want to continue to complain here, feel free. I just ask that you also include an ice cream flavor or topping.


 Blu_Blank could hire some real old school soda jerks

Reply by: Ox at Jul 05, '14 22:49

^Totally doing that^

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The person RPing the character of Viktor walked in and took a seat in the back of the crowd next to the person RPing the character of Princess, the person RPing the character of Viktor looked to the person RPing the character of Princees and gave the person RPing the character of Princess a smile.

'Hello person RPing the character of Princess, thought I would bring myself here and also post in here how much I would love to see chocolate dog shit on the menu.'

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