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The victim's step forward! Started by: Achilles on Nov 13, '14 19:41

Bring up the past so often? Please refer to other references of the past that I have brought up. Your RH threw his hat in the ring so I felt it appropriate to mention your own past recruitment methods given that his are also lacking, as he admits himself in so many words.

You were being friendly with an agenda to whore someone into your previous family. There's a difference.

Recruiting does take on many forms, I'm glad we can agree. Sadly, recruitment standards at the time I originally made this speech were lax, that is why I felt the need to out the culprits, of which you were one. Recruitment in the form of zero effort has no place in this world in my opinion.

Your fingers were too fast to throw out invites back then, hopefully that's changed since your stint as a crew leader. If not, who knows? Maybe people will start phoning W.H.O.R.E. again.

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Perhaps standards haven't slipped, but the standards are still quite low in some cases. I feel recruitment nowadays (based on my limited experiences) is more of a 'how are you doing, how is the weather' message than a actual message informing me I need to join a family in 24 hours and a detailed description of the family. When I do jobs for a family I don't want people to question about well-being, I want them to question my about my willingness to be part of their family. 

Also, some recruiters assume that I'm automatically new, which would be correct, but perhaps I wasn't new and I was returning? Their whole novel about how they loved being fresh on these shores would've just been wasted. Would've been awkward. 

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I think standardised Godfather rules are the last thing we need. Even on this particular topic. I'd rather see each crew/district operate member recruiting however they see fit. A bit of diversity is what we need around here. Would be interesting to see districts run differently from each other with their own rules. Why people like to push rules on the whole country or even encourage the idea of a Godfather council is beyond me when on the other hand people also complain about a lack of excitement or cases of boredom. Some diversity could quite possibly be the solution.

If I were a new civilian on these shores, the way a sponsor recruits me says a lot about the type of crew they're in. If I am recruited properly with a decent conversation and guidance I would think "Hey this crew isn't bad to have such a solid sponsor and they actually care about who they invite." While if the effort of recruitment I get is a straight up invite into a family without any prior discussion well that would tell me that this crew thinks little of the type of people they recruit.

Also the recruitment method that secures a new member also says a lot about that member. Members who jump straight for the first invite they see aren't the type of members I would want to see in the loop. So if anything the crews that steep to that level are doing the better crews a favour by removing the poor recruits from the better ones.

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Gangplank, I believe when they mean 'new to these shores', they are talking about the fact that you are indeed only a civilian or thug and indeed new to these shores-- even if you happened to have fathers before that time. At least, that's what it sounds like, but I could be wrong? I have not had anyone attempt to make me their member in quite some time.

As far as the original findings, I only saw maybe two of those people as something which I would identify immediately as a whore, the other ones seemed to be nothing more than someone doing a job or two and then being messaged by the one they did the job for-- and in turn then running to Achilles' and turning it into an issue. It felt more like a comedy bit, or perhaps some form of setting up the "whore", and less like actual findings that there is trouble on these shores with attention whoring.

Attention whoring should be a dead method, thanks to jobs and the fact that you can no longer even contact someone fresh to these shores without them wanting to be contacted, and anyone actually doing it should definitely be pointed and laughed at. I just don't fully agree with the methods used in *outing* these people, they seemed cheap and not very informative. 

Although, if your only intention was the prove that whoring was happening and move for something to be done with it, then it seems like your plan succeeded admirably and I tip my hat to all of you. If I were wearing a hat, but I'm not. If anyone would like to donate a hat to me so I may tip it, I would be very much honored.

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Freddy, I would have been disappointed had you not come out to defend yourself. You faced some criticism and you responded, and anything else would look to my eyes like a lack of strength in conviction. The criticism was mild and, arguably, only inferred rather than direct and and clear but you have seen the need to defend yourself and your record nevertheless. As Achilles has already pointed out though, it seems wide of the mark to accuse him of dragging up the past when he was he was not the one to bring up a topic which he started many months ago. This is all by-the-by, though.

I certainly can't speak for Curtis here, but from a personal perspective I wouldn't really have a problem with either of the Leaders in Brooklyn conducting themselves in the manner that you did in regards to recruiting. Do I think it's an amazing recruiting strategy? Not particularly, but I definitely don't think it's worthy of derision even if others beg to differ.

That said, I am sure I would not be alone in my embarrassment if anyone from Brooklyn addressed a Right Hand, a made man, in the manner that you addressed Achilles. In one short paragraph of speech you have managed to denounce a senior member of our thing as sad, pompous, full of shit and (bizarrely) have inferred both that he's insecure in that he needs to make himself look good and that he's arrogant because he thinks he's better than everyone else.

The fact is, none of these statements particularly supported your argument of your own recruiting practices being fine, none of it was particularly relevant.

If you want a pointer in how it's possible to disagree with someone's motives or behaviour without calling resorting to character assassination; perhaps you could look again at Achilles original speech where he was able to question the actions of those he disagreed with without dragging their personality into it or making accusations that were totally irrelevant to the issue at hand.

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Yes, I wonder if this is whoring? Or just a friendly reaction to my name.

To: ello
From: Megara
Sent: May 06, '15 07:24

hi! welcome to the game

To: ello
From: Megara
Sent: May 06, '15 07:32

How are you enjoying the game?


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At what point did they ask you to join their family? Seems to me they are being friendly and trying to get to know  you before asking if you'd like an invite. Although they really could have done a better job of it.

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Indeed, you said it yourself. '''Being friendly and trying to get to know you before asking if you'd like an invite.'' = Whoring? 

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He already turned the gun on himself so Megara being so kind to him must have left a mark

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To: Farrokh_Bulsara
From: Gollum
Sent: May 22, '15 22:44

i see you currently dont have a family. I thought i would see if you wanted help looking for one :)

To: Gollum
From: Farrokh_Bulsara
Sent: May 22, '15 22:44


To: Farrokh_Bulsara
From: Gollum
Sent: May 22, '15 22:43

ha HI :) 

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Is there a point here, Bulsara?

The man asked if you need help finding a home. Don't you want a home?

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Bulsara good job :) 

It could be dangerous when people are going to show you around. 

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Perhaps he thinks you had an alterior motive Gollum. Did you notice a nice ring on his finger and plan to steal it whilst showing him around the lovely sights of New York?

You mean little Gollum!

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Its trues! I did sees it i did! ITS GOING TO BE MINES! 

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It's whoring if he didn't do their jobs, so that's the question that needs to be answered.

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How is that whoring? Whether he did jobs or not Gollum asked if he wanted help looking for a family to fit into, at no point did he directly ask him to join his crew or send out an invite.

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Depends on what you classify as whoring. I think it's fair to assume you're trying to get people into your family, even if you disguise it a bit. That's just me though - I might have a different vision on what is whoring and what is not. 

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So maedhros,

I do see why you consider it whoring. I can understand that because he did no job or sought me out first how I was the person the age old rule of whoring. But if I'm right "member whoring" was more a long the lines of, " hey wanna join my family?" Followed by an immediate invite or even worse an invite first and then maybe a conversation.

My method and Tyrionlannister and Dr_kennethnoisewater can attest to this is more get to know an individual. What they don't realize is that I'm interviewing them just as much as they are me. The reason why? This is my group my crew. I have worked hard for this team and I don't want to see someone come in and ruin it in any sort of way by shooting a sponsored associate from another's family.

If it is considered whoring by the masses, which I'm fine with, it's not wrong. There is nothing I did that is wrong, illegal, or even bad. In fact if I'm right it's encouraged to seek new players out and squishy asked us experienced members to do that from time to time. How can we get people to stay active if they aren't reached out?

In closing, yes I still see your point but there are two schools of thought I hope you appreciate or respect mine :)
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I fully respect your thoughts, no worries. I guess I'm just a bit stuck in my ways, and am rather attached to the jobs system. Personally I hate it when someone approaches me about families and joining them before I've done a single job (from their family), so it boils down to preference, I guess?

You have a fair few good points though.

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Personally if it where up to me I'd go back to the times of people should have to approach a leader or sponsor with a role played mail.

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