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Waterfront Woes Started by: Zoom on Mar 24, '19 22:01

Leaders are responsible for the behaviour of their crew. They are accountable for the actions of their crew. This especially holds true to their hands and upper structure. This is something that has been true throughout the ages. 

One of my ancestors died as a leader, a godfather even, when her right hand mistakingly shot someone from a different crew not realizing they were sponsored as they were on a list of inactive and unsponsored members of our society. His slight oversight cost her her life, the lives of many of her members and city. This was before districts and when cities were a lot bigger.

It's a hard lesson to learn, but it's how things go. This is not the first time, nor will it be the last time that a leader/city/district is punished for the behaviour of those that misbehave when in a position of power such as a Right Hand or Left Hand. Like it or not, this is a world of crime and not so nice things. It's not about holding hands, making paper dolls, and doing each other's hair. It's a hard life with consequences that even those on top feel.

Have a nice day RoronoaZoro, I hope you find what you are looking for.

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"Leaders are responsible for the behaviour of their crew. They are accountable for the actions of their crew. This especially holds true to their hands and upper structure. This is something that has been true throughout the ages."


Yet Cheryl_Blossom is dead and her crew leader and district godfather are still alive.


Goose. Gander.

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What are you getting at? Cheryl_Blossom was punished by her own city. Philly and LA had nothing to do with that. I said nothing to the leadership there in regards to her behaviour nor did I make any requests for her to be punished in any way, shape, or form.

Now you're just grasping at straws. It's not my story to tell, maybe address the leadership of Las Vegas in regards to her death. I know Rafa is very approachable and will probably have answers for any questions you may ask in regards to that situation. 

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Indeed. I did not consult ConstanceBonacieux nor Zoom about the action taken regarding Cheryl_Blossom. I didn't have to.

I consider the folks in PH to be fine people and have some very close friends in their city as well. Cheryl made a comment calling their character into question. I didn't like it so I dealt with it myself by taking her life. It's that simple.

If I made the decision to not handle the matter, her actions get would be passed on to her CL and then to me. Then it would create the appearance that I ultimately agree with what Cheryl--which I do not.

My point is, actions have consequences. That's always been the law of the land.

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Rafa scared much? There was no such thing Cheryl asked a question and moe answered it that should of been the end of it
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"You say that it doesn't matter what you say here but how else do we learn? What happened here is lessons were handed out like fucking dirt naps and those that suffered will be stronger for it - whatever form that takes."

"'Do not reprove a scoffer - or he will hate you. Reprove a wiseman and he will love you.'"

"Ya'll need to be wise men and quit whining."

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What am I getting at… What am I getting at… He said interlocking and cracking his fingers whilst sucking in air through his teeth.

Okay Fairy Godmother, the point I’m trying getting at is very simple. You and your fellow fairies are incompetent, blood thirsty, liars and just downright fucking weasels, oh and let’s not forget the most important point, you are a dangerous threat to everyone that calls this place their home and much much more of a dangerous threat than waterfront or a couple of rogues were.


Let’s go back to the start and recap shall we.

Two rogues take advantage of two unsuspecting and naive families and infiltrate their way into the upper structure. One of them manages to lay low for long enough to make their way up to and hold the position of left hand whilst the other also manages to gain the same position, this mistake is quickly rectified within the space of about an hour. Slightly bruised ego and embarrassment on the part of the crew leader from the telling off that he no doubt would have received but ultimately no harm down. The other rogue then shoots two innocents and cowardly blows a hole in their own head. Harm done but problem solved and threat eliminated albeit much to the disgrace and anger of their crew leader and the rest of the community.

Step up Fairy Godmother Zoom.

In an act of stupid, illogical and anger fuelled retaliation - "I don't take lightly to people fucking with my business affairs. One of yours hurts one of mine and its gloves off” - Zoom chooses to further kill nine more innocent and loyal people, not nine guilty rogues, not nine disobedient and disrespectful peons, no. He murdered nine of his own Mafioso brethren in retaliation for two ‘rogues’ shooting two of his Mafioso brethren.

After the announcement of what had happened someone kindly brought up “the rules” of this and that and our dear fairy godmother got himself into a bit of a spin having to justify his choice of words and seemed to actually suggest that it was the fault of the innocents that he murdered for what had happened – “the inhabitants of Seattle are well aware that just because they're in a pay-for-auth city it doesn't give them the excuse to act in a manner that would elsewhere be unacceptable.”.


“Quite a bit of overkill given the situation, killing some real no mark folks.

Still, give your hit men some fun I guess. Kudos.”

Well said my good man, well said.


Zoom then went on…”You would truly think by now that people would see things for what they are. Philadelphia and LA are tighter than a pickle jar that's been sat on a shelf too long.” As you can see the first of these points is already proving rather difficult to determine due to conflicting and ever changing information and it hasn't stopped yet, the second point I’ll return back to later.

Up steps the big honcho Fairy Godmother.

She actually goes as far to quote one of the rules that were set forth with regards to Seattle and then furthermore cements the reasoning for killing nine innocent people by suggesting that they were in fact a definite risk despite having done nothing more than believe the lies that they were being told by devious rogues. She then blows smoke up Zooms ass with this absolute peach - “I appreciate his dedication to our safety as he had things handled before I even arrived on the scene.” - the hilarity of this remark will soon become clear.

“When has the mafia EVER been logical when it comes to everyday type thinking?” – Seemingly only when it suits them to do so my good man.

“Their entire forward facing personality was a threat. Period- and being given the opportunity to be a head in this thing of ours with that foundation is irresponsible and insulting.” – So they were killed because their personality traits led them to believe what they are being told and not be paranoid twitchers all whilst the upper leadership are out on the streets filling their brains with tales of diplomacy, longevity and trust. I for one sure am glad that our fine fairies are making zero mistakes and are not doing anything that could be considered dangerous to everyone else… otherwise It could be determined that they might too have to be removed for being a threat. Right?


We move on to the left hand from a crew authed into the same district as the Las Vegas Fairy - who himself was placed into that position by none other than the head honcho Fairy.  This poor left hand decides to point out the hypocrisy being put on display by our Fairy overlords with regards to inaction being taken when rogues spawned out of the own Fairy godmothers city and is subsequently shot with no repercussions being taken against either their crew leader or the Fairy in charge. Let’s consider Cheryl as a risk shall we? She, just like the rogues had made her way to a position of power having been trusted by their crew leader and she, just like the rogues was prepared to stand up to the fairies. Now I can hardly predict that Cheryl was about to go on a rampage but it had to have at least crossed the fairies minds that she was a possible threat due to her willingness to be insubordinate otherwise why else would she have been shot and not just given a slap on the wrist.

Cheryl more importantly at this point was – unlike the rogues – still alive. That made her much more of a threat than the rogues or the nine innocents murdered from Waterfront. Yet her crew leader, her godfather and their whole district are still currently alive and kicking with only Cheryl having been punished despite it being made very clear that “Leaders are responsible for the behaviour of their crew. They are accountable for the actions of their crew. This especially holds true to their hands and upper structure. This is something that has been true throughout the ages.” and “This is not the first time, nor will it be the last time that a leader/city/district is punished for the behaviour of those that misbehave when in a position of power such as a Right Hand or Left Hand”.

Not surprising then that when this was pointed out our dear fairies were once again very quick to change the goal posts to suit their argument and jump on the “accept no responsibility and blame someone else” game.

“Now you're just grasping at straws”

I’m not the one who’s stumbling around like a drunken uncle at a wedding, pissing all over myself and changing my own story or reasoning every two minutes.


Finally lets go back to the whole “Philadelphia and LA are tighter than a pickle jar that's been sat on a shelf too long.”, “I appreciate his dedication to our safety as he had things handled before I even arrived on the scene.” nonsense.

The main family in control of Detroit right now is headed by a man whose ancestors are renowned for being silver-tongued, backstabbing warlords who, like parasites, latch onto whoever is in power and slowly leech away until the time comes that they are big and strong enough to remove themselves from their victims and finish them off. For generations they have been following this exact same process AND the ancestors of the current heads of Los Angeles have been right there alongside them gifting their unwavering loyalty.

Philadelphia and their allies were the powerhouse before Detroit came along. Now look who’s knowingly got into bed with Detroit, formed an alliance and put everyone else at risk.

Hint. It wasn’t the rogues, it wasn’t Cheryl Blossom and it most definitely wasn’t the district of Waterfront, Seattle.

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"He murdered nine of his own Mafioso brethren in retaliation for two ‘rogues’ shooting two of his Mafioso brethren."

You have to be kidding me. You are delusional. nine of his brethren? Get the fuck out of here. They were mafiosi from another city, with no ties to Los Angeles. They put one of ours in the hospital, we put one of theirs in the morgue. They put two of ours in the moruge, we put their families in the ground. That's the world. Someone shoots a member of my crew, I'm going to take action, and be damned to you for thinking otherwise.

"the reasoning for killing nine innocent people"

Once again I tell you that you are delusional. This is the mafia, not the goddamned daycare. If you want to be mollycoddled, then go back to your mother, you won't find a damn bit of it here.

Finally, I can't at this point decide if your statement that aren't bitter is a lie, or if you just decided to see how long you could maintain the illusion of being some kind of authority. You spoke to my Right hand and despite being on these shores all of a few days, you referred to him as "younger". You are delusional, and higher then a kite.

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Falls off the step he's sitting on laughing so hard it hurts his gut.


You know you've hit a nerve when ol' Ralphie boy has to step in, even more so when he starts losing his shit and talking nonsense.


"They put two of ours in the moruge, we put their families in the ground" - The folk you killed didn't do fuck all to any of you.

"This is the mafia, not the goddamned daycare. " - Why is there a big old bunch of whining babies coming into the streets and proudly bitching lies about the reasons why they killed an entire district.

"You referred to him as "younger"" - No I fucking didn't you jumped up toe rag, he referred to me as "younger" when he said "Clearly young blood"

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Bloc_Party PH:ConstanceBonacieux Old City District, PH Wise Guy Dead Feb 04, '19 07:34 Mar 24, '19 10:58
Marti Zaheer Downtown, LA Wise Guy Dead Jul 01, '18 19:39 Mar 24, '19 09:34


One from philadelphia, one from Los Angeles. Someone from our city died, and the godfather chairman took action. 

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Funnily enough I can read, so am very aware of who died and where they were from however you've now just made one statement, been shot down multiple times for talking shit, came back and completely changed it to another statement and its still a load of fucking shit.

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Since you so clearly can read our minds (you seem so certain that you know our intentions in spite of repeated statements, and actions, otherwise) then I invite you to continue this conversation in your own head, where most of it seems to be happening anyway.

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Using basic skills to deduce facts from information provided is hardly what I'd call reading minds but then I guess at certain levels of intelligence it probably would look like mystical voodoo hoodoo.

I would cordially invite you to fuck off, no ones forcing you to misunderstand it by attempting to read it.

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Looks around shiftily at those who may be coming for him in an attempt to cause trouble for him.


And of course when I say "read" I obviously mean read the information on these flyers that I'm handing out!


Hands out flyers

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Wally had stood by for long enough listening to the nonsense being spewed by this newcomer Roronoa_Zoro. At times there were small points made that weren't completely incorrect or nonfactual, but most of it was purely fueled by falsehoods and salt. 

So, I'd have to say my biggest issue is that you continually refer to the deceased members of Waterfront as 'innocent' which is just nonsensical. This is the mafia and none of us are innocent in any way. To refer to them as so is to lose all credibility to any argument you try to make. Attempting to take away all responsibility from them for the actions of this rogue element is also illogical. 

Whether you are in a 'pay for auth' city or not, a Crew Leader knows the risks when giving out positions or promotions within their crew. If you're not at the top of the power structure of this nation then you better be extra careful with your decisions. 

He smirked thinking of all the nonsense that comes out after the shooting stops.

As for the death in Las Vegas, well....again this is the Mafia. No matter who you are, you can get shot for speaking out or speaking in general. We do not live by the United States Constitution. There is no free speech in this way of life. If somebody higher up than you doesn't like what you say then you can be shot.

You also try to paint this picture that somehow Cheryl was anything similar to the rogue from Waterfront. Possibly even worse. That perhaps Las Vegas or that district in Las Vegas should be treated the same. That's just....insanity since I lack a better term at the moment. Especially since it was Rafa who handed down that punishment on his own accord. That punishment had nothing to do with Zoom or Constance.

All of this stuff is quite simple. It is surprising that more people cannot understand it all. I suppose it's just easier to scream, cry, and stomp your feet than to accept facts or have a logical discussion. 

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Oh for fucks sake, another one of the LA mob to come out and instantly states all of this as having something to do with me being salty. Please refer back to the initial comments made at the beginning of this discussion instead of trying to sound smart by repeating moronic words and wasting our times.

“So, I'd have to say my biggest issue is that you continually refer to the deceased members of Waterfront as 'innocent' which is just nonsensical.”

Okay, I’ll concede that maybe it would have been better for me to put it like this “the members of waterfront that were murdered were completely innocent as with regards to the crimes committed by the rogues, said members of waterfront had nothing to do with the murders committed by the rogues and could not have predicted what was going to happen”

Happy? Jesus.

“This is the mafia and none of us are innocent in any way” – This statement being used in the context that it is doesn’t quite work out well for you or anyone else.

“Whether you are in a 'pay for auth' city or not” – Part of the argument that is being made against me is that there is a significant difference between a pay city and an ordinary city so this comment is just plain nonsensical. 

As for the rest with regards to the Las Vegas shooting, you’ve clearly missed the point I was making and trust me when I say this, it isn’t that someone who chats shit disrespectfully doesn’t deserve to get banged as you seem to imply.

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"I'm just going to make my point about lessons being learnt again - as it seems it was totally fucking ignored."

"Maybe we need to look at the bigger picture here:"

"Naive crew leader has learnt a terrible lesson - maybe it hits harder knowing errors cost the lives of more than his own."

"Blame the rouges maybe that knowingly caused this? Or even talk to them and find out the problem so it can be addressed?"

"The resolution to a war isn't to shoot more people - it's a sit down."

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"The resolution to a war isn't to shoot more people - it's a sit down."

"Blame the rouges maybe that knowingly caused this? Or even talk to them and find out the problem so it can be addressed?"


Yes!! Lets do this!

Oh wait. Here I am in the streets trying to discuss problems and being told that I'm just a salty so and so and there they are shooting people as a resolution.

Sucks the air through his teeth

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"So let's resign ourselves to being a victim.......?"

"Maybe you need a better stage to present your case, not one in the wake of death."

"Look to Psalm 23:5 - 'You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies' - there will remain three types of people in this cycle. The right side and the wrong side. Which is which is determined by each other - but it is the third person that will prepare the table despite all else and ask to bring about the end to repetition. In repetition there is madness."

"Or just continue sneaking around and fucking shooting each other - I doubt you'll ever mourn a parent and say 'yup - they deserved that.'"

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"So let's resign ourselves to being a victim.......?"

"Maybe you need a better stage to present your case, not one in the wake of death."


Let's just quickly clear something up once and for all shall we, there seems to be this incorrect assumption going around that one of my parents were one of the people from Waterfront who was killed by the fairies and fact of the matter is this just isn't true in the slightest.

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