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Apr 18 - 20:21:58
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Have We Changed? A Discussion About Storytellers. Started by: Harlow on Aug 22, '19 15:28

Harlow came out to the streets.  As a rule, she rarely started or participated in discussions mostly because of the tendency for them to be less like discussions and to become places for people to sling sometimes poorly veiled or bluntly spoken insults at each other - generally acting like assholes. 

She knew that sort of behavior is what entertained the masses and it was why many people liked discussions over the sharing of life stories in the streets.  It could be amusing to watch some faceless newborn come out to the street, lay bait, and watch an experienced gangster with everything to lose walk right into and call it a "discussion" when really it was a social execution.  Of course, everyone knew this was why discussions had seen a real downturn of late... the people who had been on these shores for a while knew better than to take such risks and rarely stuck their necks out to start discussions unless protected by recent death. 

While she'd chuckled a time or two at someone being foolish in the streets, as a rule, Harlow rather disliked people acting uncivil.  She believed that it was possible for mobsters to be classy and treat even their worst enemies with respect.  In truth, she held those who did in the highest esteem.  Even still she supposed she knew what she was getting into by coming into the streets with a discussion about such a hot button topic ... so, she braced herself for impact.

"I have the privilege of spending time with some of our most prolific tellers of stories in the streets."  As she began speaking, folks closed in on her curious to hear what she had to say.

"A week or so ago, it was discussed among us in private whether or not there has been a decline in the overall respect for storytellers or if there was just a very vocal minority expressing dissatisfaction about how prolific storytellers make it hard to be competitive in the streets.  After all, if there was an aspect of this life you felt unable or unwilling to be competitive at you might become angry at those who excel at and benefit from it.  Or you just might attack the system of rewards themselves hoping to remove the prize you didn't think you were able to get."

She shrugged.

"If it were the rewards alone that bothered people, I could almost understand that; however, the argument has been made that the quality of stories told in the street hasn't really changed - only people's reaction to them.  That there is a venom being spewed at those who create and share the stories of their lives in the streets which (in the past) a CL might have punished their crew members for doing spewing because it reflected badly them and their crew."

"Some have sited reviews of these stories as being hurtful in particular.  Others found those to be creative ways to express dissatisfaction and to encourage improvement remarking these are far better than simple tirades against storytellers in our lounge or on street corners.  But they do fear these reviews might discourage new voices from wanting to try their hand at telling stories because they fear scrutiny and public derision.  Of course, it was the opinion of still others that this (discouraging new storytellers) is the point... that those who find it hard to be competitive with the most prolific are hoping that if they are harsh on people that they will thin the herd a bit.  This tactic gives them the best hope of rewards for themselves - after all, less people telling stories means less competition for rewards."

"So which is it?  Has respect for storytellers declined or are we merely hearing from a very vocal few who want a piece of the pie in the streets?  Is it both?  Or maybe something else I've missed?  Can anything be done about it?  Should anything be done about it?  In the end, does any of it matter really?  Should each group continue to go about their business doing the best they can to ignore one another with a live and let live policy?"

Harlow waited to hear what people thought about the topic.

Report Post Tips: 6 / Total: $11,180,000 Tip

Prolific storytellers.. Taradiddle_ slowly repeats Harlow's words..
Prolific.. Does that include people that have grabbed a soapbox 84 times since they entered the scene a fortnight ago, including starting 9 discussions?

He paused for a moment
You ask whether 'we' changed.. Looking straight at @Marlow, he continued
Have we? Or has the prolificality of those prolific storytellers? I think you may have missed that..

I think people that start a good discussion, or those that give their well-thought opinion in one, in general are much respected. Personally, I care little for people that grab a soapbox and keep telling and telling without interaction. I am glad AvardT has started his initiative, to be honest. It saves me time. Time that I can spend on being useful for my crew. Well.. Could.. I should say could..
Then, to answer your questions

Yes, we can do something about it.  But I will not be the one to start a new trashcan-operation, like one of my forefathers did.
And yes, we should do something about it.
Yes, it matters.
No, it should not be ignored.. Unless ignoring means giving it another platform than the Streets.. Somewhere where it actually CAN be ignored.
Taradiddle_ smiled and walked off

Report Post Tips: 5 / Total: $155,000 Tip

If you go in the streets, you set yourself for criticism and comment.  People can choose to ignore or interact. interact I do mean tip because they’re written in a fairly closed off fashion but nonetheless you get my drift. 

I wouldn’t say there’s more hostility per ce...but I do think there’s a healthy cynicism about what’s there, especially given the demise of one of the prolific writers for plagiarism.  What can seem to be similar stories rehashed for reward should rightly be called for what it is and if the quality of it sucks then why not say?

Report Post Tips: 2 / Total: $40,000 Tip

Hunter stood, shoulders back, head high as he spoke "No, as story tellers I do not believe we have changed. Nor do I think there is a true lack of respect for us outside of a small percentage. I believe the demographic has expanded. As for separation? I am all for it! But, the streets were made for us. The ones who want to share a tale or map out our lives, and it should stay that way.

A town square or some such thing could definitely be used though, for announcements and debates. If story telling were as unpopular as some might want us to believe, why then are the debates so greatly out numbered? I personally sponsor a good several speakers that you see in the streets, and in the business districts. And I will continue to do so no matter how much fire we are put under, because this is why I came to these shores and I know the same is true for a great many of us. As always, I mean no disrespect to anyone who may have a different view on things"


Hunter gave a broad smile and a bow before he stood back, waiting for more input on a subject that had a place in his heart.

Report Post Tips: 6 / Total: $1,180,000 Tip

Carvelli looked upon Taradiddle_ and nodded as he walked off ;)

I dont know what value this has to contribute to our little conversation. but i dont come to a bar to hear out a 10 minutes presentation about some BS nobody believes in. theres alot of one way talking, simply because theres alot of people who dont understand that if they want a subject carried on it has to be engaging and interesting. 
so many times i feel like the person standing on that bar stool are trying to win an academy award.. 
now simply whenever that person is done talking, i clap my hands because that was a great act, but i dont have a shit to say so i shut up finish my beer and leave.

but there´s the difference i dont go around nagging and complaining about it. sometimes you wind up finding a nice convo other times theres a monologue where you just dont have anything to say or add to, thats about it. theres no use of a rotten tomatoe. 
One should only measure success in the fact that one self doesnt have to keep the subject alive, but rather others interact. 

Report Post Tips: 2 / Total: $40,000 Tip

Levey stepped up, and listened. He tried to take in all that there was to say, but there was one thing that stuck out to him like a sore thumb. Being that he was here for one purpose, it seemed fitting he speak, and so he did just that.

"Those of you who know me know that I'm not generally one to engage in debates. It's not for lack of ideas or opinions, but a combination of a lack of self-confidence and more so a lack of really feeling like a debate, however good it might be, changes anything in the general consciousness. Of course, you certainly have those debates happen once in a while, but they have never needed my input to be worth anything, so I can keep quiet and not have to worry about effecting much of anything. This debate though, this is a different beast on a very personal level. Allow me to explain.

As is, at this point, common knowledge, I am running an outfit out of Chicago. I and my fellow leaders in that city have geared all of our actions and interactions thus far to creating a community where people who enjoy telling their stories can do so. I see no harm in this, some folks do. We will agree to disagree on that point. The Streets are much the same way. However prolific the storytellers are, they have no adverse effect on your time or efforts. If you don't want to listen to their story, walk away. If of course you listen to their story and you think that it is lackluster, well why not help them instead of simply telling them it's not good enough? And that is where my sticking point lies.

As I said, I don't generally come out and speak on the Streets, but I do tell my stories. And I noticed, as I am sure some of you have as well, that I tell them with similar storytellers quite often. I myself have been attempting to remedy that by opening up to telling stories with others. In fact if you look at anything to do with my suit, you will notice there has been, since far before I took on the challenge of becoming a crew leader, an open invitation to tell stories with me. To everyone and anyone. I will help you tell YOUR story. So the complaint that I have heard today about prolific storytellers being closed off and unwilling to interact may be true for some stories, but it's certainly not true for all of the most open and known of storytellers here.

Instead, I sit here, telling stories with anyone who approaches and asks. That has never changed. I have stories on these streets that have waited for weeks for a response from other storytellers, and they will continue to wait as I do not railroad stories, I tell collective stories. I do not give you a sideshow to watch, I involve you. So I challenge those of you who are out here with me. Be more prolific. Be more interactive. Find someone like me, it certainly doesn't have to be me, but the offer is always there. Tell your stories with them. Instead of asking why more stories are not interactive, make one that is. I am doing this every day, if I can do it, so can you. Why not come join me and force the change you want to see? My door is open. I will be waiting."

With that Levey steps down and leaves the soapbox open for the next person to say their piece.

Report Post Tips: 4 / Total: $1,240,000 Tip

I have the privilege of spending time with no prolific "storytellers", an agoraphobic Don and a Wise Guy who only has enough clout to push 5 units. They, and others, tell me that they enjoy my story reviews and that these reviews have helped them to increase their productivity and given them a few yaks along the way. I count that as good work. 

I saw the story epidemic on our street corners and was frankly mystified by it. I couldn't understand why someone would want to come to the streets and spew line after line that nobody was even listening to. Why weren't these trips to the club in the business district, where those clubs are actually situated? Why were "storytellers" making appearance after appearance, without anyone else showing up to hear the previous installment? Why were they pretending to be vampires, detectives and superheroes rather than the gangsters they actually are? Then I found out about the Gods revenue stream and it all clicked into place. That's why they weren't in the business district anymore. That's why they were dropping sooooooo much content, here in the streets. And, I guess the thrill of being totally ignored came from knowing you were tapping into a nice little revenue stream and you could say whatever you liked, because nobody was paying any attention to it anyway. You had bored them into submission and now could get your reward from it with minimal effort or no effort at all (Sherlock).

Well, I say no. No fucking free rides here, friend, consider me to be keeping you honest. I'm going to listen to the story you're telling and, because you've decided to bring that story into the streets to get your heavenly paycheck, I'm going to proffer my opinion on it, because I can. If it turns out that your story is just creditbait to exploit the goodwill of the gods, a clusterfuck of disjointed scenarios unrelated to the mafia or even just a total bucket of shite, I'm going to shine a great big light on it, because I can. 

If my scrutiny discourages anyone from bringing more of that type of dross out here, I count that as a happy by product of my entertaining people. This isn't school and I'm not the teacher offering constructive feedback, because I don't have to. I'm a hippo-loving, golf-playing, shit-story-slaying cunt and the streets are for all of us.

And, if I'm wrong and it isn't about the free money and it is just about telling the story, interacting, growing-whatever; you go right ahead and do that. I'm not railroading your tales, interrupting your drinks or playing 9 holes across your ballgame. I keep my comments to my only little area, which (as you say to me) you're totally free to ignore.

Report Post Tips: 9 / Total: $723,456 Tip
When you enter these streets, please tell me what does the sign say? We are using this exactly as it was intended. We stay in era, the most of us. And no free rides? I suppose then, that our lounge should also be subject to its rewards being stripped.
I personally never asked that you quit what you're doing avard. I enjoy it actually, a critic should be present. I merely stated that I will always advocate story telling.
Report Post Tips: 4 / Total: $160,000 Tip

Wading through the now familiar yet surreal scene, of lonely novelists talking over each other, to no one in particular, Johnny happened upon a small gathering of people actually engaged in conversation. Topical conversation! It was only the fact he was enthralled with the discussion that stopped him deafening everyone with applause from his intimidating hands. After listening to the various participants he decided to throw an opinion into the ring.

"Firstly, I'd like to thank you Harlow, for coming out here and starting a discussion! An actual conversation between people, with participants and invited opinion and the sharing of ideas and values. It's so very refreshing. Well done!

In the spirit of discussion I'd like to share some thoughts on what has been said....


I haven't seen any of the critical voices expressing concern about storytellers making the streets "competitive", at all. In fact the very word 'competitive' is a window into everything that is wrong with the misuse of our streets. As storyteller critic extraordinaire AvardT has pointed out, the absolute deluge of low-grade and often vaguely masked plagiarism that floods from the mouths of (some of) these literary machine-guns, appears to be done for the principal goal of reward from the gods or city hall.

There is of course the perfectly valid argument that story-telling is a past-time as old as civilization itself and has innumerable merits for education, historical record, social and community bonding, etc. These are very valid reasons that story-telling should be preserved and defended by all, forever more. To take any other stance would be akin to burning the great library at Alexandria. 

The issue here is really a matter of these streets themselves. These are the streets. Throughout history they have been the very vehicle our community has used to discuss current events. The rise and fall of cities, rules, ideas, wars, social change, moral ethics and everything else that has a baring on how our lives play out. It is the heartbeat of what we are. We come here for news, for information. For speculation and conjecture. For brave dissenting voices and laudable lessons from the great and the good. As well as sensational accounts from the disillusioned and deranged. Without this dedicated place for such discourse, this country would be no different than the vast number of others we all chose to ignore because this one is better. 

So if I champion the values of both sides of the argument, what's my solution? It's the same solution that has been proposed to city hall, the gods and the community countless times down the generations. Create another place dedicated to the art of story telling. Let those who wish to create art, do it for art's sake in it's own place. Where the creation of art can not be corrupted in order to gain rewards unrelated to creativity. Where the mass producing of any old shit for the sole purpose of numerical attention and god-given advantages, would not be an issue. I'm sure the genuine writers and true artists would appreciate the lack of hustlers and talentless charlatans, clogging the path to genuinely worthwhile literature. 

And if city hall won't create the space, then let the ruling elite that stand as heads of the country, band together and create a socially enforced law. A law to ensure such stories be (as AvardT suggested) returned to being the pride of the business districts. Where people would be pleased to travel to read, listen and participate in the various creative exploits going on in each town.

These streets have been increasingly misused and their misuse has been increasingly accepted by a growing list of leaders that have failed. Failed to take the hard road and instead accepted the rewards gleaned from lazy mass-production, instead of more challenging but more valuable work. 

Report Post Tips: 5 / Total: $280,000 Tip

So if I champion the values of both sides of the argument, what's my solution? It's the same solution that has been proposed to city hall, the gods and the community countless times down the generations. Create another place dedicated to the art of story telling. Let those who wish to create art, do it for art's sake in it's own place. Where the creation of art can not be corrupted in order to gain rewards unrelated to creativity. Where the mass producing of any old shit for the sole purpose of numerical attention and god-given advantages, would not be an issue. I'm sure the genuine writers and true artists would appreciate the lack of hustlers and talentless charlatans, clogging the path to genuinely worthwhile literature. 

And if city hall won't create the space, then let the ruling elite that stand as heads of the country, band together and create a socially enforced law. A law to ensure such stories be (as AvardT suggested) returned to being the pride of the business districts. Where people would be pleased to travel to read, listen and participate in the various creative exploits going on in each town.

These streets have been increasingly misused and their misuse has been increasingly accepted by a growing list of leaders that have failed. Failed to take the hard road and instead accepted the rewards gleaned from lazy mass-production, instead of more challenging but more valuable work. 


This is very well said. There was a time when the banter was in the businesses. After all, people congregated to socialize in the business districts. It's time they were used for such things now. 


I'd suggest eliminating the benefits of posting in the streets and increasing the benefits of making/owning businesses and patronizing them. Now, I am not saying the business benefits should be nationwide. I am saying increase the local benefits. The streets are just being littered to reap the benefits. It's just wrong.

Report Post Tips: 3 / Total: $140,000 Tip

A good friend of mine once told me that people stop listening to something if it’s longer than 500-1000 words.  With that in mind, I’m going to be as terse as I’m capable.

  1. AvardT I support your reviews, enjoy your reviews, and found them a fun way for you to communicate your feelings about what you see in the streets.  Kudos.  It also means you are enjoying stories shared by others and that’s very nice of you.  Many people don’t interact with things unless it involves them so… thank you for supporting people in this way (even if you suffer through stuff occasional to do it!)
  2. My personal opinion is that people on these shores should only be 'realistic' USA prohibition-era organized criminals.  However, I’ve also been told that storytellers can be elitist fucks who exclude or dismiss the fun others.  Thusly, I’ve tried to chill the hell out about that and embrace a more liberal accepting point of view.  It’s not always easy as I do find it hard to tell stories with some of the concepts that people chose to embrace in life.  However, let’s be honest here, I don’t think most people really want us to go “hardcore-1930s-purist” because I’m pretty sure many of the people complaining about storytellers not being ‘realistic’ would pretty much LOATHE if City Hall took this thing of ours to a completely purest location.  Jailing people with unrealistic names like “Your-Moms-Boyfriend” and “Pepsi” or “She-Ra” because they aren’t realistic to our time period might piss some folks off who don’t speak a damn word in the streets.
  3. There’s a great discussion happening elsewhere about a possible solution to the problems some of you are bringing up right now.  I made some comments there that might be worth looking at, feel free to CHECK IT OUT
  4. I’d be happy make things easier to find – either with announcements/discussions/debates of our universe being moved to a better location or by flight time restrictions being removed on business district interactions so stories could more easily be told together.  I honestly don’t come to the streets to tell my stories for personal gain but convenience.  I don’t want my stories to take up more of your time or make your time here less enjoyable and am happy to find a compromise … so long as that compromise does not limit my rights/ability to enjoy time on these shores.

Did I miss responding to something?  With my recent promotion, I'm a busy bee this morning and I want to make sure I address the points which people have asked of me.  Please let me know if I overlooked something directed to me.

Report Post Tips: 3 / Total: $170,000 Tip

I'm curious about a couple of things.  The first is why we see golf contests/other money making schemes as part of a street discussion.  Are these not  businesses?  Does the propietor not strive to make a profit?  It may be talked about upon the streets by various people, but at the end of the day it is a business proposition.  I suppose it is akin to a store announcing a new line of products, or a bar saying they have a contest being held.

The second query I have is this - what makes people think that the streets would survive the loss of the actors/actresses and their shows?  I hear people saying that important discussions and speeches are lost amongst the various theatrics, but more often than not, when someone has the balls to make a speech it is either ignored or shot down by critics.  The only orators who succeed in this area are either thugs with a chip on their shoulder, or our chiefs of state discussing their reasons for a take down.

Report Post Tips: 8 / Total: $2,380,000 Tip

The streets will survive the loss of anyone. They were around before everyone alive today and they will be around after.

I take the comment from some quarters about missed announcements/discussions with a heavy pinch of salt, because there is nothing stopping anyone from making more announcements or discussions of their own right now if they so choose and not being able to find any speaks to an individual apathy, which probably won't change all that much. I therefore highly doubt there will be a significant increase in the number of these topics should the "actors/actresses" vacate as they tend to be tied to real life events happening around us, which are finite. 

From my own perspective, I dislike stories being told without any sort of explanation as to why the story is being told in the streets; people coming forward opening their mouths and unloading. That shouldn't be out here in my opinion and I dislike it immensely. The difference between that and a golf contest/other money making scheme is that they allow other people to interact and engage with them. An announcement of a contest is something that I, Avard, am tellling you, Carmen_Murphy, about; it is an event of itself. 

Along this same vein if storytellers who want to just unload on us actually bothered to explain what they were doing first, they could also have that out here too. But they don't, they just....say...and I had an experience of how this looks at the moment and it was very jarring.  

Although I made a little snarky remark earlier, I also don't really have a problem with people visiting bars in the street because they are interacting with other people. That thing happens on the street and my only grievance is that there are literally hundreds of bars around every street corner where you could go and do that.

Because of that fact, I feel people are being dishonest as to why they are doing it in the street, which is probably for exposure, the benefits to the family and the revenue stream accompanying it. Instead of admitting that, they get on their high horse about being persecuted, held down and whatever other bollocks we've heard lately. Please. I know that is why I operate out here and it isn't out of some sense of moral superiority that my right to be here supersedes yours (unless you're telling a shit story at me, then it does). I'm a hustler and the godly rewards are fucking great. I love them. I want more of them.  

Report Post Tips: 4 / Total: $520,000 Tip

Levey listened as a number of people spoke and then decided to get up again for clarity's sake. He got distracted a quick moment from the shouts of a man advertising some sort of golf outing, and another voice, his own in fact, describing a baseball game.

"You know, I must say that radio always did fascinate me. The fact that we can be anywhere at any time listening in to stories happening elsewhere. Some of them are true I'm sure, others don't sound real to me, but I have been known to read fiction from time to time, so to hear it told instead? Well there's more than one way to skin a cat I suppose. The point is, clearly since we can't all be doing this all of the time, standing on the same street having a decent and respectable conversation that is, I'm glad I'm able to listen to the same story no matter where I am. What's even more impressive is the idea that I can listen to a story as if it's happening in real time, as if I was there when it happened. Isn't that the best part about a good book too? Feeling like you're there with the characters? I know that's what I read them for. Then again, I know many people who don't enjoy reading, so I suspect radio would be much the same to them. Boring, and not worth their time.

I think I've gone off on a tangent here. Apologies. You wanted to know why some of us tell stories here right? One simple word, convenience.

I'm more than happy to give up all the godly rewards for writing here if you are. I don't tell stories for that reason, I tell them because they are fun for me and bring me joy. Hell I'm happy to give up this place entirely if I can have another one that's just as convenient, accessible anywhere without having to travel or to tell someone a secret password and feel like I'm keeping people out of my story that is. If I had a place to tell stories that fell into both of those categories that wasn't here? Well I'm all for it. But City Hall hasn't given us any indication that there's planning for something like that, so here is where I'll be."

He flicked back on his radio of the ballgame and turned it down to a very quiet level so as not to disturb the continued conversation.

Report Post Tips: 3 / Total: $170,000 Tip

I have a lot I could say about the nature of what we do in the streets but I think we all know it's terribly hard to discuss here without violating the laws put down by city hall.  However, I would love to have that discussion elsewhere where I can speak more freely - if you're up for it?

I know that is why I operate out here and it isn't out of some sense of moral superiority that my right to be here supersedes yours (unless you're telling a shit story at me, then it does). I'm a hustler and the godly rewards are fucking great. I love them. I want more of them.  

Based on your words here, I wonder if you're less worried about the integrity of what's happening in the streets and more about the fact that there are other people whose godly reward gains exceed your own?  

Assuming that's the case ...

My advice is this:
Worry less about what others are doing (and where they are doing it) and hustle more.  I mean... just look what this discussion we're having now!  Look at how many gangsters are out here talking the way you want them talking and I'm sure this has earned me some notice from the Gods with their mountains of gains to be bestowed.  If discussions are something you value, if this is 'easier' for you to join in than the stories that are playing out in the streets... get out and hustle by making more discussions!  It will earn you godly rewards AND serve to meet a desire of the community.

Also, I invite you to reach out to me privately about doing some stuff together here in the streets.  Maybe you don't know it but anywhere I'm going about my daily business in the streets is welcome for you and anyone else to wander into.  The streets are meant to be that sort of place right?  You see me and someone having lunch in the streets... come join us!  Are we having a shoot out with the cops, roll up and offer aid!  Not sure how to join me somewhere without messing up?  Well, just drop me a line.  I promise I don't bite.  I WANT to experience life with new friends and take on jobs with members of the Cosa Nostra that I haven't worked with before.

Of course, you can do as you like but until city hall decides to change things the street sign reads: 'Role Play' and that's what's going to continue happening here.  I do agree with you about discussions and announcements.  They probably could be separated out from other interactions to help resolve the actual issues you've pointed out.  However, for the time being, this is the world we live in and I don't think you being upset about it is going to change much.  

I hope you'll reach out to me though, outside of this discussion.  Maybe we can get together on a job or something. 

Report Post Tips: 1 / Total: $100,000 Tip

Avard frowned at Levey_Posner.

I didn't want to know why people tell stories; I said I was previously mystified why they were telling so many of them, without them gaining any traction whatsoever, and doing so out in the streets....then I discovered the godly revenue stream and the case was solved.

I spoke here because I heard Harlow asking some questions and whilst doing so cited, in particular, my reviews of stories as being potentially detrimental to new would-be storytellers and I felt obligated to respond. If you heard me over the noise on the radio, you'll be aware that I have already stated that plenty of interactions occurring can stay exactly where they are. I think you're lumping together two different things i.e. things actually happening and stories being told, and perceiving my having a dislike for both, which is untrue. Things that are actually happening? Crack on with it, go to the ball game, pull the job and run from the cops. You can probably see that some things similar to those have actually happened to me on these very streets too because, that's life, isn't it? My only qualm is when you want to have lunch at a restaurant and there is one right around the corner in the business district, then you should probably go to the venue itself, but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it when you don't. On the other hand, walking into public and unloading about your vampire babies, hard fucking pass, and if my assessment of that subsequently silences a few other potential shitpeddlers before they drop that on us, then all the better.

Avard turned towards Harlow.

I'm content with my contribution, hustling and rewards. As they number triple figures, I've been tipped nearly 200 times and my district have these Durden incursions mapped out so well they can even tell you when Tyler's about to take a dump, I feel like I'm doing ok. Thank you for the advice anyway. Unfortunately I'm actually trying to keep a low profile at the moment as I don't need any extra heat from the cops. You might have heard on the radio that I'm hosting some sort of golfing outing right now and it would be a shame for it to be jeopardised. Once that is settled though, sure, and in the meantime if you want to take this discussion somewhere else, happy to do so. 

Report Post Tips: 4 / Total: $740,000 Tip

AvardT I have to admit, I also misunderstood your purpose to a small degree (maybe a solid reason for discussions not taking place in the streets is the ease with which we misunderstand each other because we CAN'T speak plainly about such topics) and am relieved to hear that you have no desire to see people stop living their lives on the streets.  Please understand that part of the reason I come out here to speak on behalf of all the strange things we sometimes hear about on the streets is a self-preservation instinct.

The fact of the matter is this: as much as you or others roll your eyes at superheroes, vampires, etc ... some people roll their eyes at people just living their lives.  I can't tell you the number of times my ancestors have endured accusations of being 'soft' or being only concerned with 'stupid romance' or taking part in something called a 'my little pony mafia' where they apparently wanted to 'hold hands, sing songs, and have tea parties.' 

Those who mocked my ancestors have zero interest in seeing the various aspects of other people's lives occurring daily in the streets and would prefer that either we only engage in discussions and debates here on the streets ... or that, at least, the only interactions visible out here be the sort that shows people making their bones as a mobster.  Which is unfortunate because I'm pretty sure that nearly every popular novelization and motion picture about mobsters spends MOST (if not the entire content) focused on the family members and relationships of mobsters NOT just the daily ins and outs of their crimes.  So clearly, someone cares about such things...

My fear?  That if dislike of one sort of thing in the streets (or those who share it) manages to convince city hall to act, that eventually, the dislike of me or what I do might also turn those lawmakers' eyes against what I enjoy.  Whether or not I agree with you that vampires belong on our streets or that their stories are enjoyable or not... that isn't really the point here. 

My point is: regulation of what is and isn't acceptable endangers all people who want to share in the streets.  It sets a precedent ... once it happens it's no longer a matter of 'if city hall will tell us what's okay on the streets' but 'what does city hall like best?'

If City Hall likes what I do today, that's good for me at the moment ... sure.  And I'm sure many would argue 'Harlow what you do would NEVER be threatened!'  ... but I think wise people realize it's best not to speak in absolutes when it comes to the rights we have in this world being eroded.  You just can't know for sure what will happen tomorrow, you know what I mean?

So, while I empathize with your points, I deeply fear telling people that what I enjoy has more validity and importance here in the streets than what they enjoy.  As such I will continue to stand with all my fellow storytellers regardless of the content they share & my personal opinions of it.

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A young man came running up to Harlow, out of breath and handed her a note.  She quickly looked at it and nodded before addressing the assembled people again.

"I think also some misinformation has become popularized that should be dismissed.  You might note I've been out in the streets a fair amount of late.  Hell, some would say I'm a noteworthy VIP at the moment... but I'm far from the top dog among such VIPs.  One such person is known to us as Exquisite.  Now, why do I bring her up even though she's not here?"

"I'd like for you to send your people to pay attention to what she's been doing here on these shores.  At a glance, most of her interactions, despite being in the top three of VIPs for some time now, seems to be happening pretty much exclusively in the business districts NOT in the streets."

"It would seem that the assumption that the only way to climb the ladder to VIP heights is through streets - is wrong.  Apparently interacting in the business districts is a good way to do it as well?  So, it doesn't seem factual that people ONLY interact in the streets for rewards but maybe out of 'ease of use' as I stated here and in other discussions?"

"That travel time thing is a real pain in the ass for making arrangements to have dinner with someone (as an example.) While in all reality a dinner discussion should take no more than an hour or three of your time ... sharing the story of such a thing never happens so quickly.  Most people can take days to complete a story and a lot of that is travel.  If storytellers STOP hustling for their bosses because 'I'm sorry man I'm in the middle of dinner with a friend' that's probably a quick way to fall out of favor.  Especially when it's much easier to simply write that dinner in the streets."

Harlow shrugged, "I think if the travel restrictions for Business Districts were lifted (especially since apparently you can earn rewards by writing in the business districts) there would be zero reason for writers to use the streets when there are perfectly good business districts to be used.  And honestly, I'd stand shoulder to shoulder with you in encouraging people to use them ... if ... travel restrictions were lifted and I could interact there and not be penalized.  After all, I'm sure there's a very good chance that you and I aren't in the same city right now and no one is complaining that we're somehow (very unrealistically) having this discussion despite our being on the move across these shores doing other work at the same time."

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maybe a solid reason for discussions not taking place in the streets is the ease with which we misunderstand each other because we CAN'T speak plainly about such topics

This is a ridiculous statement. These streets are a vast archive of appearances made down the generations. If anything is true of all those ages, it is that almost anything is up for discussion, provided the subject is approached clearly and with due respect to those involved. If you spend enough time going back you will see that even the most totalitarian and brutal regimes have allowed a mind bending diversity of topics when it came to discussion on the streets. Usually with a mass of speeches and discussions in direct conflict with the powers in play at the time. To say anyone would have any real difficulty addressing any subject out here, is frankly absurd. As the historical evidence clearly demonstrates.

The fact of the matter is this: as much as you or others roll your eyes at superheroes, vampires, etc ... some people roll their eyes at people just living their lives.  I can't tell you the number of times my ancestors have endured accusations of being 'soft' or being only concerned with 'stupid romance' or taking part in something called a 'my little pony mafia' where they apparently wanted to 'hold hands, sing songs, and have tea parties.' 

Those who mocked my ancestors have zero interest in seeing the various aspects of other people's lives occurring daily in the streets and would prefer that either we only engage in discussions and debates here on the streets ... or that, at least, the only interactions visible out here be the sort that shows people making their bones as a mobster.

This is also an incredibly lazy way to look at the great art of story telling. In fact, banging on about vampires and space-ships, UFOs and whatever else is really just showing a crippling lack of imagination. This world is awash with stories, events, the fascinating and the bizarre. Every day there are happenings and interactions that would make for real absorbing and often hilarious stories. But sadly, the legion of novelists making self indulgent speeches, appear to lack the observational skill and talent to look at these things the right way. There is humour, delight, cause for joy, sadness, tragedy and romance. Here. In real events. Every day. Observe the world around us, see the rich joyous, hilarious wonder for what it is and write about that! Just because we're all mobsters, doesn't govern the majority of our lives. We have all the experiences other lives have and being mobsters just adds an element of calamity and humor to most of them.

 regulation of what is and isn't acceptable endangers all people who want to share in the streets.  It sets a precedent ... once it happens it's no longer a matter of 'if city hall will tell us what's okay on the streets' but 'what does city hall like best?'

It isn't about what is and isn't acceptable. It's as simple as a filing system in a library. You wouldn't put vampire fiction in with the  financial times, or the presidential address. Neither is right or wrong, they just don't belong together. If you want to write fiction, create a fiction section and knock yourselves the fuck out. Please. No harm, no restriction, total freedom to do as you wish. If you want to write a story about events that have occurred in our world with real people and real events, fine, that's a real life story. throw that in the streets. If you want to massively embellish or change the plot of real events, then it goes into the fiction section.

So, while I empathize with your points, I deeply fear telling people that what I enjoy has more validity and importance here in the streets than what they enjoy.  As such I will continue to stand with all my fellow storytellers regardless of the content they share & my personal opinions of it.

There is no value judgement here, no more feeling than the librarian has deciding which is the most appropriate section to file a book. No one is being attacked personally, its just a matter of organizing things this correctly.

It would seem that the assumption that the only way to climb the ladder to VIP heights is through streets - is wrong.  Apparently interacting in the business districts is a good way to do it as well?  So, it doesn't seem factual that people ONLY interact in the streets for rewards but maybe out of 'ease of use' as I stated here and in other discussions?

There are different benefits for making speeches in different places. The VIP element is very much just one aspect of the unseen reasons for things. My and others issue with fictional storytelling in the streets has very little to do with acquiring credit rewards or the secret plans for the next Durden invasion. Not everyone is that short-sighted, petty and vain. 

That travel time thing is a real pain in the ass for making arrangements to have dinner with someone (as an example.) While in all reality a dinner discussion should take no more than an hour or three of your time 

If you live in Las Vegas and I live in Philly, that dinner is going to take a lot longer than an hour to arrange. This is the 30s, even with the latest commercial planes available, that's a bloody long journey.

If storytellers STOP hustling for their bosses because 'I'm sorry man I'm in the middle of dinner with a friend' that's probably a quick way to fall out of favor.

If dinner dates and story telling override your obligations to your family and your life, then it is you with confused priorities, no one else. No matter how much you want to involve yourself in recreation, you work for the family that keeps you safe. You fail to do that, you can expect a very justified bullet to be heading your way soon enough.

I think if the travel restrictions for Business Districts were lifted (especially since apparently you can earn rewards by writing in the business districts) there would be zero reason for writers to use the streets when there are perfectly good business districts to be used.  And honestly, I'd stand shoulder to shoulder with you in encouraging people to use them ... if ... travel restrictions were lifted and I could interact there and not be penalized. 

If this love of art, creativity and so on is half as sincere as is being made out, the simple act of popping in to various business districts on your regular travels around the country, would be no real hardship or hindrance at all. If you really love something, you'll make time for it. But lets face it, an alarming percentage of these stories have only one participant, so there would be no travel inconvenience for anyone but the self absorbed narcissist in question. 

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