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The "Auth A Mong Scheme" Started by: RoryRourke on May 30, '11 22:15

Our world, let's be honest, is in a right old mess. It's full of robot like people and utter mongs running around, mostly in silence, crying about occasional occurences. Let me ask you, how this has come to be?
People are scared to speak out, they're scared of being killed for their words and actions. I always thought Mafioso were meant to have balls, were meant to be brave and unafraid. Apparently not.
I always believed the leaders were meant to be capable, intelligent, respect commanding individuals with a strong presence. Again, something has gone drastically wrong. As I stand here today, the majority of these figureheads are nothing more than puppets, voiceless mongs who employ armies of robots to hoard money and buy limitless amounts of Bodyguards which they proceed to hide behind.

Secondly, on the rare occasions that these mongs speak all they do is come out to our beloved streets and kiss each others arses. Is this what leaders should do? Is this the example that should be set to the upcoming mobsters of this world?
I remember a time when Leaders were strong, fearless, bold individuals. Now 75% of them are voiceless mongs who hide behind hundreds upon hundreds of bodyguards. This is what happens when people simply auth their friends.
Welcome to the "Auth a Mong Scheme"

People in power auth their friends regardless of ability as they believe it will create a trouble free city and everything will be run how they want. However, often it does not work that way as their friends are mongs. As city heads, it is their responsibility to do their best by their city however this is often neglected in the manner of supporting and looking after a small few. Many leaders these days only bother to protect their own interests instead of putting their families interests first. Maybe this is just the order of things nowadays. A truly tragic change in society as we see the same family lines authed over and over and as we see them make the same failings over and over. Our society now fully resolves around money, leaders employ these NPMs which often take priority over real, functioning, members. Why? Because they hoard money so that these people can tank up their army of mongs and sit around happy as Larry.

You see the state of our society? This is what happens under the "Auth a Mong Scheme"

Rory takes a step back and lights a cigar as he waits for the abuse and bullets to come his way.

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I must say... nice over-use of the word "mong" :D

On a more serious note, I have to agree with most of what you say. This place is far too money orientated now and to me, it is to the detriment of these fair streets.

Fail a wack = money compensation

Talk out of place = money compensation

Breathe in the wrong direction = money compensation.

Granted... money makes the world go round and pads up oh so many people with bodyguards, but if all you're going to do is sit there nice and pretty with your bodyguards until eventually, like all of us, you get shot then WHAT IS THE FUCKING POINT?

Can you REALLY not come up with any other punishments besides death and compensation or something? You guys will preach to me that it's all about the money here. But aren't compensation claims dealt with in a court? Are we fucking lawyers? Did we go down the right side of the law? I THINK NOT. Get a grip, because no amount of money is going to fix the problems we have here. Interaction is what keeps people here, not a large stash of money so maybe a few people should re-think their priorities.

If you auth every mong who is your friend then one day it will come back to haunt you. You will be in dire straights and in need of an intelligent, hard working and loyal mafioso. Not a purse-snatching, bumbling, dribbling fool by your side who is constantly trying to get thhat square peg in that round hole.

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have to agree with everything Rory has said...


The amount of times i've seen RHM and LHM at Goomba's, Earners and Wise Guys... which just goes to highlight the 'you slap my back, i slap yours' culture


'Auth A Mong' - A tragid plight!

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I have to respectfully disagree with the ideas shared here. Every leader responds to somebody, be that another Crew Leader or the Godfather himself. To question ANY Crew LEader is to question the GF of that city and I would never dare do such a thing.

As far as sharing opinions go... well, people STILL get killed for saying the wrong thing. People don't limit themselves to a public bitch slapping. Harsher punishments are demanded so I, for one, will never dare share my true feeling about vcertain things and certain people unless I'm ever THE top dog in this world and since that will never happen, I will just share my opinions in the most private places with my closest friends and my own CL so that if I cross a line, I'll probably be just bitch slapped and not killed.

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Please site a recent example of somebody being killed over speaking their mind in the streets, blaring disrespect aside. If it has happened, I haven't noticed. If it has, show me an example.

You've just made a very broad generalization about the current regime of Street Bosses, which I unsurprisingly would disagree with, yet you're still standing before me alive and well. I don't see you being struck down for speaking your mind on the subject nor would I expect you to

In fact, in the past week we've seen the emergence of two dare I say 'controversial' or at the very least racey newspapers and those publishers are also alive and well. So where is this death over voicing one's opinion you speak of?

This isn't the only point of yours I would disagree with, but I figure we could start with this one. Please feel free to speak your mind in response honestly. I in turn will do my best to keep my composure, and not run to my very best friend in the whole world Roman and demand compensation or death to appease my sensitive feelings

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Simplicity giggled at the persons speech. She clapped loudly as she stepped up to talk. Then gave a polite smirk.

"Lovely speech, too bad I couldn't agree with any of it."

Raising an eyebrow as she then let her smirk rise a bit more she continued.

"Your first statement...ah what was it...Oh yes! Scared to talk? I have seen many debates, issues, and explanations brought to the streets. Many of those that reply are leaders. Such as SexyBeast who is far from being scared to speak. Alabama! Ah she is quite the talker. Gaius is another...he doesn't seem to have a bone in his body that would be scared to talk. The same goes with Premeir and even LoveGun."

Pausing for a moment she then moved to his second statement.

"Now for kissing people's asses. I thought our world was built on Honour and Respect? Since when was this turned into "Kissing ass"? Don't confuse the two. That is that poor girl that once wondered our streets...I believe her name was...Melis, yes. That was her job, not ours. What you see, my dear, is being respectful and acknowledging their words."

"Lastly, the normal "they auth their friends" deal. Ever think for a second that such friends are very well qualified? If you have seen them in action before and know they are a good fit then wouldn't that be looking after your own city? Friends are far more loyal in the end also. Yet, even so I've seen more new guys or ladies authed than I ever have before. Even my past bloodlines could agree. With the amount of people getting the chance there are an exceptional amount of new kids getting their chance. Also since when do leaders care more about NPM's over actual members? I clearly remember hearing my own leader getting extremely excited over the fact that we were getting so full because we had so many active members that weren't NPM's. He cared far more about them than some silly robot. Not sure where you got that idea."

Letting out a sigh of relief from talking so much she smiled once again. Nodding at the speaker in respect she began to wrap it up.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm very happy you brought this to the street because many hold the same beliefs. I'm sorry to say I do not. Thank you kindly for your time."

And with that, Simplicity made her way back to her car and left.

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Very well said Simplicity. I couldn't agree more with you about disagreeing with Rory. Everything you said was exactly the way I would have put it. The leaders in this world, some of them yes, they do seem like they are afraid to speak in our streets, but most of them appear in the streets often. The people do sometimes auth their friends, but have you noticed how those cities don't last? The ones that auth those that deserve it, they become more powerful and work their ways into competition for the bigger more powerful cities.

After speaking his peace donmorrison went back into his home to take a nap as he had a slight sunburn.

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SexyBeast, I didn't say it happened only in the streets. Maybe it's just me and I'm seeing things and I'm the only one who thinks this way.

In any case, when I talked about Bosses I was actually *defending* them. I think you mixed the two ideas I talked about into just one. 

And since you encourage me to be open in disagreeing with you, I feel a little insulted with youre example of Chuckle. We all know who the author really is and be it either because we all know that he does it with humor or be it because of his reputation and contacts, he will get away with saying anything he wants. Of course he will never say anything REALLY out there and blatantly offensive so that's part of his merit.

To be honest, and going back to my previous stance of trying to stay out of trouble, even if it was easy for me to come up with the examples you ask me, I wouldn't. Either because that would reveal too much of myself and what I believe in or because maybe I would stir the pot on topics that nobody wants to hear about.

And even there I probably said too much. Please forgive me, I'm still learning about the subtleties about the politics of this way of life. I'll go back to my HQ and keep learning by observation.

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Who are you??? I didn't mix anything that you said up because I wasn't talking to you. I was addressing RoryRourke.

But since you are being open and honest about one of the two newspapers I mentioned, I'll try to respond without getting too far off topic. To imply that Chuckle's newspaper, along with any newspaper past present or future can be published without consequence is inaccurate. Chuckle is aware of that too, as were his ancestors. As is the publisher of the other newspaper that recently hit our streets. Everybody in This Thing of Ours is held accountable for his or her words. If somebody is struck dead for what they say, it's because they worded it foolishly, disrespectfully, or in the direction of somebody with the pull to make them dead if they feel so inclined. The latter is an extreme example, but falls in line with what we all are. Mobsters. Does that strengthen RoryRourke's point? Maybe. These streets are not for people to say whatever they feel to whoever they feel without regard to who they are saying it to. Does that mean the streets are hindered by the powers that be? I don't believe so, and I'm asking for somebody to site an example to prove me wrong. If there's no example available, I'll move onto some of the other points brought up in this discussion.

Later though. Roman and I are busy doing each other's hair at one of our many best-friends sleepover parties we often have, eating the cake I made him as thanks for granting me auth due to our friendship.

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Sadly when it comes down to it there are only actually a handful of leaders amongst those who wear the bold suit. For some time my thinking about the state of our world has been this way. I know even think about things differently and shall share my thoughts.

I see that our life is less and less now about the ties we build, but the money we make. Rather than create families what we see are more akin to companies, where the Godfather or acting city head is the CEO, the crew leaders who work under the Godfather are more akin to middle management who do just that manage rather than lead. The goals now seem to be monetary over building strong developed families. Out of those who have been auth'd I see mainly people who are giving the position because they have the protection that can ensure their survival while managing automatons that do nothing to help build a family.

Unfortunately that is the way our world has developed, the ever growing demand for more and more protection for those in charge is what has driven this. This not only applies to protection, it applies to the hundreds of so called hitters that are out there. For they now require vast amounts of cash to take on contracts to improve their gun.

This is something that we are all going to have to accept as there is no way that we are going to get back to the way things were.

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I could not possible agree more.

This world doesn't run on respect and honor anymore, it runs on money - we're less Mafia and more Wall Street. I remember stories of the old days where if a member from one family shot a member from another family, that person was killed - and if his or her leader refused to kill them, then the entire crew was killed as a lesson.

Nowadays, it's a fine - not even a heavy fine at that.

Leaders are supposed to, well, lead. They're supposed to be front and center in this thing of ours, they're supposed to make their presences felt - yet more than half our leaders I could not tell you one thing about. "How do you know they're not well qualified?" That's easy, they've never said a word in public. Yes, yes, I know. They don't answer to me or need my input, our lovely and talented GodPeople (only some sarcasm intended, honest) can auth whoever they want to - regardless of what the proletariat thinks.

But don't disguise it as "well qualified". You're authing your friends, it's that simple. I can name the leaders that I've read speeches from on one hand. Three of our GodPeople I can't ever remember saying anything other than another "I'm authing blah blah blah in blah blah blah" poster.

It is, quite honestly, the most pathetic excuse for leadership my family line has ever seen.

p.s. Yes, I'm well aware that my views will get me punished. Just tell me who to make the check out to.

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I tihnk a great deal has to do with the amount of auth's and familys we now have.

People in bold used to be looked upon with the highest of esteem and equally respected and feared as there was clear lineage of power, now everything seems a much a watered diluted down version. Walking these very streets, it is hard to spot the lonely gangsters and goomba's trying to make ends meet from all the bold's flashing the cash, seems kinda backwards to me

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I have not been able to observe long enough to agree or disagree with this, so I won't post an opinion that won't add anything to the conversation but one thing I do want to point out is that though what you say may be true, we can't forget that there should be different "kinds" of leaders. Not everyone has to be gung-ho about shooting the first person who throws some nasty words at their family.
I think variety is good. But the majority staying in their comfort zone isn't good either.
Alesia takes a drag of her cigarette and observes the rest of the conversation. 

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Night and day, night and day Crawford was putting LoveGun through lessons. Lessons she hated, but now, with this subject at hand she appreciated. She was able to come out to the streets and speak her mind and not lose people as she spoke. But Crawford wasn't getting off that easy, put a bit of rum back into her and have a casual discussion about shooting pigeons and the same ol' LoveGun would be back. For now, she cleared her throat and spoke.

This world we live in, we'll always have the problem of friends helping friends even if they haven't done anything to deserve the help. Simplicity stated that some of those friends can handle the job and do a good things with it. The other side of that coin, they won't. Both happen and both will continue to happen. Personally, I believe that opportunities should be given to only those who deserve them. Have put their blood, sweat and tears into it. That's me, LoveGun, your equal opportunity employer.

If it happens that the same generation after generation proves themselves as the best choice, can you blame someone for continuing to put them in that position? Any position they are above and beyond at? But that's boring isn't it. I agree. Thankfully, each day some of the civilian population breaks free from society's rules and starts robbing post offices. So every so often we'll see a first generation pop up that has the potential for great things.

As for the robots, they're mindless help for hire. They come in with suitcases, stay awhile and before you know it they leave again with their unpacked luggage off to the next job. People who we classify as robots don't make a family, they'll make some cash for that family, but nothing more.

I think you've struck a chord with the ass kissing phrase. People have argued that this isn't true, but up until just recently the only thing we saw in the streets were mediocre subjects with missing debate and passion. Again, Boring. Who wants to listen to some subject that doesn't have any depth and then have to be subjected to even more dry replies? Not me. No one was going against the grain and why not? It could have possibly been because of fear.

Things are changing. i believe that at least a few members of our community have taken a step back and looked at the way we live and gone "Wow, we've really fallen far off the ladder.". A few is better then none.

We can sit out here all day and gush over how our world as evolved and devolved, but where will that get us? What was the point of this speech? To point out the problems we've always faced? To bring light to all our new problems? The mongs you speak of probably won't even listen to you, won't even give you the time of day and the rest of us already know the problems. Mr. Rourke, I may agree with some of the things you bring here today, but some I don't. Like your approach. It's really easy to point out the problem, but to point it out and not have the drive to do anything about it, to not present a solution of any kind, well that's very mongish of you.

See me, I wake up every morning and stratagize how I can use the world's changes, it's problems, to my advantage.

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Aldo takes his cigar and throws it casually to his right. Then shakes his head.

Did you check those statistics? From what I've seen, three godfathers have sent extremely reliable and capable leaders to lead over the abandoned and war wrecked cities in this world. There are three godfathers, and 75 % is more than two thirds, so you're stating that even the godfather of your own city is just sending her friends to other cities to lead other families?

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Well I've gotta agree with simplicity on everything.

Yes, not all crew leaders speak out, but that doesnt mean they're scared. They probably see no point of speaking out. Have you ever thoguht of that? and besides, there are so many leaders who have spoke their minds out, all the proof ar eon streets.


And for the NPMs, the purpose of the NPM system was to help out nwe crew leaders and balance the game. Getting a new members are definitely a hard task. Not all your friends and family have the time nor interest in games online. So well, the system was suppose to be like, the more RPM the crew has, the less NPM they get, an somethign along that line.


And if you had two friends, one in real life who you see almsot every other day, and another who you meet online and never met, and both of them need ot borrow some cash, who would you trust your money with more? of course, your friend. That's cause you know him in person and if he doesnt return you the money you could hutn him down . Whereas you can't expect to be askign the police to track down your friend online and go to his house and demand the money back, right?


Enough said, you're wrong

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I like your style punching bag.

What you see is the age old problem.

Part 1 - People moan that leaders are mutes and don't speak on the streets and they don't have a right to lead and they are shite.

Part 2 - The same people moan that the streets are full of leaders who speak nothing but rubbish and they don't have a right to lead and they are shite.

It is like you can't win so don't bother.

Give me a mute crew leader whose family is innovative, entertaining, and generally understand our ways over a verbal crew leader who recycles the same monotonous crap over and over again.

As for authing people, it amuses me that people take stabs at the current city heads. The sheer ignorance of these moaners shows me that these people truly are not capable of leading let alone will they ever be ready.

Pop Quiz Ladies gents and fuckwits.

You are the head of a family and have been asked to auth a captain, you have two people who you can auth:

Person 1 is a wild card, entertaining on the streets however you are not sure where his loyalties lie.

Person 2 is as loyal as they come, hard working and a blood line you have known forever you would, your blood line has, trusted your life in their hands and they have never let you down.

The worrying thing for me, and why I know that the moaners are not ready for leadership is that they would chose the wrong answer to the question above.

We are mobsters, we are here to make money, we chose this life because we didn't want to do the nine to five. I will be fucked with a red hot poker if you think I am getting out of bed before 11 unless Roman calls me for a job. Don't want it don't need it if I did I'd be working in investment banking. I chose this life because its easy, when I walk into a store I expect the shop keeper to know he serves me first before all the civis because if he doesn't he might not have a shop there tomorrow or the day after.

However first and foremost in the mind of any fucking good leader is the amount of $$ that is coming in because without that what is the point. Deep down we are no different to the head of Ford or any other public company. What differentiates us is that we are more ruthless and run rough shod over the laws.

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It is ever so easy to sit back and point the finger without suggesting, or better yet demonstrating, a solution to the problems that face us.

The fundamental concept that seems to have sailed right over the majority of heads in this discussion is that power rules the roost here, not right or wrong, power. It always has and it always will. This means that those who hold power are in a position to dictate terms to the rest of us in how they wish for Cosa Nostra to be across the Cities. Should the Godfathers come together and decide that we have to get down on our knees and say three prayers before the penis shaped tree in Sexy Beast's HQ, on penalty of death, they can. We, the followers, are then left with a choice - we can either accept what we are being told and prostrate ourselves or choose to change it. Obviously, they haven't done this, but what they have done is erode the belief that a street presence is a mandatory requirement for leadership. They have the power, it is their prerogative to do that and the choice for us is the same as before. Accept it or change it and as nobody seems to be prepared to do the latter, why whine about it? I'm all for a legitimate solution to the problem, but pointless complaining just annoys me.

The options are just as clear as they have always been, the path to the top can be as bloody or as clean as you're willing to make it. Just because you don't like the particular line that you're being forced to tow, doesn't excuse blatant flouting of what we all, as members of Cosa Nostra, know to be acceptable conduct. Should I ever reach the pinnacle of our livelihood, I would consider charging into the Streets and wildly defaming everyone in sight with neither examples nor evidence to support such claims, to be extremely disrespectful and insulting. This might seem a tad hypocritical coming from me, as I take pot shots at the majority of those leading crews fairly regularly, however I attempt at least, to do so humorously and for the amusement of the majority. I like to believe, perhaps naively, that the people in charge are thick skinned enough to understand that my mockery is tongue in cheek and rarely stems beyond light-hearted banter. Should I decide to publish a piece about why Roman is the shittiest Godfather to grace MafiaReturns and repeatedly liken him to someone with down syndrome, I'd expect to be shot for that. That isn't a joke, that's just offensive. I doubt many people brazenly insulted the hierarchy of criminal organizations in this manner and walked away from it.

When I concern myself with many of the complaints that have actually been raised here, after I cut my way through the pointless inflammatory remarks, it is distressing. Claims that people are afraid to speak out are frankly laughable. Opening your mouth now is about as safe as it has ever been. I've long been a believer in that it isn't how you say something, it is the way you say it. Provided your contribution is intelligent, based in fact and delivered with a modicum of respect, you are not going to be gunned down for it, period. If it isn't these three things, then you should be really considering whether it is worth opening your mouth to begin with.

The belief that "people in power auth their friends" has to be one of the longest standing MafiaReturns complaints. It has been around for as far back as I can recall and I'm sure cycling through the trash of forgotten transcripts around here, you'll find a similar gripe levelled all the way back to the foundation of the world. Who else are they going to auth? Their enemies? The pissants who just moan in the Streets about a make believe yesteryear where everything was perfect? Clearly not. They are going to reward those people who worked hard for them or they believe to be safe for the role. I would like to see some hard working individuals hone a street presence, but if they don't have to and are rewarded regardless, then that is the reality of the world. I've already spoken at length about the solution to that dilemma and people seemingly don't have the capacity or stomach for it. Don't whine about it; elevate yourself to the position to influence it.

There have only ever been a handful of leaders who come to the street at any one time and act as you crave. At the moment, we have a scenario where individual families are rare and crime tends to be city wide, under the umbrella of the same organization. That isn't the way it has to be, New York had competing families at one point and the honorary position of Godfather in MafiaReturns has come to encompass supreme head of the family. Traditionally, that wasn't the case, but with these changes, the reality of the situation is what it is. With this in mind, someone who is akin to a Capo, isn't going to be throwing their weight around in a world bossed by Godfathers, putting on the Billy big balls routine unless they have a death wish. That isn't how the Mafia works or indeed should work. I'm all for making allowances for where we are and what we are all trying to get out of this, but we have to balance that with realism.

Money is everything in our business, how you can complain that the punishment for every infraction not being the death of the individual is mind boggling. I recall a time when trigger happy morons wiped out entire families over a Gangster. How unbelievably stupid. A Gangster is the lowest rung of the ladder, he hasn't even made his bones yet and people are advocating that firmer punishments are doled out than reparations? What is the point of our entire hierarchy if it is flouted so badly by such a false believe? I welcome the sense shown in this aspect of MafiaReturns and worry about those who can't see it.

I'd buy into the gripe about only auths going to friends more if I saw other people being passed over for it, but quite simply I don't. I can't think of a candidate who's demonstrated they deserve it and not been rewarded with it. Who am I forgetting? Seriously? If that is the case, then how can we complain about who is being given the nod, if there is nobody any more deserving to take their place? We still have entire cities devoid of our influence, step up and show that you're the man or woman for the job.

The NPM situation, I do agree, is terrible. However, I can't say I wouldn't make use of it if it was available to me, could you? This isn't something the leaders are going to change themselves, that problem needs to be addressed by the Gods. Similarly, the bodyguards are ridiculously out of control, but seemingly immune from heavenly correction. Can we really expect people not to be self serving and take things to the nth degree? Evidently not.

There are many things at fault within our society, but that isn't down to the auth of incapable people, because it seems to me that no deserving person has been overlooked. Take RoryRourke, two discussions initiated and thirty responses in total in eighty plus days. This is considerably less than one response a day. Is that vocal? Is that what we want from would be leaders? Hell no, that is just as poor as those he would cast down. There is nothing stopping anyone out there from doing anything differently or doing it better, but they don't. They aren't prepared to put the work in or they can't see a solution, so instead moan about the problem. This isn't just the fault of the leadership, this is our fault too and until those people who are complaining are prepared to demonstrate that things can be done in a better way, then nothing is going to change.

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Interesting to point out that there are 36, yes you heard me correctly, 36 crew leaders at this point in time. Of those 36 leaders, bold suited ladies and gents around the country, I am the 3rd to feel it worth a comment at a speach which when boiled down does nothing but slate the leadership of the mafia world.

Seems to me if this doesnt get a rise out of the current auths then nothing will. If a few more dont turn up here soon I dont think there is much denying Mr Rourke's points.

Flux takes off his jacket to reveal a T-shirt reading "Mongz 4 authz"

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TBF Don Flux I imagine most of the 36 leaders have listened for the whole of 5 seconds before deciding this isn't worth their time to speak on the subject.

Why fan the flames when you can give it the contempt of not responding.

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