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NBA Playoffs Started by: HeadCoach on Apr 20, '22 12:02

Finding the lack of basketball talk in these outside forums very distasteful. 

Who's watching the NBA playoffs? Who's your team? Who's going all the way? Predictions? Upsets? 

Let's hear it. 

I'll get started by saying one of the best things about these playoffs is that the Lakers aren't in them. 

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I say

I do not understand the need to sweat and exert oneself

I have staff for that

Ding Dong!

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No ball fans huh, buncha nerds!

The Sixers and Warriors look hot hot hot and somehow the Doncic-less Mavs are leading the Jazz. Very cool, man.
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Holy crap, the Lakers not being invited is fucking poetic justice. I haven’t really watched much ball this season, but I’ll get with it for playoff time. I’m still expecting the Milwaukee Bucks to show up and win it all, even though their regular season was a little less amazing than many expected. Watch out though for when the games matter.
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Shoutout to the Brooklyn Nets, have a nice summer
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Im already heartbroken about the nets

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How could you be heartbroken about something so fun and delightful for everyone

Bringing the brooms out for Kyrie and KD, two of the most egotistical and least self-aware players in the league, is as good as it gets
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T he highlight of the playoffs is the Ben Simmons clusterfuck.


for the life of me i can’t figure out what he’s doing or who he’s hurting more than himself. What a nincompoop.

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I think the Celtics were really lucky to scrape past the Nets in a tight series. On another day, I think that goes the other way. The Celtics should give up their place for a more deserving team, imo. Maybe the LA Lakers. 

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Well said The-Watcher, Simmons isn't a guy I would want anywhere near my team

Less well said, TitusFlavio, Celtics are gonna win the championship while LeBron sits at home ruminating over the next wildly embarrassing Space Jam 2-esque publicity stunt he is going to take part in
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i always enjoy watching the playoffs and seeing how it goes, kinda glad the nets are out after making a megateam.. now time to see who is next.

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I'm so glad that the LA Losers and the Nets are out. Cannot stand LBJ's arrogant ass, I'm sure the total number of fingers he has is more than his total IQ.  I don't mind KD, but Kyrie and Ben Simmons are two weak ass athletes. Can't wait for that team to implode again next season.

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I'm boycotting the corrupt NBA because there's no way in hell Scottie Barnes was a more impactful rookie than Evan Mobley. It was bad enough getting hosed out of the play-in by the officials, then the writers go and shaft the ROY voting as well. Dreadful.

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No arguments here, Barnes is good but Mobley got robbed
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As and English cad and bounder I know little of the game that is basketball so I asked an American friend that I'd like to support a team that wasn't one of the big guns

They said i should support Milwaukee bucks

so I support them although i couldn't tell you a single player

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You should support the Boston Celtics

That way if you become a big enough fan and want to go see a game, you wouldn't have to go to Milwaukee

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im still a die hard Utah Jazz fan from thei beginning of the Stockton Malone days in the 80s

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Never been much of a basketball fan, although I have been known to watch it from time to time. I think the New york mets are going to win it all this year. It's been awhile since they won the super bowl so I think they are due. With all the names on the trophy however I hope that the captain can lift the Stanley cup.

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I was hoping for the Bulls to have a good run in but Giannis is just too good. 

I'd be quite glad for the Suns to win the chip. Suns vs Celtics final would be great! 

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Now that the Nuggets and etc are out as I expected, it'll be interesting to see who goes all the way to the finals. Suns might deserve it, maybe the Celtics. Nobody else really I'm a fan of winning.

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