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Sports Started by: Cantfindasuit on May 19, '22 07:03

popular sporty here in my place was basketball. They love NBA and me too i like it but im not good at it so if i want to exercise its not basketball

its jogging or jumping rope. 

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I'm big fan of sports mainly the fighting sports as I did karate since I was 3 years.

also I love shooting and football and horse riding, sports in general :3

lately I stsrted to enjoy basketball too :3

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The most ridiculous game known to man but love it.

Like baseball but we don't need glove to catch the ball, we're allowed to throw the ball at the player and if you hit the ball out the ground then you still get another go.
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I love Major League Baseball. The game reminds me of my childhood. Playing baseball was so fun. People think it’s a slow game but I think it’s the little battles between the hitters and pictures that mean so much.
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This isn't even a debate in my head.  Hockey comes 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th.  Have loved it since before I can remember.  Watch it every night it's on, my 2 kids play it competitively and I coach it pretty well every chance I get.


What I will say is that my kids started playing lacrosse this summer.  It's also a beauty sport.  I'm very captivated by it.

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American football hands down. College football above pros. The energy is second to none, its pure, and excitement through the roof in big college towns. Can’t wait for fall for the season to start.
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I can't stand sports in the least, it doesn't appeal to me and has done since I was a kid.  I do like swimming though

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I would introduce myself as a sports fan.

Many sports interest me watching.

Team sports like european football, nba or volleyball.

The way players work and act, look fast without being tired and in every part of the game, excites me.  

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Im the type of guy who hits a ball and it somehow goes in the completely wrong direction, so I stick to Darts (Which im no good at) Snooker (Still rubbish but get a lot of flukes) or Pool which im great at when ive had a beer or 2 lol

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Anyone into cricket? I always wanted to try to get into it but seems rather a steep learning curve.

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I used to play football/soccer when I was younger. Now I'm a smoker. sadge


It was pretty fun

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LeonVance are you better at pool after a few beers? 

I used to play a lot and couldn't hit a ball after a few beers but I knew a lot of people who couldn't a ball until they'd had a few lol. 
Steady arm I guess :D 

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TheWanderingJew I can play without beer but for some reason i cant get the angles right on my shots but after a couple (Cough cough lol) it all seem to fall into place :-D

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I’d have to go along with bighead and put a word in for cricket. It’s a game I’m convinced was invented by schoolchildren. You play it in a large area for a start. This enables the core of the group to station all the less popular participants way out on the boundaries where no one can really see or hear them. They are sent out there with the firm belief they are playing a crucial role, and that it’s tactically vital they never attempt to return from their position unless an adult declares it ‘time for tea’. 

Once all the social issues are cast out into the wastelands, the central group can get down to the business of throwing a rock hard ball at woefully under protected friends. These people are risking often shattered bones in an attempt to protect three sticks from being touched. Then, in order to increase the risk of injury, the close group of maniacs trying to catch this rock hard ball, are distributed at almost certainly fatal distances from the batsman. 

Once everyone is positioned so that the optimal number of people could be in grave danger from the delivery and strike of a single ball, you then assign almost all of them with profoundly emasculating names, like silly mid-on and slip. When all that’s in place the bowler fires balls at them that are named things like ‘full toss’ and ‘google’. 

The entire game is almost certainly the result of misadventure with mushrooms but my gif does it have charm. 

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I prefer single person golf, tennis, badminton that way you can only really blame yourself for any real screw up on your behalf.
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Cricket does indeed have charm Ian.

That is until the Australians start playing it. Then it all becomes a little bit charmless. They have no wit or manners. Just not what it's about old boy.

Although. I a lot like an Australian on a Saturday so maybe I have more incommunicado than I care to admit.
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For me is the crucial time of the year when the transfer window is in place for football/soccer.  Watching Arsenal fill most weaker roles bar a 20-30 goal a-season striker, is some hope, but the inflated costs are a nightmare. and why often i won't pay £100 a ticket to go watch a game when for the same can have a full day out including meals, drinks, and transport.   Time to give Balogun some playing time, after injury-prone Jesus and Nketiahs years of not emerging 

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I used to big a big football fan (no Stiffler, not that shit game called soccer), but it's been slowly losing ground to basketball. I still love me a nice football game, but basketball has more action. Soccer is absolutely painful to watch. 90 minutes of flopping, and running around with  score of 0-0. 

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Extreme ironing. Consists of doing the ironing in extreme places, e.g. on a cliff edge or deep under the sea (too soon?)

A daring and noble pursuit, plus you get crisp shirts at the end of it.
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I’m like a lot of people in here. I like pretty much everything. I play golf the most by far but soccer and football are the things I watch the most. Basketball is in my blood so it gets a fair amount of attention from me as well.
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