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Betrayal in New York Started by: Caelus on Feb 17, '24 14:38

Good morning everyone,

I just want to set a few things straight. No offense intended, DangerClose, but I'm going to be more... reality oriented in my explanation of what happened to Queens and the events leading up to it.


Let's begin by dissecting "Lust in Translation" (I do have to give credit where it's due, that's a clever title.)


Good evening everyone,

The destruction wrought by the United Forces of Morningwood upon Queens, New York was not an easy decision to make. I have no hate for the fallen members of Queens. At the onset of New York's current version I was hopeful that, even though I didn't know most of them previously, that we could learn to work together. Up until recently that was the case. Even though Professor, aethersix, and myself didn't speak often I was confident that everyone would keep a cool head.

The issues began a few weeks ago when I joined a poker tournament call in a cafe and met up with RupertGiles and aethersix. This was right after Godfather Spiral had been gunned down in cold blood for no reason other than being a fantastic guy. The moment I stepped over the doors threshold I was told "if you die we are killing everyone". Concerned, I inquired further. It became apparent that in my eventual death, the crews from Queens wouldn't exercise discretion. Specifically named, the cities of Los Angeles and Las Vegas, and their friends abroad, would be in the line of fire.


As we're out of character here, I'm going to be as clear as possible. DangerClose, RupertGiles, and aethersix, (that was me,) did, in fact, have a conversation, on discord, in voice chat. Being that it was after Spiral met his untimely death, DangerClose was, at the time, being pro'd over and over, for fear of being shot himself, I don't blame him, I would be worried too... Wait a minute, I was! We all were.

DangerClose discussed with us the potential for him being next, and expressed that he wanted us to put plans in place to ensure the continuation of NY under, well, what was "us." He not only suggested and condoned, but encouraged us to prepare. "If I die, make it yours. It won't be the JTG and Spike show anymore," he said. So, I privately messaged him and told him I was going to talk to Sniffler about it and see his thoughts, which I did.

I discussed it with the GF of Queens. There was never any plotting or planning of anything nefarious. Professor decided to talk to Chromatik, an ally of his at the time I guess, and a crew leader in the city next door. I read the notorious logs between Professor and Chromatik, over and over, trying to find a way it could be misconstrued, and there was absolutely no talk of any foul play whatsoever, it was nearly the same conversation I had with Sniffler and planned to have with Transistor, one of my closest allies and friends in the east at the time. I didn't ever end up talking to Transistor about it, everything sorta settled down. Of course, every one of us had DangerClose's safety as priority number one. "Well, my plan, first and foremost, is to do everything I can to keep you alive," I said to him during our conversation about all this.

We trusted him. Queens was behind him 100% to the end, and he was right, if we didn't prepare for his potential death, we would all die after him, so we did as told.

Now, just to clarify, there was no "the moment you walked over the threshold" or "if you die we're killing everyone" said, ever. As it was a while ago, and it was voice chat, so there are no logs, I will give him the benefit of the doubt and say that, probably, someone said they'd kill everyone involved in his death, because that just makes sense. There was no targeting the west coast, either.


I love Las Vegas and Los Angeles. There is nothing I wouldn't do for Tyki_Mikk and the late Fluffy_Tummy (and the newly appointed GFC of Las Vegas harison). A threat to them is a threat to the stability we have fought to maintain. We have bled for this. Even with Rupert and aether speaking so freely, I chose to keep it close to the chest. I felt confident that I could keep this all together by myself. I had set contingency plans in the event of my eventual death. Even if I die, this Thing of Ours will continue on without me. I owe to the people that have followed me into the dark.

The problems really began after the death of Don Chromatik and her family. She graciously explained that her and Professor had some very frank talks about my eventual demise and what should happen next. We had multiple sources confirm this to our intelligence agency. This was Professor attempting to gain firepower so ensure they would land on top of the shuffle. I respect it honestly. Why she chose to spill her guts and finger Queens? Only the Lord knows. I'm sure that will come to light some day. Why did Professor choose to go to Chromatik and not Godfather Chairman Shoresy, Godfather Transistor, or Godfather Sylence if he was this concerned? We can only assume.


As SpikeS commented in Lust in Translation, you know what happens when you assume...

Again, and I can't stress this enough, DangerClose told us to prepare for his eventual death, just in case. We were his contingency plan.


Unfortunately, they could not be separated from Queens. I would have expected them to defend Queens to the end. This was a terrible situation for everyone. I do not believe everyone in Queens was guilty. It simply would have been too risky to even attempt to separate them, much less blindly let them live as Professor fell.


DangerClose, to be perfectly honest, had you wiped Professor and left me standing, I would have made sure my crew members all had a nice warm places to stay and then I would have retired. I've said it time and time again, to every single person I defended you to, to every person who warned me about you, if it turns out I put my faith in the wrong people, then I'm done. I had complete trust in you, and you betrayed me. I don't know if I'll continue here after this, now or ever.


However, make no mistake, I will do anything to maintain this. Godfather Professor having these conversations with Chromatik are what solidified my decision. A certain choice was made when those conversations were had. Approaching anyone in the top end of leadership in Philadelphia would have been odd but acceptable. Making plans to go against the people that brought me here? I couldn't do that. As I said before, we have bled for this. We will continue to bleed for this. I felt that in the event of my eventual demise, I had to do what I did to protect the larger picture. To protect the people who have held it down for me since the beginning.

Do not misunderstand me. I will die for these people. I will burn you alive if you choose to go against us.

Rest in Peace to the fallen.


Nobody made any plans to go against anybody except a theoretical threat in the event of the death of DangerClose.


Why would DangerClose fabricate all of this? That's a question I'd love an answer to. Maybe he was just extremely paranoid? Or maybe he had a rough day, maybe he thought we smelled funny. The worst case scenario is that he seeded the entire thing to have a reason to kill us. It hardly matters. I'm just here to set the record straight. Professor was an innocent man, I mean it's a mafia role playing game, so we all murder and steal a lot and stuff, but you know what I mean. We were all just doing our best.

I don't know Chromatik, and I've never spoken to her before, outside of some chit chat in #main perhaps, and I don't know why she was wiped, it was none of my concern. I do know that if there were any reservations about Chromatik, any news or evidence of wrongdoings, Professor wouldn't have chosen her to discuss this with.


Onward, shall we?


Okay, you took out Queens, I wish you the worst because of it, by the way. Don't mistake me, I mean in game. I think you're a wonderful person, so is SpikeS, but this thing you're both doing in the game to maintain power is unsustainable and detrimental to the userbase. There won't be anyone left, friend or ally, if you just decide to make stuff up to make your friend group smaller and more comfortable for you. You are who's going to kill "this thing of ours."

Speaking of the removal (slaughter) of Queens, it appears a stray bullet landed in your district, DangerClose. I'd love to hear your explanation why Quini, right hand to your newest auth, BadxWolf, was ruthlessly gunned down, don't you have any stories to tell about that? Be very careful in your response, because the only answer you could possibly have is that she's my wife in real life, boy wouldn't that look bad. I sure hope you can make something up to explain why she deserved to die for her in game actions.


I poured my heart and soul into New York, my crew, my friends, into the game. I died with over 1800 hours, over 4000 kills, maxed stats,  5% GF left to hit unit 80, I had it all. I was doing quite well, i thought. but more importantly, I had a great, lively, friendly crew, all slaughtered without remorse, except my RHM Teyla. (I'd love to hear that explanation as well.) I had built relationships and made friends, all over, and I can only hope I still have some. There are so many great people here to talk to.


I was supposed to die in war, with all my friends by my side, and instead they stabbed me in the back.

You are dead, aethersix.
You were fitted for cement shoes on: Feb 16, '24 00:06:27.

As you take in your last breaths, a cloaked figure crouches over you and whispers:
I'm sorry you had to die for the sins for professor.

To create a new character, Click here

 Shoutout to Shoresy for not even proofreading my whisper before he ended it all. Thanks, pal.


Instead of me responding to the random nonsense in the replies of Lust in Translation, I'm sure everyone knows that SpikeS is complicit in the decisions DangerClose makes, and vice versa, keep that in mind when you read all the poor excuses and attacks in the replies.

With that said, SpikeS is a good friend, and even if I'm pissed at him at the moment, it'd be unfair to blame him for this. Even though the east coast's largest guns came together to remove Queens, the blame falls completely on the GFC of New York.


So there you have it, folks. Please feel free to post all of your questions, comments, angry ranting, screaming at the clouds, condescension, "corrections," or maybe even some love, if there's any left here for me.

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It is OK for you to be concerned about your GFC dying. It is OK that you expressed your fears to your GFC, you and Rupey.


It is not OK that Professor didn't talk to Shoresy about his fears and potential contingency plans (which would've been shot down immediately as a non-issue). 


^^^ That is why it happened^^^. 

YOU didn't do anything wrong. YOU died because you would've defended Professor. To quote you: 

I was supposed to die in war, with all my friends by my side...


NO ONE wanted to kill you for being YOU. NO ONE wanted to kill a Tiger. You already said the reason why she died. YOU were an underboss, and underbosses generally go with their Godfathers. SNIFFLER LOVES YOU AS ONLY A ROSEY CHEEKED IRISHANTEATERMAN COULD. I did not want this, and JTG did not want this. But NO ONE could defend some of the shit that Chromatik spewed about her conversations with Professor.

SHE told several people shit. SHE is the reason Queens died. 


New York lost that day, and it was no win for DangerClose, but he did what a leader needs to do. 


Miss you. Sniffler misses YOU too. 

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You replied in the most Spike way possible, so I removed formatting cause it was hurting my eyes.


It is OK for you to be concerned about your GFC dying. It is OK that you expressed your fears to your GFC, you and Rupey.

Why are you glossing over the fact that JTG told Telkin and I to prepare for his death? That is the big takeaway here.


It is not OK that Professor didn't talk to Shoresy about his fears and potential contingency plans (which would've been shot down immediately as a non-issue).
^^^ That is why it happened^^^.

 I'm not defending Chromatik, I am defending Professor for reaching out to who he thought he should. It looks like he made a wrong choice, but if he did it was definitely unknowingly. At the same time, I reached out to Sniffler. What's the difference? Chromatik TURNED OUT to be someone you think was a baddie. (I don't know what she did or didn't do, I'm not judging her at the moment.)


YOU didn't do anything wrong. YOU died because you would've defended Professor. To quote you:

    I was supposed to die in war, with all my friends by my side...

 Are you proud that you didn't read it all? cause I'm just hurt by it. :(


NO ONE wanted to kill you for being YOU. NO ONE wanted to kill a Tiger. You already said the reason why she died. YOU were an underboss, and underbosses generally go with their Godfathers. SNIFFLER LOVES YOU AS ONLY A ROSEY CHEEKED IRISHANTEATERMAN COULD. I did not want this, and JTG did not want this. But NO ONE could defend some of the shit that Chromatik spewed about her conversations with Professor.
SHE told several people shit. SHE is the reason Queens died.

Ah nobody wanted it, then? You guys had an odd way of showing it.


New York lost that day, and it was no win for DangerClose, but he did what a leader needs to do.



Professor was behind DC all the way. Very clearly so. We all were. My entire crew would have died for New York. I would have died for New York and my friends.

The only thing that matters is that Professor was never a threat to DC or NY or any other city in the game, unless JTG commanded so, he was an incredibly valuable part of it, and he was fucked over, as was I. For nothing.

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bEcAUsE I sAId It wAs Ok tO tALk tO dAngEr cLOsE AbOUt yOUr cOncErns

prOfEssOr mAdE thE wrOng chOIcE. hE shOULd"vE tALkEd tO sOmEOnE In chArgE Of phILAdELphIA. chrOmAtIk bOnEd hIm by tELLIng pEOpLE hE wAs pLOttIng tO wIpE thE wEst, And spEwwwwwInggg. 

I rEAd It ALL, bUt I fOcUsEd On thAt OnE pArt. yOU wOULd nOt hAvE LEt prOfEssOr gO dOwn And nOt rEtALIAtEd. 

sOmEtImEs pEOpLE hAvE tO mAkE hArd dEcIsIOns In thIs wOrLd thAt thEy dOn't wAnt tO dO bUt thEy hAvE tO dO. 

If dAngErcLOsE dIEd whAt wOULd prOfEssOr hAvE dOnE? 

I should also note that the Tiger was an innocent Tiger. 

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Look. Morals, truth and vday aside: I'm going to fucking throw up from the formatting.

Report Post Tips: 5 / Total: $820,000 Tip

I'm lost in translation ngl

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Is it possible to negatively tip a post for both physical and emotional damage it has caused?

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No MonobrowedMenace

I just tried to tip you $-80,000,000 and it told me the minimum tip is $20,000
Report Post Tips: 1 / Total: $20,000 Tip

Caelus, considering I am already 62 million dollars in debt I don't think that another 80 million would've improved my situation.

But thank you for testing this out for me.

Report Post Tips: 2 / Total: $40,000 Tip

Newsflash - Someone found out that certain members of this community are a bunch of lying, backstabbing trolls.


Welcome to the party and sorry for your loss.

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Okay, you took out Queens, I wish you the worst because of it, by the way. Don't mistake me, I mean in game. I think you're a wonderful person, so is SpikeS, but this thing you're both doing in the game to maintain power is unsustainable and detrimental to the userbase. There won't be anyone left, friend or ally, if you just decide to make stuff up to make your friend group smaller and more comfortable for you. You are who's going to kill "this thing of ours."

Always makes me chuckle how when people are a part of the regime or “cool kids club” everything is fine and dandy but as soon as they get stabbed in the back the group that they were a part of is suddenly “killing the game”

Ego? Waffling a load of old bollocks? Why not do something about the state of the game when you were sat on a 4k gun. Preposterous. 

Report Post Tips: 4 / Total: $80,000 Tip

Before I say this, I'd just like to say I've got no feelings towards this either way and I have no skin in the game so to speak. I'd like to think that Aethersix, Telkin, and Quini are my friends. Professor was a great crew member while he worked for me and he started to become my friend, but we don't have the history that I have with the others.

My only question (which I'm pretty sure I already know the answer to) - did you actually tell anyone that you were doing this? For instance, before you spoke to Chromatik, did you go to DangerClose and say "hey I'm gonna go speak to Chromatik about that thing we were talking about the other night cause I think I'm pretty close with her and I think it could be a good alliance there.". Or did you go about making these plans without telling DC a single thing about what you were doing? Cause you know regardless of the conversations you'd had before, approaching someone who's not the city head about what to do in the eventual death of your own city head without contacting them to let them know these conversations are taking place kinda makes it seem like you're doing it with something to hide. And why would you not go to Shoresy?

I dunno, it all feels a bit off. And when you're dealing with a whole district and massive guns within, feeling a bit off is often enough to warrant this.

Report Post Tips: 2 / Total: $170,000 Tip

No doubt your demise was bullshit. JTG has a tendency of running bullshit campaigns. However, let's take a look at how many CL's you screwed over (You were made) and you were able escape unscathed not once but twice while those crews were buried. Both you and your wife. I'm certain Spike had you go as a plant in Polio's crew. I knew something was not right with you. Burying you was Polio's call. He regretted not listening to me. And I'm certain Marston was good to you too as well and look what you did to him. Twice you did not go down fighting for your CL/crew. It really takes balls to ask why another lives. :P

Kicking a man while he is down not my thing but surely by now you have to come to terms with this and recognize you were used and washed up by your so-called friends.  

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SpikeS strolls in...


Wait right here a minute little Missy!


aethersix was not a plant! That is quite offensive, and he sure as shit didn't listen to me about anything. But MOST IMPORTANTLY, referencing your failure at characterizing someone, he was an emu. Gosh. 


Once again, aethersix is an emu. 


SpikeS strolls out...

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I have yet to see a snake stroll. Nobody expects you to keep it real. Who are you without JTG and Remy? And let's not leave out that nifty little purge spreadsheet. Do you guys even give a shit a possible new player that was purged because you idiots thought because he was gambling, he was Dia?  But it is actually worse than that. The victim was only 20 days old. So now it is down to he cannot play? 

Anyhow have it your way with referencing the late aethersix as an emu. He was a planted emu who ended up eating shit. And I cannot blame him if his feelings were hurt. 

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Correction: The victim was 26 days old. Just the same if we are keeping it real. Maybe we ought to have the 1% wb upped. It's my understanding another was purged in CH last night. Where is the supposed WS needed for that victim? 

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How noble of you to speak up for a possible new player. You are the savior of the new blood in here while everyone else just wants to kill this game and any new blood that may wander in here.

My question is, Why now? Why wait for almost a week to come in here and talk about it. Why wait for a week to put the question publicly on your profile. WHY?

Maybe it is because you don't care about this or anyone in the first place but yourself. And you want to suck up to whoever it is you are trying to please this time. Now that you have already been killed and burned a bridge you are back to playing the victim and portraying yourself as the savior of the weak. Truly noble of you.

but I must say it is a good effort on your part to make it seem you were killed because you spoke up for wormwood, when everyone knows that is obviously not the reason why.

Report Post Tips: 4 / Total: $1,403,635 Tip
Actually you can go f*** yourself strange one. Yes strange one that's how you were viewed. First off I asked to be killed. Secondly it has not been a week since the victim was killed because they thought they were purging somebody else. And I don't know what the hell all she say but I ain't got time for you. Oh yeah one more thing you're also viewed as a suck up so while you're pointing fingers at me four or definitely pointing back at you.
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You say a lot shit that doesn't mean much relative to the actual reality of things... You view bits of the surface, but mostly just extrapolate garbage from your limited view. I'm sorry about your delusions and nonsense. I hope you find a clear head and path. There's help out there. You just have to want it for yourself.  


That said, I guess Transistor did us a favor last night, eh? 

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Anyone have some salt….I need a bit for my popcorn

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