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Does Terrorism Actually Work? Started by: DangerClose on Jun 11, '24 22:10

Luis_Patangeli, what do you think Race Street's JackMezzo would have to say about your seriously concerning case of OOCitis?

Game? Thread? Read? You sound sick, my friend.

"Race Street blood through and through"? I'd have expected more.

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"Again I'm not telling anyone how to act in the streets. It kind of sounds like you came out here to try and tell me how people should be conducting themselves out here by trying to point out things I said. I'm not beating any chest, I've stayed a point about a time where the streets were very alive and active, and you just came out here and proved my point further.

LilPeep was an embarrassment? I'm an embarrassment because I have an opinion on the streets? Doesn't that make you an embarrassment yourself? Don't you seem to have an idea of what the streets should entail or apparently how we are supposed to refer to things here.

I call it a telegram you call it something else. Who wins here? Nobody. The only part who looks like a jackass is you because you have to constantly keep bringing up how my step father LilPeep wasn't active in the streets.. who cares? It seems he did better off in the world then your lineage has in months.. who even are you does anyone care? Probably not.

 You and your friends can go back to your usual clown fest you like to call the "streets" and keep telling yourselves that's the way it is supposed to be. But then shit on everyone else for doing their own thing."

Luis shakes his head.

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No. YOU are an embarrassment. Not because you have an opinion. LilPeep was wise to remain silent because I presume your entire line has been this bad at this.

I'd agree I'm an embarrassment myself, I'm arguing with stupid.

You can call it a telegram all you like, but you're wrong. We are in the streets. Physically.

" because you have to constantly keep bringing up how my step father LilPeep wasn't active in the streets..." - I don't understand? This is the first time I've mentioned him.

LilPeep did do better than I have in months. I've not been around for quite some time, so the bar was pretty low. But I didn't really attack his accolades, so I'm not sure why you're in chest-beater mode again.

True, probably no one cares who I am. Good, that's how I like it.

Me and my friends? I'm out here on my own. I'm not with anyone else here nor am I communicating with anyone through other means.



How the fuck did you just shake your head through a telegram and I witnessed that? That's confusing, please explain.

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Poor Rufus is not the best English speaker yet he tries. And people shit on him constantly for it. That's our world, that's the community we have here. We don't support each other we just like to play the troll game in the streets."

I’ve listened to (or “read” as Luis_Patangeli would call it) everyone’s input in this conversation including Clarity and DangerClose’s nonsense but this remark here is very unfair. I don’t believe anyone begrudges RufusWatchDog’s grasp of a second language. I for one do not. Language barriers have never been an issue for me, and with some patience you can ofree make out what he is saying just fine. That being said, I believe Rufus to be an idiot in any language, including his native one so to insinuate anyone “shits” on him for his English is inaccurate.

Apologize. And apologize to Rufus for using him as a virtue signal to strengthen your non-point. Disgusting. 

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I didn’t hear an apology to Rufus anywhere in that drivel
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I don't need to make anything seem like anything, we can just HEAR what you are SAYING out here in the STREETS.

Thank you for the apology. I do agree with CyraxxNation that it would be better directed at Rufus however. I do not know the guy and he's certainly not "my lot" or a friend of mine before you start anymore crazy rumours. However, from what I'm HEARING, you're a shitter for using him like that.

It's all well and good saying the leaders don't want to come out here, but they're the reason the streets are a shithole. Maybe your lineage has not been around long enough, but it was always part of their responsibility to ensure mobsters conducted themselves in the proper manner. Why bother having ranks if they're not going to help sculpt the next generation of mafioso? Do you think the leaders would have something to say if their members were coming out and breaking omerta? They only care when it directly affects their reign and that is the issue here. They don't give a shit about the streets because it's too much effort and you don't actually need the streets to maintain control. That's precisely the problem. They don't care about our society, they only care about their own dominance, so they only participate in the bits that allow them stay on top. They put huge amounts of effort into tracking people's ancestry and purging unknowns, but zero effort into the streets and that sort of approach has been destroying this place for a very long time. It's no longer what it was around here and some people are unhappy about that which leads to what we have here - what you would call "trolling" and a "clown fest". 

It doesn't matter what you consider this. The fact is we ARE here physically. We are IN THE STREETS. What are you not grasping? I don't know how to spell it out to you any clearer. This place we are in is PHYSICAL. We are here... In the streets... You know, with roads, sidewalks, streetlights... Look around, do you see it? We are in the streets, what do you see? I just saw you pause during your speech and I deduced it was an intentional pause. How did I do that without physically being here with you? Think, my friend... Think.

You say "How is that not toxic behaviour?" You can call it toxic behaviour all you want, I don't give a shit - I haven't said it's not toxic behaviour. However, now we're on the subject - it's not. We are in the streets discussing how to conduct ourselves in the streets and you're TALKING like we're doing some crazy shit I've never heard of - like some shit that comes from the next century or something... Okay, maybe I can't claim that - who knows what the future holds? But you're clearly not aware of what this place is or what we should do here so why the fuck are you out here trying to discuss the etiquette? You're a clown.

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"It seems I touched a nerve deep down in you. How does it feel getting like that? Does that make you feel good? Did you enjoy getting so mad an frustrated you had to scream your head off about it? 

My lineage was around during a time where yes, being in the streets did hold more merit. People were held to a much higher standard.. my point is over time, people have ended up running to the shores to catch the quickest boat out of here because of the behavior in the streets. I said there was a bigger community here who cares about this thing of ours in the past, a community of mafioso that cares deeply about the streets but they were chased off. That wasn't what people liked to see mafia people doing our here I guess.

Leaders should and do hold their members accountable for what they say in the streets. If we want to go back to why my father was targeted, kra because he shot the late TommyTheTrumpets father for speaking out on matter he knew would get him killed. Is that not holding your members accountable? I didn't need to be out here in the streets to get points across as my step father, nor was he ever in a position to be the one making speeches or announcements on things.

Again, my lineage came to this place during a time where there was bountiful amounts of leaders engaging in the streets. Not everyone though is a orator and feels comfortable to come out here and speak on matters.

Telephones were more then already invented in the 1950s, it's not hard to pick one up and speak to someone physically over one I imagine "

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No one's screaming, you tit. And I'm not mad. I'm trying to explain it in a way you will understand because you're not picking up what I'm putting down.

Just because a lot of the people who cared were chased off, doesn't mean we should all just give up and not bother and start claiming absurdities like the streets are telegrams. You're being a part of the problem you're moaning about.

Again, you've missed my point. The leaders will step in when it directly affects their control. But if the streets are an absolute mess, they don't give a shit because there is nothing that comes from the streets which affects their ability to maintain power. And the current crop don't care about our society, they only care about their power. So why bother with anything beyond marksmanship, bodyguards and purging?

Not everyone is an orator - fine. But NONE of the leaders are orators? You used Rufus as an example of someone who makes an effort despite his difficulties. So why can't these non-orators do the same?

"Telephones were more then already invented in the 1950s"? Do you mean telephones ARE invented? We're IN the 1950s, why are you speaking as if it has passed? Besides, I don't have a telephone on me in the streets, so how the fuck can I pick one up to answer you?

Furthermore, wasn't it a telegram you were using to communicate? So now you're sending written messages through a telephone? That sounds like some craaaazy shit... No way that will ever exist.

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"I don't know why people don't come out here more often and try to have some kind of street presence.. hmm.. well. Because you just said it. This place doesn't exactly need you to be the most outspoken person to ever grace this place. You don't need to be out here to be an effective leader when it comes to maintaining control. The streets always has been and will be a place for people to come out here and express themselves. 

Dangerclose already pointed out a regime that had more mute leaders then I can remember, yet had a Godfather who did care about the community of mafioso that want to come out here and engage in the streets and commit crimes. Whatever.

You keep clinging on to that yet I've already stated I used it as an example. Many people use different terminology for the streets. Sorry if mine isn't up to par with how you see fit.

The point both of us have made and like I already said. The streets are a shit show and I'm not sure how a Godfather is supposed to come out here and stop people from acting like children, or clowns, I mean got many different names for that behavior.


I don't see how you coming out here to attack what I said any better, unless you can somehow elaborate to me somehow that it is you who knows better then everyone else here?"

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Um, has anyone ever been terrified?  I would be if Curtis turned up at my front door, but otherwise?


Wrong word, my dudes

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Now you are showing how young your ancestry is in the grand scheme of things because it WAS important for leaders to have street presence. There was a time where it was part of the gig. It now isn't important, they don't care about it because they don't care about how this place functions, they only care about maintaining power. Whether you think it should be important or not is moot - we're discussing WHY the streets are a shitshow and I'm explaining to you why they are: because most of the leaders in recent history don't give a shit about the streets, they only care about the parts that help them "win" - in an attempt to put it bluntly for your easier understanding.

No, many people do not use different terminology. You just don't understand what the streets are which is utterly fucking hilarious since you're "Race Street through and through". You're actively destroying that crews legacy. You're a joke. If I was JackMezzo's ancestor, I'd be embarrassed to have you clinging on to my line's legacy for clout while claiming you're communicating in the streets through telegrams and telephones, talking about posts, games and threads. I'll say it again... Embarrassment.

You're not sure how a Godfather is supposed to come out here and stop it because it's not been seen for such a long time. If we had good, effective leaders, you'd know because you'd witness it. For a start, your case of OOCitis would've been promptly dealt with. But that's also probably why the streets have been dumped aside - because snowflakes like you couldn't live up to the basic standards it used to take to be an actual mobster around here. Nowadays ranks and auth are given out like they come in cereal boxes. So long as you won't shoot anyone, sure you can pretend to be a mobster. Too few people care not about the craft and too much about their own self-preservation. How do you survive easiest? Surround yourself with people too dumb to understand why this world prospered for so long and why so many found it enjoyable but so few do now.

I'm not claiming to know better than everyone else. I'm claiming to know better than you, Mr. Telegram.

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"I'm just going to leave it at that because honestly the old world is becoming more important then trying to debate with someone in the streets about how this place should be. I apologize for any words uad improperly and leave it up to GFC TickTock to make sure these streets are in proper order.. cause all people like to do our here is just play games with another then actually be productive."
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" just can't stop making it seem like your knowledge on this game is so much superior than mine." What game are you talking about, friend? I don't understand. No one's playing games here.

"JackMezzo again was more then happy to give me auth..." According to medical records, JackMezzo has been dead for a long time. I highly doubt he gave you auth since you're a young gangster, fresh off the boat. You're fucking delusional.

I am doing something. I'm pointing out your stupidity. Maybe you can't see me because you're thinking you're looking at a telegram but if you open your eyes, you will see me... Here... In the streets... Doing it.

TickTock waves excitedly.

Do you see me, Mr. Telegram?

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Oh, you're leaving. Good. The streets are far better off without you. Follow in Daddy Peep's shoes and you'll be fine, I'm sure.


Take care, Mr. Telegram. Don't call me.

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TickTock looks around for the New York Don he was originally interrupted by soon after his arrival. Unable to spot her in the vicinity, he digs through his pockets, pulling out a pen and paper and begins writing a letter. He reads it aloud as he writes.

"Dear Clarity,

I was recently inspired by a crazy man to start using other forms of communication, so I thought I'd write you a letter.

I think you may be right... Maybe I am a terrorist.



GFC TickTock."

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This began as an excellent street discussion- thank you, DangerClose. 

It has been hijacked (as has been the trend for God knows how long now) into a name-calling, finger-pointing, whining, "this is all your ancestors fault" puddle of garbage; and if you really want to know why family heads aren't coming out in droves to engage in the streets, may I present this very discussion as Exhibit A.

Certainly, we would all love to see a more lively and engaging flurry of activity in our streets. Wouldn't I love to see leaders and gangsters alike out having intelligent discourse together; or sit and enjoy a cup of coffee and watch interesting stories unfold without seeing them interrupted by some malicious ass clown simply looking to ruin their work? I ask every one of you- would you rather step into the streets when they are full of interesting activity, or full of shit?

I've been listening to a lot of people of late who contend that "hey, at least so-and-so is getting people out here doing something;" despite the fact that "so-and-so" is whipping up endless and infuriating crap that- in the end- is exactly what is driving the majority of people away from engaging in street activity. It boggles the mind how some of you don't see this. For a while, I wondered if people really didn't understand that- but I've landed on the fact that they do, and it's all just an attempt to keep vitriol alive and burning in the streets rather than encouraging the more enjoyable street activity a lot of us remember. I've said this before, and I'll continue to beat the drum; quality over quantity. I think the current level of frustration makes it clear that people would rather have a few things worth looking at in the streets rather than a parade of trash.

Now, the "old days." Yes, nostalgia makes it feel like things were perfect back then. Even I smiled warmly when the name of Jack Mezzo was brought up, as I've read stories from the journals of my ancestors who lived and worked on Race Street. Were things perfect? Fuck no, but the streets were active with discussions, banter, theater, and yes; even arguments- though people seemed to remain at least somewhat more civil. That being said, using Race Street here is kind of unfair to the situation, because 1) That crew was filled to the brim with people who knew how to interact with people and knew how to write and give the speeches and a lot of those people are gone from these shores for good; and 2) Jack Mezzo would have drawn and quartered anyone from his family that came onto the streets and acted like some of the absolute buffoons we're seeing these days. He absolutely wouldn't have stood for it. So- yes, the presence of leaders in the street is massively important; but it's not only up to the leaders. A ringmaster with nothing but hyenas isn't going to have much of a show, no matter how hard he tries. As I look at the landscape right now, the number of people willing to participate in the type of street engagement that used to be is very little. 

So- you can scream, "Where are the leaders" but I will still be asking, "where are the stand-up guys? Where are the ones that put in the work with heart and leave the narcissistic bravado and self-praising circle-jerks behind? Where are the creators and collaborators?"

Those are the people I want in the streets. Those are the ones I want to see leading.

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Amira, great speech - thank you. 

Perhaps all of those stand-up guys who we'd both like to see come out and also put in work have all got bored of being ruthlessly murdered for seemingly no reason at all.

Those are the ones I want to see leading too. In the eyes of a leader who only cares about self-preservation, that'd seem like a good reason to stifle their ability to get out in the streets and preach, doesn't it? Perhaps by repeatedly murdering their lineage until they give up and go elsewhere?

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In my opinion, anyone who gives up is a flat out pussy, but I guess some just tap out on the mat too easy.


For all the times in the last decade plus that my line has been bloodlined, did they step away elsewhere? Or did they stick around, annoy, plot, advance, die, and try again and annoy some more?


A very important characteristic to be successful in this world is simply: tenacity.


I have very little respect for those lines which are not present trying to kill me.


In good times and in bad, for better or worse.

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I should clarify that I mean my enemies that are not present and trying to kill me...


I thought that would be implicit, but unfortunately not. 

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I've been listening to a lot of people of late who contend that "hey, at least so-and-so is getting people out here doing something;" despite the fact that "so-and-so" is whipping up endless and infuriating crap that- in the end- is exactly what is driving the majority of people away from engaging in street activity. It boggles the mind how some of you don't see this. For a while, I wondered if people really didn't understand that- but I've landed on the fact that they do, and it's all just an attempt to keep vitriol alive and burning in the streets rather than encouraging the more enjoyable street activity a lot of us remember. I've said this before, and I'll continue to beat the drum; quality over quantity. I think the current level of frustration makes it clear that people would rather have a few things worth looking at in the streets rather than a parade of trash.

I've always found it a bit of a transparent excuse when people claim 'The Streets are full of crap and the people are too mean' as the reason that keeps "the majority of people away from engaging" when the majority of people are really just too lazy and jaded to participate and engage in any way whatsoever. We don't need to dance around the real reason and it would make for a more meaningful discussion if it could move past the pearl-clutching about how uninhabitable these crass and cruel Streets have become, when the entire point of being here is that it's shaped exactly by how much you put into it. The Streets haven't been commandeered by Kuku, you have ceded it to him, and that's a weakness on behalf of everyone who doesn't participate and not a fault of his. 

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