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Does Terrorism Actually Work? Started by: DangerClose on Jun 11, '24 22:10

I am sorry I did not stick around to add to the insults and pointing of fingers. It was not my intention to hijack my Godfather's thread into what it turned into. I saw someone trying to pick a fight, so I did what any Queen would do and defend her King. I would love to see this get back to the topic at hand and be a discussion instead of an angry mob.

I have a lot of respect for those around here, except the few that would just spew rude insulting words because they have no real arguments anymore.

Rogues, or terrorists, have been able to change things in the past, it is true. Usually as a collective instead of just a one off. Yet, rogues that shoot people who aren't even the one's they are mad at, just to try and stir something, do not add any support to their cause. Whether they think it is fun, do it out of boredom, or because they really don't like those at the top. Hurting the people who aren't the one's you really are gunning for is ridiculous and does not help what you want to prove.

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I'm not going to argue with you too much, there, Bigfoot. I'm not going go into calling people lazy and jaded...though I will absolutely hang the term "jaded" on myself and admit that it is due to a mix of an oversaturation of manure from certain people and the lack of push-back against them.

I'll even go so far as to say that I lost a lot of will to try and fight it myself because of what it did to me, personally. Fuck it, I'll stand here and say I'm kind of ashamed of that, because it makes it look like I'm letting aforementioned assclowns and shit bags win. In fact, they probably took that as a personal victory.

Ok fine, you want more leaders in the street? As a Right-Hand, I will step back out. Maybe not so much in discourse, but I will put myself back out there in my own way; in the way my lineage always has. Damn the consequences. 

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Pardon me, I meant my Godfather's speech, takes a sip of her coffee to help get her mind in the right place. Not sure what a thread is!

Clarity wondered back to the HQ while still trying to think of what a thread is.

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TickTock chuckles to himself, opting for brandy rather than coffee.

"Must be something going round today." He clears his throat. "Online. Walking round."

TickTock scratches his chin in thought, shifting his eyes side to side.

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"I must attest obviously there is something going around in the brandy today because it seems we all aren't immune to being drunk in the streets and saying the wrong way, It seems we all can actually be human every once awhile."

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There's a stark difference between using the wrong word once and your hilarious claims that we're sending telegrams or talking over the phone, Mr. Telegram. Misspeaking once is not even slightly akin to you making multiple speeches riddled with OOCitis and claiming we aren't interacting physically here in the streets, followed by your ludicrous attempts to defend your repeated inabilities and "different terminology".

I'm out here quite clearly happy to act out and cause a scene, I think we can all agree I've said some things that prove I'm being a twat - though I don't think that one misspoken word is included in that. But you genuinely do not even realise how to simply exist in the streets. It's actually mind boggling to me that your lineage have done as much as they have yet you believe we are communicating through telegrams. You are everything that is wrong with this world. I truly cannot understand how you can be so unaware of what this place is. I'm genuinely embarrassed for you.

Now off you go, haven't you got phone calls to make, telegrams to send?

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Pest listened to everything with amusement.  The passion from all sides was admirable.  Nothing like a bit of homicide to bring out the passion in folks.


"What a life us mobsters lead." He thought to himself. 


"I'm going to try and better offer my opinion on the original question..."


Pest cleared his throat and adjusted his nutsack.


"Does Terrorism actually work?"


"I originally said "Nah, not really." When I thought about if these actions actually work.   But - as I sit here and anticipate the next anger fueled speech - I see myself searching the logs (Because clearly I was not around) of the anals of history in this thing of ours.  I still think it doesn't really work - but there have been some legendary individual stands which have in fact reshaped the landscape of the mobworld.  My mind goes to Pika, or a couple of the rogues of the F4F bloodline, or the legendary Garou stand when his family was attacked.  Multiple leaders were killed. Cities were dispersed.   It most definitely worked. But - for every one of these there's about 50 attempts where maybe one life was taken and then protection shots dried up, or sleeping/drinking/boredom made them vulnerable and they were effectively ended before reshaping the landscape."


"So - mostly it just doesn't work.  But every so often it might."


"The streets? No, not important to shaping this thing of ours.  It hasn't been for a long time.  The private phone booth at the corner of Whatsapp avenue and Discord Blvd has more influence here.  I don't give a shit enough to get into it often enough, honestly.  I have bars to attend that are more important to me.  I guess that just leaves me with the clown fiesta to get the majority of knowledge on what's going on around here."

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I am not on a horse and I am claiming no high ground, at this point I believe most of people's kin and ancestors have plenty of blood on their hands. I was not discussing if the takedown a current regime has done hasn't killed some innocent bystanders. The speech he gave was regarding purging and rogues, terrorists. 

I was stating that say... someone wants to shoot me, for example. They know they cannot aim well enough because there are quite a few men in my service protecting me. So instead they shoot someone else who they know they can headshot. Then they take a few other's out as well because at this point they are on the run and just want to do as much damage as possible to whoever they can. That is ridiculous and does not aid their cause.

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I think it's a myth that people were "chased off" the Streets.  Wasn't true when Roman and Prem were regularly killing people for what they said and it isn't true now.


The lineage most killed for speaking in the streets, by an enormous margin, is Kuku's

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Ha- right or wrong, saying that Kuku's lineage is killed for "speaking in the streets" is like saying one kills a black mamba because it was hissing.

Being "chased off the streets" is far different than being "driven off the streets." Being "chased" off implies that someone was somehow threatening people's ability to carry out regular activity. Being "driven" off the streets is more of an implication that the actions of others are a repellant; much like a giant sack of shit has a horrible smell and no one wants to be anywhere near it.

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Yes, Clarity. I understand what you are saying. My comparison was to point out that not everything you and your ilk do aids your cause either, but it's par for the course.

You do things which don't aid your cause - that's fine, totally acceptable.

Someone else does it - you look down on them for it.

High ground. Horse. Pot. Kettle.

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She decided to step out of the shadows. As nervous as she was, she felt like this needed to be said. She felt that dangerclose and few others made some points. Ignoring the disrespect that was made to the it responses. She took a deep breath.  Letting it out slowly. She rarely made an appearance but she felt she needed to say this. 

"Hello, I'm.. Ahem.. I'm Adeline. It's nice to see some familiar faces.. Dangerclose. Clarity.. Luis_patangeli. And amira. Thank you for dangerclose for this. I know I'm probably gonna get a lot of backlash for this but you know I see you're honestly wanting our opinions and our honesty.. I don't know if it's because you're asking.. Or if it's because you wanna change somethings. I won't pretend to know. All I know is I have my own thoughts.  Just recently when Hugo was being chased.. I was sent a private message.. Calling me an asskisser.  I've been called that many times during remys and dangerclose and tykis regime.  But let me put in a perspective you'll understand.  Please di not come for me.. I'm just explaining what my bloodline went through. During many regimes.  My bloodline has been used and burried deep.. Excuse my lack of wording. I'm.. I'm not a word genius like some of you. Although I got all A's in thr spelling B's... Ironic isn't it?  Anyway.. Not onr of you.. Who are roguing out now. Disrespecting this current regime stepped out to help me.  No.. Infact.. Most of you.. Told my. Excuse me.. My blood line to shut the fuck up.. Or I don't know what I'm talking about.. Or I'm a joke.  now I've never had.. " she paused taking a drink. 


She was so nervous her hand Shook, "Ahem.. Excuse my nervousness.. Crowds scare me.. Public speaking is not my thing. But as I was saying.. I've never had a problem with the current regime.  I mean I'll be honest.. There are a couple that I question a little. But I don't hate them. And me saying this isn't ass kissing.. No one paid me to say this.. And I'm not saying this because I'm right hand woman.. I'm saying it because it's the facts about me. Maybe some of you are getting what you did to others.. I don't know.. I won't presume to know.. But this current regime. I've been thinking about this for awhile.  You say I was slaughtered twicr and now I'm ass kissing.. Well let me ask you this.. Where were you when I was getting supposed slaughtered? Why didn't you come help me?  Now I'm gonna say this.. Everytime I was killed. I was given a proper explanation of why.. Although I'm sure it made them saddened by it. Because I'm their friend.  Now no one is perfect. But I will say in this regime.  Ive been given a voice. Ive been treated very fair. I've been treated like a person, who has intelligence.  This regime.. Has given me a new perspective on how the outside world works. How I could work. This current regime. Has shown me you can power through your own means.  Ive never had been treated with so much respect as I am right now.  Dangerclose never portrayed to be perfect. Nor did any upper structure.. But this is the first time I've seen so many fresh blood given a chance at being upper. Given a voice. Given a fair chance at a cl or gfc or gf run. I know because there are a few who are gf who have never been gf before.  You're mad because you can't go around throwing your weight around.. So you insult clairty. Which I think clarity makes a point.  I'm sorry tiktok.. Or what ever name you go by.. No offense.. You aren't very memorable ..that foul mouth makes it less memorable.  That's not any of our issue. If youre complaining.. Then change it. If you put in the work.. Maybe someone might give you respect.  Maybe throw in some loyalty I dont know." She paused and looked to thr crowd. 


Taking another deep breath she speaks again, "I know my bloodline isn't well known. Thats because I prefer it thst way.. But I will say.. I haven't had to worry if my friends had to endure the discrimination of their writing in the streets.. I haven't had to worry about their decorations of their suits.. Or their personality being made fun of.. Why?  Because this current regime treats everyone equally. And maybe I'm thr only who sees this.. But you know when I had to endure. This regime made it so I didn't have to.. So if that makes me an ass kisser than so be it. But I won't change my mind on this. And if they ask me to stand with them and take down rogues or go to war with them.. I will.. You csn berate me or hate me. Or kill me for this. And I maybe a shadow.. But I'll reveal this.. For you rogues to understand. My bloodline has rogued out.. But once. And why?  Like I tell people.. Give me a reason to do any thing? I rogued out for a friend that was being walked all over. And this current regime?  Gave me a reason to go above and beyond to make sure they stay in place.  So don't pretend you give a shit about anyone else but yourself. I don't want to hear what you have to say why?  because none of you actually cared before.. So don't pretend to now. At least I know who my allies are and they aren't.. Can you say the same?" She finished taking a deep breath and went back to the shadows. 

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Amira grins and nods to the soft-spoken woman slipping back into the shadowy parts off the streets.

"That was a damn good speech, Adeline. You spoke volumes and your sentiment is reflected here with me and with many others I know. You tell them, lady."

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Rogues, or terrorists, have been able to change things in the past, it is true. Usually as a collective instead of just a one off. Yet, rogues that shoot people who aren't even the one's they are mad at, just to try and stir something, do not add any support to their cause. Whether they think it is fun, do it out of boredom, or because they really don't like those at the top. Hurting the people who aren't the one's you really are gunning for is ridiculous and does not help what you want to prove.

I was stating that say... someone wants to shoot me, for example. They know they cannot aim well enough because there are quite a few men in my service protecting me. So instead they shoot someone else who they know they can headshot. Then they take a few other's out as well because at this point they are on the run and just want to do as much damage as possible to whoever they can. That is ridiculous and does not aid their cause.

Hey Don Clarity what’s up it’s your boy CyraxxNation. Yall already know that. I understand exactly what you are saying and also agree to a certain extent. So I’m not out here trying to argue with you over this, but none of that really applies here. In fact unless I’m missing someone, the last significant rogue that set out to make changes yet never took a shot at the ones calling the shots was from your camp. Not ours. 

I can only speak on what I know, as a cousin of mine did participate in Hugo’s mission, which people almost deliberately refuse to acknowledge was a mission accomplished. Im not sure why this became about you, or DangerClose, or any “regime” we were railing against. Hugo came to my cousin and said he needed an accomplice to do some business and my cousin agreed (I bet none of you even care that my cousin lost his own life after he helped his friend Hugo but whatever).  Hugo’s reasons were made clear. I know there were mentions of the purgings and that supposedly Hugo was making a statement towards that. I may have even made some purging remarks myself during the chaos but if I did, I’m sure it was to just feed whatever inane reasoning people were applying to Hugo’s actions. 

So to clear the air, none of this has or had anything to do with you or DangerClose. At least not as far as your boy CyraxxNation is concerned. In fact I don’t believe anyone in this decayed Cyraxx branch of my family tree or any cousins in between have ever mentioned DangerClose at all in any negative manner, aside from a remark in a newspaper that was more of a nod to days past, and he may have even thought it was humorous.

I saw DangerClose very unnecessarily defend the purging and the terrorist organization/circus clown show, and yourself now making your points about people being dissatisfied with those on top. I guess the purging specifically is the hot topic. I don’t begrudge DangerClose or you or any of the current decision makers for purging. It’s really the only strategy to apply. And why wouldn’t he purge?  It’s a simple formula and it works (Spike compares this as “playing chess”. Not kidding). My own ancestors have been on both sides in the past, both the purgers and the purged. It is what it is. I’d be a hypocrite to complain  

Just wanted to clear the air on that one point Don Clarity. No disrespect intended.

But I do have very strong feelings of disgust about certain elements of purging, but they do not include yourself or your Godfather. I’ll express that later in my circus clown show act/terrorist manifesto later, at the harsh expense of those who have filled me with such disgust. 

I hope your boy CyraxxNation didn’t derail this conversation. Actually I really don’t know what the topic is anymore. But one last thing while we are on the topic of purging, and I know it’s been mentioned on other corners as well, but can we take a moment to reflect on how funny it is that MrSki purged everyone in his crew except for Hugo and the man Regrets who assisted him?


peace yall 

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Thank you, Adeline. I appreciate you directly acknowledging me despite me not being memorable. You even mentioned the foul mouth which supposedly makes me less memorable but was noteworthy enough to be included - nice! I'm not sure that makes any fucking sense... But I appreciate it all the same.

"You're mad because you can't go around throwing your weight around..." Is that so? And what are you basing that on exactly? I'd love to hear how you came to that conclusion. 

To be absolutely clear with you though - I insult Clarity because she's a fucking idiot. Like that weird Mr. Telegram dude... Alright, maybe that's a bit harsh on Clarity - she's not quite that bad. In fact, nowhere near as bad... But she's definitely on the idiot spectrum.

I'm pleased you came to share your piece despite your nerves. Seems like you had some things to get off your chest, hopefully you feel better for it.



TickTock waves his hand in front of his face slowly, tracking it with his eyes before holding it mid-air six inches from his face, with his palm facing him. He focuses his stare on the wrinkly details before bringing up his second hand. With his index finger outstretched, he pokes the palm of his hand, attempting to pierce it with his digit. Failure.

Nope... Not a dream, these people really do exist.

He sighs.

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Sorry, TickTock, I think you're barking up the wrong tree when it comes to people being okay with things that don't aid their cause. I have been known and my ancestors also, to heavily voice my opinion and protect people I feel do not deserve to die or have done nothing to warrant it - or if I feel it does not better our "cause". Am I as opinionated as I once was? Perhaps not. The faces around here are all too familiar these days, so I think most of our lines have been drawn by our ancestors and kin. That doesn't go to say that people can't surprise you and change, not very likely though.

The only people I look down upon are the one's who stoop so low as to use specific insults, like calling someone a bitch for no other reason than to try and belittle a woman or insulting a man's stutter, instead of actual arguments to prove their points. 

So there is no pot calling the kettle black here. 

Also, Cyraxx, pleased to meet you. I was talking more in general terms of terrorists, not the one you speak of. I do appreciate your explanation.

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That's the second mention I've heard on this street corner about a stutter - first by DangerClose and now by you. Have I missed something or are the pair of you the only ones to have mentioned it? Who has insulted someone over a stutter, I honestly don't think I follow but it seems relevant considering it's been mentioned twice?

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As he sat back and listened to all the opinions he thought about the way back.. way way back times when to when things were a little different around these streets. He remembered the old names that his fathers had spoke about, but he knew they lived under some different rules with less hired help around and the pistols back then were different and just so much

As bad as the word rogue, or underground seem, I remember a time long long ago where I personally did all of these things. I read old journals of random wacks, rogues, bribes and deceit!

I swear they called it Iron Fist or the now rebranded name Iron Fish as my good friend Spike would say. 

As I have grown older and hopefully wiser I now think a bit different about it all. I can understand wanting to kill everyone you do not like, and I can understand trying to take over.. but I no longer can understand killing innocent people while going rogue. I run a family and would not want any of them killed innocently so maybe my judgement is clouded, but I just think trying to kill the people you do not like is a better plan.

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TickTock - I apologize for the confusion. When Shoresy was gunned down, a couple unsponsored and uninteresting Gangsters made speeches referencing "developing a stutter." I was only poking fun at that sour lot. It seems that their speeches have been forgotten, gone forever. It wasn't meant to be directed at anyone specific. Just a tongue-and-cheek joke.

I appreciate the honest reply here, Cyraxx. I never once thought that any of the speeches given earlier were directed at me. I may have used some charged language to illustrate my question, but the people would have called me boring otherwise. This was my attempt to capitalize on the recent action brought to us by Hugo. Maybe I misunderstood the references to purging, and it wasn't actually a "call to action" meant to inspire anyone. I don't think it did, but I still felt the desire to ask anyway.

Far be it from me to speak ill of people who rogue. That would be wildly out of character for me. Granted, I feel as if my ancestors before me had excellent reasons for doing so and Hugo's were not, but that's entirely subjective. My ancestors have never actually killed a "person." They've only struck down godless communists. LilPeep was not a communist and was, in fact, very fashionable.

When listening to these replies here, I can't help but feel a little embarrassed. Honestly, I had no idea that people cared this much about our fair streets. Maybe because I am so out of touch with the streets outside of the rare war speech given when major action happens, it seems I am wildly out of tune in this respect. Street presence seems to be a hotter topic than war, purging, fashion, or whether I've lived far too long. Very interesting. I might have to cook up another extremely popular speech to investigate further.

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Hmm, okay. Well, thank you for the explanation DangerClose. It seems to be a recurring theme here that I've been lumped in with another group of people despite making it clear I rocked up here alone. I don't know anything about the speeches you mention. Have I used foul language? Called Clarity some choice names? Made a complete mockery of Mr. Telegram? Yes, guilty - although Mr. Telegram did most of that himself, let's be honest. But speeches about someone developing a stutter? This is the first I'm hearing of it so I'm not sure why Clarity felt inclined to include it as an example while speaking to me, but if I'm honest, there's rather a lot that's been said on this corner that makes little sense.

Being a mobster doesn't require the use of more than two braincells, I guess. Shame... My ancestors were convinced otherwise. Times truly have changed.

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