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Stop Crying Your Heart Out. Started by: Oasis on Jun 02, '09 11:33
You'll never change what's been and gone.

A young, cocksure gangster swaggers on down to the streets; dressed in a thorougly anachronistic outift of a nylon zip up jacket and baggy jeans.

Oi you, you fuckin' twat!

He shouts out to a nearby Mobster, who is startled by this blatant show of disrespect. The cocky gangster raises a heavy eyebrow and continues in his rough accent.

Yeah you, twat. You a fucking mobster or not?

The young abrasive man, Oasis was his name, looked around at this point. A crowd was milling around, having congregated upon hearing his foul mouthed shouting. He looked on surprised at the gahtered people, some staring in surprise and bemusement; others in outright hatred.

Well, what the fuck are you's looking at? Never seen an arrogant dickhead before? Fuck me sideways, it's like a school here. But without any bastarding learning. Seriously now, you fannies proper need to get a grip of yourselves, yeah?

I mean, for fuck's sake, you're maent to be in the Mafia. How abouts yous act like it, d'you know what I mean?

This means, when I lace my everyday speech with every cunting expletive known to horse wanking mankind, I don't expect you to preach honour to me.

If I disrespect you? Fine. if I swear? Don't come at me with your shite when you thieve, blackmail, burn, extort, pickpocket and kill. Just get a sodding grip.

Sorry, I'm waffling a little. Let me condense it down for you. You're fucking criminals. If you get offended when I swear, make innuendos or generally act in a manner that would not be accepted at a Victorian Tea Party; either Put Yer Money Where Your Mouth Is and do something about it, or just fuck off out of my mailbox and Stop Crying Your Heart Out.
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You can swear, Oasis. But it all depends on if you're actually aiming it at someone. Like when you said; you fuckin' twat!, any man or woman would be offended by being called a twat. And when you say; I don't expect you to preach honour to me. If I disrespect you? Fine. if I swear? Don't come at me with your shite when you thieve, blackmail, burn, extort, pickpocket and kill. Just get a sodding grip.

You're actually disrespecting people, including the leaders, your own included. We're in the Mafia, yes, but it doesn't mean we act like a bunch of people with coprolalia. And you say; Put yer money where your mouth is. You don't have the status within LCN to even be talking like this, earn your spot to be respected as a mafioso, clearly this speech isn't helping you, at all, in my eyes anyway. You got balls, but that's nothing unless you can back it up.
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*chuckles under his breath* "Genesis is right." *emerges from the crowd* "I'm guessing your talking about louise and myself. Hmmm???"
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Brick was strolling through the streets that morning when he came across yet another young gangster figuring the best way to make a name for himself was to whine. Brick stopped, listened for a minute, and was a little putt off by some of the language, and so felt compelled to stop in his tracks and respond briefly.

Ah, I always love to see the youngsters coming out here, however ignorant they may be, to introduce themselves to the community. I especially enjoy those gangsters who decide that their first communication with this community should be this type of speech. Profanity laden or not doesn't make a difference to me. But it should to you. This is the first impression you want to put out to the world?

"fuckity fuck fuck shit twat!" That's all I heard. So my impression of you is that you have a very limited vocabulary, but like to hear yourself talk. But while I'm here, I am curious to know what spouting profanities has to do with being in the mafia. So please enlighten me.

So, no, I don't get offended when you say fuck, or shit, or twat. But I can tell you that I'd certainly be offended if you were directing your insults at me. So, I'd ask you another question - and please respond for the world to see - are you directing this profane rant at me? And if not, why not? You're the arrogant dickhead, right?

And believe me, when I hear you speak, and your speeches are laced with every "cunting expletive known to horse wanking mankind" I won't come to you. I won't preach honor, and I won't preach disrespect. I'll just come out here and preach to the community that such a speech just makes you look stupid. So, put that in your fucking pipe and fucking smoke it.
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Talking a stroll through the street joins the crowd and laughs to himself at the curses he's just heard.

Listen, my young ignorant friend.

If you wanna come here and tell someone off or insult people then do it with some class.

Don't rush in here yelling FUCK YOU! DIE! and all that good shit.

You're an arrogant youngster, you gotta become someone before you start popping off at the mouth because someone with a bigger rep will undoubtingly come and let their piece pop off at you.

Believe me, I can cuss and curse all I want till I'm blue in the face, but it wouldn't do me any damn good because around here you don't get respect for that. Quite the contrary, it makes you look like a god damn fool that deserves nothing more than what'll come to them if they keep it up.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that "I, personally, don't give a rat's ass what you say as long as you're saying it FOR A REASON." If you pissed off, fine, blow off some steam, but if you're doing it to look "cool and bad" then you're an idiot.
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FYI Oasis, I blackmail anyone I want. You got that?!

Now wheres my pictures...
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I do not think it's about honour as you say. It is not being the hypocrite either to expect class even when you rob, extort etc. swearing for no reason except to show that you are the big hard man is not showing class. I like a good swearing when it is appropriate but sometimes it is immature.
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Anyone can cuss, it takes the really talented to do it with finesse. That said, maybe you can take a class on how to do so without sounding so standoffish. Personally I live by a code of conduct, and also am implored by a family rule to retain a sense of poise and dignity by not shooting off my verbal cannons. I agree with the stated opinions that verbal attacks, whether laced with derisive swearing or less crude but still cutting remarks are offensive. If you want to tell someone off; there are plenty of ways to do it without making yourself sound like a hoodlum who has to swagger and spew nasty words to make themselves sound meaner or more intimidating.

Have a good day
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Dr.Jekyll walks up behind Oasis and nails him dead in the head

Don't you ever come out in the streets running your mouth. I don't give two shit what you have to say either. You made yourself look like a complete fool and you embarrassed AlfonsimTimello and the Badland Bullies name. I'm sorry y'all had to bare witness to this young ignorant punk. Hopefully this will never happen again.

Dr.Jekyll grab the young gangster and drag his sorry ass back to HQ
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I'd like to think I can have ust as much poise and grace extorting someone as I do walking into church.

That being said.... This mix and match shit has got to go.
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Well Godfather pollitt, i think you hit the nail on the head and drove it straight through the wood, a great speech. hopefully that put him in his place.
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Schizo cups his hand to his ear and listens for the sound of a bruised ego or gunshots.
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caius had been listening to this arrogant youngin' curse for the last hour...

Getting tired of his obnoxiousness caius stood and started leaving, before turning around and making a comment...

There are many ways to get noticed in this world. Generally, hard work, and dedication to your family, and showing respect to the higher levels is the best approach...

Your approach will leave you in a coffin before the week ends.
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grabs his shoulder and turns him around.

I'd like to make a bet with you! =D
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Oasis stood on the street corner and, surprisingly, let people speak their turn before rudely interrupted. At some points, he acted predictably; looking thoroughly disinterested and picking his fingernails. At other points his demeanour was surprising, as he gazed on at the speaker with rapt attention. Finally, when everyone had said their turn, he piped up again.>

Brick, I'll address you first here for some pretty sodding obvious reasons! You're right man, not that I'm fucking daft enough to disagree with a Godfather. Really though, you are bang on. I'm not arsed about the impression I give though. So I look stupid? Yeah, I am stupid. Thick as fucking cow shite. You know what though? I don't give a fuck. I'm not here to be a fucking poet laureate or all this, I'm a mobster. Just a mobster. We've not all got fucking uni degrees here after all, some of us aren't blessed with a silver tongue.

But hey, that doesn't mean shit. Some people are blessed with the gift of the gab, and they never do fuck all about it. I may not be the sharpest tool, but fuck me at least I'm out here 'avin' it large in the name of community!

So yeah, right on Brick - I'm not even being sarcy here, if you want to think of me as a thick shit, that's fine - 'coz I am; but I'd rather you think of me as someone who's tryinta make something of hiself despite that, yeah?

Genesis, I like you man. At least you're coming out with some real stuff, yeah? You know, something I can get hold of, you're actually talking and words are coming out, rather than all these reprobates who just spout crap without knowing what they're on about - I see it everywhere man! You get people talking about omerta this and tradition that, and it's all bullshit and hyporcisy like.

Anyway, Im going well off track here, so I'll get on. Genesis, you're right man, just like Brick. Not that this means shit coming from me, but yeah. If I turned around and called my boss a big dick, and claimed my lovely LHM was a right old vinegar tits - fuck yeah, I'd well expect to be dead within the day. No complaints. Well, I couldn't complain coz I'd be dead like.

But when I'm just swearing in general, you can fuck right off if it offends you. I grew up in a town in England, a rough as fuck town, then I moved into a rough as fuck district of Philadelphia. I got no education, no qualifications and I never had a real job. Want me to talk like a Harvard grad? Get fucked, I'm not smart enough. And even if I was lad, I wouldn't betray my roots by talking like an arse because at the end of the day, I'm a criminal.

A few people here are talkin' about me havin' balls but nothing under the bonnet, well that's shite. I'm coming out here and putting my neck on the line by saying what I want to fucking say, and I'm saying it my way and all. Maybe that doesn't fit in perfectly with the outdated concepts that are floating around, but fuck it, at least I'm saying what I believe and standing up.

And that's more than can be said for most folks really. In this speech, and even in my mailbox, I've had a fucking bunch of people telling me I'm disrespectful, ignorant and I'll be dead within the week. So why am I here? That isn't a call out, or a dare; it's a fucking straight up question. If the way I put myself out, my conduct, offends you all so much, then why are you doing fuck all about it? Either you've no balls, or you're not that offended and you just like a moan.

I'm not talking about anyone in particular like, I just get the impression that too many people aren't actually standing up for their own beliefs; somethnig I'm fucking happy to do.

I'm rambling here big time, so I'll cut short. If you want me to be classy, tough shit. If you want me to talk like I'm reading Dickens, tough shit. If you want me to stop being who I am, again, that's just tough shit. This thing is all about diversity, if we all act in the exactly the same way, where the fuck does that get us? So if you're the sort of person who can't handle someone acting a bit weird without claiming it goes against respect tradition and other words you don't know the meaning of; then you best give me a fucking wide berth, because we won't get along!
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The only person protecting you in your Godfather and leader, otherwise a gangster runnin his mouth like you would be dead from the sounds of it.

Enough said.

You seem to understand how our world works, in your eyes at least- then you must understand a gangster such as yourself has not earned the right to recklessly run his mouth. You dont have to be educated to be a criminal, but a little education can get you far in the world. A criminal is a criminal, but this is organized crime and it takes brains and balls to make it at the end of the day. Speaking your mind is great, but the time and place must be right and you must be in the right position to do it, as this is not a free society and every word you speak in public has consequences and represents your family.
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Genesis took one step forward and swung his fist right into Oasis face with all he had, knocking him down to the ground.

Reality check, Mr. Dickens.

If you don't want people to moan about your language - don't fucking mail them with bullshit. How the fuck do you expect someone to talk to you if you send them mails saying "fuck this and fuck that, fucking cunting fuck". That's not the best way to get someone into a conversation is it? Why exactly you decided to come to the streets about something that was going on in mail, with only a handful of people, I have no fucking idea, but you're making your leader look bad, and that tells me you have no respect at all for Don Alfonsi Timello not to mention your Godfather of Philadelphia. Who the fuck cares about what you say, it's all about how you say it. When you come out here to act like a dick, you bet your fucking ass you'll get treated like one as well.

Now why did I knock you down on your ass? Well first this; Either you've no balls, or you're not that offended and you just like a moan. - I didn't come here to moan, I came here because I saw a Gangster making a fool of himself, and his own leader in the process, I came here to help you and hopefully make you understand that the way you came out here wasn't the best way to do it. And you're going to tell me I'm moaning? Fuck off.

Second; I just get the impression that too many people aren't actually standing up for their own beliefs; somethnig I'm fucking happy to do.

You really are "thick as shite" as you said yourself. I was standing up for my beliefs, respect, Oasis. Regardless of your education, be you an illiterate fuck or Mr. Dickens himself, respect is and always will be one of the major things when it comes to being a mafioso. If you have no respect for anyone, you sure as fuck won't get any in return.

Last but not least; So if you're the sort of person who can't handle someone acting a bit weird without claiming it goes against respect tradition and other words you don't know the meaning of; then you best give me a fucking wide berth, because we won't get along!

Other words we don't know the meaning of? So what you're saying is, we don't know the meaning of respect, tradition, honor, omerta, and all that good stuff. Thick as shite indeed, Mr. Dickens. Keep it up, even though Dr. Jekyll came here to apologize on your behalf and telling you how you were making Don Timello look bad, you decided to come back, let's see if you got any more smart ass remarks.
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I'll be back later to address this here, but I gotta big meeting with a brass band just now.

One thing before I go - I don't appreciate you calling out my Boss in the streets. I don't give a flying fuck if you're better than me, that doesn't give you the right to make out my actions have made my Boss look a fool. Obviously you think I should've been punished for this; so that's a matter you need to take up with the Don or the Godfather.
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Oasis, this is what Dr. Jekyll himself told you; Don't you ever come out in the streets running your mouth. I don't give two shit what you have to say either. You made yourself look like a complete fool and you embarrassed AlfonsimTimello and the Badland Bullies name.

So, if you want to make this about me, we can talk in private. But anyone with a brain could see that your conduct wasn't going to make your leader look good at all, especially when you're speaking of other family members, and even confronting a Godfather of a different city. Maybe you don't realize that makes Don Timello look bad, but you can't tell me I didn't try to make you see it, can you?

And if I wanted you punished, Oasis, I wouldn't been wasting my time out here in the streets, I'd have gone straight to Don Timello himself in private, not once did I say I wanted you punished. I did however punch you in the face for telling me I have no balls and that I came here to moan when all I did was try to make you see that your speech wasn't going to make you and especially your leader look good in the eyes of the communities, you might not care about yourself, but you should have thought about how this might make your leader look.
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Oasis, i suggest you shut up now, if you keep disrespecting people, you wont last very long at all.

you really should listen to your superiors, especially one like Dr.Jekyll who is in your family.
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