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Open letter to MonsterHair Started by: Francis on Jul 22, '17 21:38

Walking through Chicago one afternoon, a spindly looking man with a rolled up sheet of paper under his armpit and a can of glue in the hand of the same arm stops in front of a wall in the center of the Chicago CBD and assesses it briefly before slathering a thick coating of the viscous, gloopy glue to the wall and attaching the paper to the wall.

Stepping back to admire his work and re-read the content of the paper, Francis smiles and reads his work out loud for the gathering crowd.



"Dear MonsterHair,

My father was recently gunned down, and - having done the rounds and spoken to some of the more knowledgeable sources I've become acquainted with on the street - I believe Disorder was the man who not only cast the order down, but also the man to pull the trigger?

Well... I guess I should be honoured that my father was deemed to be such a threat to Disorder's organisation that he found time away from the old country to deal with the threat personally, right?

I also believe he acted without the knowledge, blessing or consent of any member of Chicago, least of all one who had the appropriate authority to green light the attack? Furthermore I believe he rushed the attack through to ensure there would be no debate whether or not the shot would take place?

Now, as you are no doubt aware, my father had done nothing to merit being force-fed a bullet, other than building an impressive gun prowess, given his age and presence. He had no blemishes on his record, nor have any of my line. No note was left with the body, and there were only mourning friends and family at the funeral service (although yours was a noted absence - clearly a slain member of your district is of upmost concern to you), so I still can't even say I know the reason for it for sure, although I would say unwarranted paranoia is bound to be a deciding factor.

Now I would hope that you're already aware of this, but it seems you need to be reminded that your duty as the Godfather of the great Windy city is to protect your people. You make the ultimate call on what happens within your city walls, not the Godfather from another city.

Having the Godfather of Las Vegas murder of one of the upper structure of a Chicago crew in good standing, without provocation, warning or even so much as a sit-down is disrespectful beyond belief... and yet here we are some five days later, still without explanation, apology or restitution.

Francis stops reading for a moment to clap, slowly, sarcastically and loudly, then continues reading again.

Top class management, Mr Hair. Truly.

Can you imagine what would happen if any other crew leader in the country took a pot shot at the upper structure of ANY of Las Vegas? Even if the victim didn't die, the attacker's entire city would be subjected to a swift and vengeful massacre, in much the same way New York was punished following their attack on Vegas - complete with a scorched earth policy, and it wouldn't take no five days to happen, neither.

But then again, Disorder would never allow the rogue execution of any member of his own operation - obviously, so I understand your quandary... do you act like a man of your calibre should, or do you continue to cower under the man's coat-tails and hope that the difficult question just goes away?

Actually, now that we get down to the bare bones of it, what do you actually do? Sure, you're good at following Disorder's orders, even when it's detrimental to your own operation. Given a bit of pressure, you can fold faster than an origami expert, but is that what makes a good Godfather? I doubt many people would agree that it is...

Anyway, I digress.

You funnel your shot reports through to Vegas, in order to provide Disorder with unabridged access to the shot reports of every single shooter in your entire city and allow him to cherry pick which of your guns he wishes to eliminate. You're clearly unwilling to protect the few who were actually prepared to work at improving Chicago, and I can't say I'm aware of any of the money from your LA project being spent on furthering any part of Chicago - certainly not beyond your own walls anyway, so what exactly is it that you do, other than allow the guy who was the top donator, top gun and LH of the only other crew in your own district to be executed for no reason whatsoever?

Now I'm sure this will all have been my fault somehow; it'll certainly be interesting to see how that is so. Until then, I shall await your response with bated breath. Hopefully when you reply, you'll have more in your arsenal than the usual pointless semantic arguments, but being that your chief writer (y'know - the guy who successfully manages 90% of the day-to-day workings of your operation) is currently chained up awaiting trial for an unrelated matter, I'm not going to hold my breath. Only time will tell though, I guess.

(Son of the late, great Begbie)

p.s. For those who are curious; you only have to practice with your weapon 650 times in 90 days before the Disorder regime starts deeming you too scary to continue living... unless you have an other worldly relationship with the man, obviously. In which case you might reach 800, maybe even higher if you've shown a propensity for submissive behaviour. Passive, semi-active, spineless lapdogs are considerably simpler to dominate and control, right Disorder?

p.p.s In excess of thirty million dollars in donations (on top of paying for your own BGs) and a fully disclosed gun does not prove trustworthiness to the Disorder regime, apparently.



Once finished speaking, Francis begins banging a nearby steel bin to attract as much attention as possible to his open letter, primarily to warn the folk of the embarrassing ineptitude of the man who couldn't even arrange restitution for the LHM of his Captain - felled by a rogue shot, and also try to rouse the man from his Obscenely Low level of participation within the Chicago operation.

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This is the first time I've actually stood and listened to the entirety of a street speech in my time here. Powerful, bitter, vengeful, provocative. Tick tick tick tick.

About as much good as pissing into the wind though if I'm honest.
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I dunno your line or anything, but well, perhaps it's not what your father had done or what he might have done, but rather it was done because of your line's associations with others? I'm but a wee Spike, but I know that people do get shot because of who they are known to work with.

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Interesting thought indeed Mr Spike, and may I say - you're looking especially pretty today.

To that, I would say that my father was the sole victim on that fateful night, so if that were the case, and my line is being systematically culled for the misdeeds of others, then that would suggest bloodlining, no? You find someone and you kill them for the misdeeds of not only their father, but their father's associates? Kinda like bloodlining on steroids, right?

Furthermore, it begs the question: why was this an urgent kill that couldn't have waited for confirmation or authorisation? Why did the Godfather of a foreign city feel the urgent need to slay the man in his bed at night, knowing he had not broken any laws of omerta?

Bloodlining or gun proficiency as a reason for death? Either way you look at it, it's not exactly ideal reading.

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Snowball rolled around in the busy streets as usually and noticed a new face in the crowd speaking for quite a while, loudly. This young gentleman surely had prepared this speech, or atleast it sounded like it. He decided to contribute a little to see where the discussion would lead to.


"Good evening. I listened to your entire speech, and for a change I was enjoying listening to it. It sounds like you have some valid arguments that could need some addressing. I do not know anything about who pulled the trigger so I won't comment on that. I do want to comment on the fact that no matter who took the shot. Shooting an upper structure for what at the moment, seems to be without proper reason, is not something I condone at all. People who work hard, and contribute not only to their own treassury, but their city aswell, should not get wacked and "thrown away" without proper reason. Using people like that is harsh, and perhaps will discourage other people who listened to this speech from contributing to their families aswell, in fear of getting "thrown away" aswell, once they reach a certain "state". 

Trust and loyalty plays a major role around here. Nothing new there. Perhaps your deceased father didn't have proper communication with the rest of the city or the likes? Sometimes "going dark" can raise suspicions amongst the city, my bloodline have seen that happen once in a while over the decades. 


In general I believe hard work should pay off, but some of the most important aspects around here in order to build relationships, isn't only being a good shooter. In that case a hitman would have gotten respect, yes? Nope. Not only a good aim is what matters.

Contributing to the families then? Nope. Just sending a bunch of dollars doesn't create loyalty, trust or so. Human interaction do. That is what relationships are all about. Communication.

In your case I do believe, incase the action was taken by other uppers, that a formal discussion could have resolved the issue better than a bullet. Again, I do NOT know the exact circumstances at all, and therefore my points might mostly be invalid. But hopefully my trail of thought, might be something someone can think about. I would like to praise the quality of your speech though. To me it was enjoyable, even if the topic was not the brightest"

With those words, Snowball awaited in silence to see if anyone managed to not fall asleep while he was speaking. Usually people find snowballs boring as they sound rather cold when talking.

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This isn't the first time something like this has happened, nor will it be the last. Remember a few weeks back when the same thing happened to a member of Princesa's family, Tranquilo? Unfortunately the old saying, "comply to get by" is going into play throughout every district of the once great windy city for any real justice to prevail. To be honest, in this era we are in, I'm afraid every appointed leader are just complying to get by. Welcome to the real Mafia, bucko and recognize the real Capo di tutti i capi.

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Francis, a little taken aback at a snowball talking, listened intently, nodding occasionally.

Firstly let me say thank you for listening. I must admit I had indeed stood in front of the mirror practising once or twice before finding my voice here.

Further to your speech, you do raise another interesting and valid point, Mr Snowball. I very much agree that inter-city communication is crutial, and I can confidently say that my father had a very friendly and professional relationship with Mr Hair's former RHM - DanGleeballs, and he often admired the amount of work Mr Gleeballs put into running the operation when Mr Hair was indisposed.

I will concede that my father's relationship with Mr Hair was virtually non-existent, however, even when my father was under his employ. Although far from being mute, my father strove to integrate with his own superiors following Mr Hair's promotion, and found a great deal of respect for both gentlemen. He often mentioned them fondly in his journals. I also don't believe my fathers subordinates considered my father to be unapproachable or uncommunicative; I certainly never received any feedback which would allude to that.

I am also a little surprised, that you find my topic to be dull. Although admittedly my train of thought can become quite easily distracted, then veer off on a tangent, which I can appreciate may become quite tiresome.

Thanks for your thoughts though Mr Snowball, it's certainly something worth thinking about.

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Snowball smiled but had a slight worrying facial expression. He quickly replied.

"Thank you for listening, being logical,thorough and understanding of my raised points. If communication wasn't the issue, then I wonder what could have been wrong. Hopefully an answer will present itself sooner or later. Your approach here shows to me you are being respectful even this shortly after your fathers recent demise. 

I just have to add. I didn't find your topic dull at all. What I meant, was that the topic was a serious one that required me to think for a bit before replying. But that STILL made me enjoy it. Dull in this case was basically reffered to the talk about death and the likes. Your train of thought was easy to follow imo and I enjoyed that aswell. 

I am glad my contribution was interesting to read, and that your reply was so likewise." 

With that, Snowball once again rolled back in the shadows to listen and chill for a bit.

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My father was recently gunned down, and - having done the rounds and spoken to some of the more knowledgeable sources I've become acquainted with on the street - I believe Disorder was the man who not only cast the order down, but also the man to pull the trigger?


Unless you have concrete evidence aside from "having done the rounds and spoken to some of the more knowledgeable sources I've become acquainted with on the street " to back up your accusation,then every word on that letter of yours is based on pure hearsay. Any witness statement at least to prove what you believe?

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Trust me Digong, whilst there may be an element of conjecture in some of what was said, such as my subordinates finding me friendly and approachable, that specific snippet is not up for debate. I am fully aware of who my fathers murderer was.

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Suck it up pussy

My anagram (barring the fact I was sober enough to to spell it right) can do anything it pleases

This was a cute speech and all but it's just easier to know my cousin will kill you if you're friend or foe

You should have known better champ
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"Suck it up pussy"? That's a strange addition to the conversation, considering I'm not throwing salt or shade. I'm merely highlighting an issue which should not have come to pass if the Chicago Godfather was operating properly.

Not once did I insult your "cousin" following my father's death. Prior to death, I knew what would happen if I reported my gun ability honestly - and I made comment of that to several people. I'm simply reporting the event as it happened, so the country is aware of what happens when you report your gun honestly, and also of the fact that MonsterHair couldn't care less for the residents of Chicago.

If you take exception to anything that's been said, your battle isn't with me, friend.

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Sitting at a table on the ouskirts of the outdoor seating of a nearby restaurant, scribbling away fervently, Francis tries to avoid the gaze of the waiting staff as he finishes penning another letter to the administration of the Monsters University consortium.

Turning to face the remainder of the crowd, still reacting to his previous speech, Francis begins reading his second open letter to the organisation.



Dear MonsterHair,

Early this morning, I was informed of you skulking into your house, like a clumsy cat burglar.

Having received no response to either my personal, private correspondence, nor my slightly more public open letter - which I may add, I found quite disrespectful and insulting - I decided to broaden the recipients, in order to hopefully bring about a satisfactory conclusion to the story, prior to my death. Therefore I would like to ask Bobbi what her thoughts are on the situation.

Admittedly, you're a second string RHM, but you're still the second in command of all of Chicago... for now, and your visits to the old country are considerably less frequent than the habitually absent Mr Hair.

So tell me, Miss Bobbi - were there any complaints about my father's work prior to his death, to your knowledge? Was there any ill-feeling towards the man, from any corner of Chicago? Had there been any incidents, whatsoever, which may have incriminated my father and led to his demise?

Perhaps you could enlighten us as to why Mr MonsterHair refuses to react to the allegations put forth? Or what happens to the funds he derives from his Copycat project? Are those funds being used to further Chicago, or to feather Mr Hair's nest? Is there any truth to the allegations that Mr Hair is inept in his current role, or is he simply being misrepresented?

Do you have anything you wish to convey on behalf of the Monster's University organisation? Any regrets, or thoughts about how to prevent this from happening, going forward?

Hopefully you will have more answers than the mute, absentee Godfather, but again - only time will tell.

Best regards,




Once finished reading, Francis folds the paper neating before emphatically stuffing the letter into an envelope, sealing it and posting it. Turning to face the crowd, arms raised, expecting a small cheer, Francis realises there has been no winner to this whole debacle. Such a shame.

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"I'd be interested ta' see what kind of response ya' get, mista Francis. 

Tammy steps up, having listened to the discussions so far. Seeing little development, the decision was made to offer her own opinion.

"Though I rather 'tink that this is best positioned as a statement on tha' condition of Chicago, rather than your seekin' the reasonin' behind the death of yer' father. People die all tha' time in this line of work, since that is somethin' we accept when we take that oath. We are so far only hearin' the one side of tha' story, too, so it wouldn't be right of us ta' take everythin' you're sayin' as truth, despite how compelling and seemingly robust it appears. 

"No, I believe that this event speaks more about the current role of Chicago, and what potential it has for tha' future. See, if what you're sayin' is correct and there was no communication between tha' city heads on this decision, than it leaves the rest of Chicago to ponder their own role and value. 

"That is a dangerous situation ta' be in, as when the leadership of the city starts ta' look unreliable, when the supposed protection which comes with being sponsored fails, that's when people start makin' their own agendas. A city without security, engagement or direction becomes a meltin' pot of potential hazards as fear and monotony. Individuals start makin' their own path, when one isn't shown to them."

She shrugs, kicking her heels through the sidewalk and offering an empathetic look.

"Maybe that's what was happenin' on the day your father died, preemptin' that move. As I say, we only know half tha' story. Despite all your fathers efforts ta' report his weapon skill and donate to tha' cause, he was still seen as a potential rogue element and had to be removed.  

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Smiling at the lady with the fine Irish brogue, Francis listens intently to the points raised and begins to reply warmly

Thanks for joining the conversation, and for your thoughts, Miss Gato.

I wholeheartedly agree that nobody should be taking my word as gospel. That's why I initially waited to see if Mr Hair would proceed with compensation discussions unprompted. When that failed, I contacted the man directly. When that failed, I came to the streets. When that failed, I made a public plea to the man's most trusted advisor. Beyond that, I can't say I can do much more to elicit a response to the allegations levelled, sadly.

Perhaps my father was considered a rogue element - it's certainly not beyond the realms of possibility. As the very pretty Mr Spike mentioned earlier - historical associations can be very detrimental to wellbeing in this thing of ours.

Had that been the case, however, I would have expected some sort of valedictory statement to have been offered during the assault, or at the very least - for someone to visit my father's grave, or his kin, to provide reason and closure to the family. Alas, no communication was forthcoming, which is why I had to speak to many people before I was advised of the killer.

Furthermore, if that is the official party line, then it begs the question; why was Vegas involved in the matter? The removal of an upper structure is very much an internal matter, so if my father was to be removed for potential rogue endeavours, why was the job sub-contracted?

I would also agree that a city like Chicago becomes untenable when the heads of the city begin to hide from a discussion of this magnitude. Yet here I am, practically begging for some discussion - to no avail.

I can't completely denounce the entire city, however. That would not be fair, as there are folk who strive to further the city... it's just a shame that the authority of those people is superseded by a man whose best tactic is to bury his head in the sand when questions of his competance arise. Telling, no?

Flashing a wide smile at the lady before him, Francis continues waiting - leaning against the wall he attached his letter to.

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Nodding along, Tammy offers a slight grin, swiping at the hair which fell to her face. 

"Well, retracin' my words a lil', the best way ta' mitigate the issue I mentioned would be ta' actually present a case to the public. By offerin' no kinda explanation, the city is left ta' interpret what it means themselves. 

"No explanation is what stokes tha' fire. Not reactin' to it is what helps it spread."

Her face breaks into a smile, flashing her teeth.

"Aside from all this dramatic and speculative chatter, I hope ya' get the explanation you're lookin' for. I also hope that either Chicago realises tha' damage their absence may be doing to their city, or tha' rest of the country doesn't suffer because of it."

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I'm still baffled why anyone expects a shred of loyalty, respect, or honor out of this regime. They've shown in spectacular fashion that they possess none.

It was said months ago when the purging started, and it's something I wish some individuals among us could understand: loyalty and "innocence" offer no protection from your superiors or your neighbors. You cannot reason your way out of being purged. As LA has displayed, you cannot buy your way out of being purged. Nothing you say or do will allow you to influence this world in any meaningful way.

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Larry had only recently arrived in Chicago and he had never realised before that the denizens of the Windy City performed open air readings in public; he liked it. He had always been partial to a good letter and recently, he had been writing to his good friend DanGleeballs whilst he was in the can serving a stretch for.... well, Larry didn't really understand exactly what had got Dan locked up, but it seemingly came without any possibility of parole so much have been super serious. Listening to the young Gangster read his letter aloud to the people who had gathered around, and discovering that it was addressed to MonsterHair, Larry stopped to offer his thoughts. 

"For somewhere that is supposedly an untenable place, Chicago sure houses a lot of people who are doing pretty well for themselves." Larry said with a wry smile. "I get that you're mad with what went on and in your shoes, I probably would be too, but I don't really see the iceberg you seem to think Chicago has hit nor the need to grab my pail to bucket out the water. It might seem like a discussion of magnitude to you, but once you strip away the overarching drama, isn't this just another case of a guy getting clipped and his nearest and dearest not being happy about it?"

Larry shrugged again.

"Our system isn't run by a jury and what "the public" think is irrelevant. 80+ people call Chicago home and will continue to do so. Business will continue to be productive and their outfits will continue to operate as they have previously. Las Vegas will continue to support their friends in Chicago and life will generally go on."

Larry sighed and rubbed his chin ruefully.

"I admire your balls in coming out here and posing the big questions. You've done it well. I don't however think you'll get any of the answers you're looking for despite that. Your best bet is probably to decide if this life is for you and if it is, prove beyond all reasonable doubt to your bosses that you're their man."

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Larry, good to see you here, getting involved in the discussion. I do feel you may have missed the point I was making, however.

I have not come here seeking restitution or the answers I already possess, nor am I saying that Chicago is a completely dead city - Vegas will ensure the ineptitude at the very top remains in situ for the foreseeable future, I'm sure.

My main reason for coming out here was to draw attention to the glaring inadequacy of the ruling elite calling the shots in Chicago, and to point a very fucking big finger at MonsterHair himself. If people choose not to heed my warning, then - to be frank - I don't really care.

At the end of the day, I've said my piece, and I've demonstrated the selective mutism from the top. Judging by the response via anonymous donations earned simply by speaking my mind, the vast majority have appreciated my presence here. Mission complete, as far as I'm concerned.

As for leaving because my kin has bitten a bullet? Please. If you think losing a +650 bothered me all that much, then I would venture to suggest you're not aware that this regime has previously killed my line not only with said +650, but also a +903 and a +745... all within the past 6 months. All that's gonna happen now is 1% shots until one goes through... so shitty tactics all round, right?

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"Glad to be here, as always, Francis, and I'm glad your mission of finger wagging and anonymous benefactors was a success. Kudos."

"My advice wasn't concerning your kin it was concerning you. You're an unaffiliated Gangster and you're facing a decision if you want to progress within this world. You lost a father, not a set of digits; a tough loss for any man to bear but one that can be recovered from. However, that doesn't appear to be your intention and instead you're going to walk a path which will likely culminate in more of your family tree seeding the local cemetery. Your prerogative, I guess."

Larry shrugged.

"Enjoy the tips."

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