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What Really Happened? Started by: WoodStein on Feb 09, '10 07:39

We are expected to believe that a Godfather shot and killed Don and Crew Leader in the second most powerful city in this thing of ours. And that was it. Nothing in the background, no scheming in the coffee shops, no greater plans for expansion.
NY's reaction was as simplistically bloody as it was stupid - another city take down.

So - where does that leave us?

Battle weary but strong Philly consists of three families in their home city. Their allies in LA and their friends in NO and throughout the cities can be relied upon to come in on their side in the event of a war. In all, Philly and associates could muster several dozen top hitters and have the organisation and infrastructure to take on anyone.

LV recently flexed their muscles with the Detroit take down - beautifully executed but the odds were all in their favour and they lost some top members in the process. To date, LV have not capitalised on the unmanaged city - do they lack willpower or is there negotiations going on about who gets what?

Chicago are a bit of a mess - they don't mess with anybody and generally get left alone. However, the same could be said of Detroit - can they stay under the radar?

Which brings us to NY - ran very well under the auspices of one of the most ruthless and able Godfathers and triggermen in this thing of ours, it has emerged from 'The War' and the recent upheaval very, very well. NY is a hub of business and is a very, very profitable city. After the Detroit takedown a few things became clear; NY continues with it's 'Death Tax' and makes huge sums of money off it. Lucreta stated that Detroit was taken down because it's Godfather couldn't enforce it's rules - the fact that NY's policy hasn't changed is an indication of how it is viewed by the other cities. Philly is wary of NY, scared is perhaps too emotive a term. Philly would come out on top of an all out war (thanks to their influence in other cities) but would lose a huge number of members and, quite possibly other cities leaderless. NY, similarly, don't have the stomach for a fight with Philly but need to flex their muscles. Philly have shown their war readiness, LV took down a city (albeit a virtually defenceless one) which leaves NY to try and prove it's 'manhood'. Philly isn't an option but if I were a CL in Chicago or even LV I would tread the Big Apple with a lot of caution.

I would guess that Philly had a hand in yesterday's events - Q might have bullet the trigger but I suspect someone from Philly identified the target. Q and SL were sacrificial pawns in a bigger game, as were all the SL ranked members now lying dead, leaving behind huge experience and many, many millions in cash.

The reasoning I suspect was this:

Philly want to force a situation with NY. A direct assault on NY from Philly would result in losses that Philly couldn't sustain, after 'The War'. So, a proxy was used. Deinme wasn't touched but someone close to him was. Philly thought NY would approach Philly to sort the situation. They hadn't reckoned on the GF of NY being so bound by honour. SL were taken out ruthlessly and now Philly must be wondering what they can do to avenge their protégé - Quirinus. Philly, as always, will benefit from a strong cohort of new members in the form of the sons and daughters of SL coming back to avenge their fathers and mothers. But they made a huge tactical error

NY are now in a strong position. Before SL and LA were the guards in the wings, waiting to defend Philly. Now SL are gone, NY are stronger and will grow. Will Philly dare to set up in SL? SL? NY could move into SL and, arguably, Detroit and set up shop. NY would then be an even match for Philly. NY's GF is a wily old soul. He knows what has to happen. But will he be Chamberlain or Churchhill?

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The Liar approaches, feeling a little hard done by. After all, he should really have said all this.

It is clearly impossible that Q simply made a stupid decision, perhaps out of boredom, or perhaps because he simply didn't like Mr Hayes, and NY reacted appropriately. Impossible, I say.

Obviously there was no need to shoot Q, all he'd done really was shoot one person. As for taking down the whole city, well, it's not like the actions of a Godfather should reflect on those he has authed to serve under him, is it? That would imply we operate some kind of familial structure in this thing of ours, clearly an erroneous assumption.

You did leave out one small detail though. The twisted affair between Deimne and Scipita. To ignore the consequences of Deimne regularly performing services as the Tyrant Scipita's pet gimp is to ignore a whole new level of complexity. Perhaps something you should look into next time you are informing the grateful public.

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What a wonderful world you live in Woodstein, is it possible some of us others would be able to catch a train to "Woody Utopia". I am willing to bet that I could happily munch sausage and bacon sarnies, consume vast quantities of Ross89 specials (Deep fried mars bars for those less educated)  and keep my cholesterol down to what my physician would describe as exceedingly low.

I wonder if you are blood line linked to the previous person who publicly showed absolutely no clue as to what has occured in this thing of ours.

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Hoopi hands over details of an old speech made a while ago...

Do you know that guy? Just curious, he spoke pish as well. Thanks for the insight though, I look forward to the next issue of "Civilian Surmises".

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Civilians have every right to surmise - especially if their fathers were killed for political actions that didn't concern them.

The previous thread you speak of spoke the truth, as does this one.  The dogs in the street, as they say in Belfast, know it.  No-one will admit to anything for fear of upsetting the powers that be.

I look forward to the inane accussations of using the word 'tyrant'

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Walking throu the crowd I over hear a man that I have never seen around in the midst of our family meetings complaining about how the bosses of the underworld govern this thing of ours .I begin to wonder , How could a person that has no ties to a family speak as if their opinion would matter!? Slowly I walk up to the simple civilian and begin to speak.

My dear friend in this world you are better off consitrating on the things that would help you to function from a day to day basis and leave the buisness of the Fathers and Mothers of our streets to themselves.Basicly your opinion as someone not recignised in our community is worthless.And you must be careful not to embaress yourself in public.Oh and by the way...What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas.

I begin to fix my hat and walk away slowing watching things around me as I make my way back to the casino.

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* Looks above *

Man, next time you're in jail, learn to read and write and spell properly?

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Lucretia raises an eyebrow. Your parents were killed for actions that didn't concern them? For some reason I doubt this. The only person I saw killed last night for no fault of their own was WillHayes, and although the drop-dead-sexy man surely has a slew of children by numerous mothers, for some reason I doubt you are one of them.

Aside that, following an unwise, insane, suicidal, or otherwise incompetent leader is, in fact, something that is of grave concern to you. If your boss or Godfather goes crazy and shoots the wrong person it's not just a "political action" that has nothing to do with you. That's the head of your entire family that just screwed up, and you can be sure your entire family is going to be held responsible for it. The reason for this is simple. Your boss and your Godfather dictate family policy. You either follow those policies or you are a traitorous hunk of meat suitable only as target practice. So if those policies are going to get you shot by other cities, and even if you think they're stupid ... Well, I guess you should have pledged your loyalty to someone more worthy of it. Then you wouldn't be in such a bind in the first place.

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Civilians have every right to surmise - especially if their fathers were killed for political actions that didn't concern them.

Who said they didn't? I'm just exercising my right to point out the drivvel. Regarding your father, he was presumably killed through association, that means a lot in this world incase you hadn't noticed.

The previous thread you speak of spoke the truth, as does this one.

You're being silly again.

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point out the errors.

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Chicago are a bit of a mess - they don't mess with anybody and
generally get left alone. However, the same could be said of Detroit -
can they stay under the radar?

So we don't jump into war and look to consolidate our profitable enterprises in Chicago, I don't see how this is a mess. Presumably from your bitter rant I'd assume your father is from St. Louis. There's a fucken' mess for ya sunshine!

I also notice in your preceding paragraph you mention that LV recently flexed muscles in the Detroit takedown. Not that I like being a billy brass balls over here, but is this the same takedown in which Chicago was crucially involved? Anyway, I don't feel the need to defend my city too much here. Ultimately we're not the ones taking a collective dirt nap because our Godfather was a fucken' Shlemiel.

One thing I am a little confused about though, what does the English Prime Minister and ex Chancellor of the Exchequer gotta do with this over here?

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Sprinting his way into the crowd, Richard heard Noah finish speaking.

Noah, I believe he was referring to the wind in Chicago. Always leaves my hair a mess when I visit.

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Try wearing linen pants like muggins over here, Richard. The draught is refreshing and tingly!

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Sneakyrat listens to this confusing speach...

I wonder why philly's protecting Don WillHayes former members... now... can you please tell me what REALLY happened here?

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I shot everyone. Mystery solved.

On a side note:

"NY's reaction was as simplistically bloody as it was stupid - another city take down."

What was the alternative, petal? Give Quirinus a pat on the back and tell him no hard feelings? Use your brain before using your mouth.

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Point out the errors? Heh, that's a good one. In the interest of brevity, how about we point out the factual content?

Battle weary but strong Philly consists of three families in their home city. - TRUE!

LV recently flexed their muscles with the Detroit take down - TRUE!

Which brings us to NY - ran very well under the auspices of one of the
most ruthless and able Godfathers and triggermen in this thing of ours

NY is a hub of business and is a very, very profitable city. - TRUE!

A direct assault on NY from Philly would result in losses that Philly couldn't sustain - TRUE!

NY are now in a strong position. - TRUE! (Except for the implication that this is a recent development)

There you go, Sparky. Since it would take forever to lay out every piece of horseshit that spewed from your mouth, I have taken the easier approach and labeled the six factual statements in your speech. Everything you spewed other than those six statements is absolute horseshit, but I suspect you already know that and are just trying to get a rise out of people.

If I am giving you too much credit, and you really are this stupid, please point out which other statement you would like to have explained as to why it is completely way off base. I'm sure someone with a mere handful of brain cells will be able to enlighten you.

By the way, I shot a whole bunch of defenseless low rankers from St. Louis last night. You should have seen me laughing while I did it.

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Richard puts his arm around Achilles.

I think you have to have a brain to be able to use it.

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Brutus, you said that the following was true:
A direct assault on NY from Philly would result in losses that Philly couldn't sustain - TRUE!
The following statements you didn't include in your TRUE! List so have publically declared it to be false:
Philly is wary of NY, scared is perhaps too emotive a term
NY, similarly, don't have the stomach for a fight with Philly but need to flex their muscles
So, in your own words (a prominent and high ranking NY BossP

Philly ISN'T scared of NY - and NY HAVE the stomach for a fight with them.
Looks like some muscles are getting flexed after all..
I speak the truth.
Watch this space

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Can you answer this question WoodStein?

I wonder why philly's protecting Don WillHayes former members

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* looks above *

They're scared; bitten off more than they can chew?

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