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Which CL is going to die, First? Started by: BombadilSlayer on Dec 17, '19 14:09

Hi, boss, a bit of over-simplification there, I think. 

Genius is a big word and not one I think is really appropriate. Ruthlessly meticulous with a chip on both shoulders is probably a more accurate description. Wolverine's ancestor (although we can probably just say Wolverine because he certainly doesn't distinguish between generations) was the person who was responsible for the purges during the Disorder regime, yes. That was his self-appointed role and he was certainly effective at it. Slavering at the mouth, throwing out every name under the sun who had ever wronged him, actual or perceived; he monitored activity across the cities and provided an endless list of people who should be shot. It was the role of others within the regime to temper this list, determine whether the reasons had merit and then package it in a way that was more palatable to the public. That isn't Wolverine's strength, which is why he stays in the shadows and lets others be the face of it.

I say ruthlessly meticulous because he compiled a database of pretty much everyone who had ever stepped onto these shores. He linked them by group, known affiliates and coffeeshop frequencies. He tracked them by their shot reports, times they usually did business, the way they spoke on the Streets; any information they ever provided in any capacity really, including phone number, mailbox, address, hell, anything he could get. In later years, this database evolved and now contains a big list of names of all the people who will never ever be able to succeed in any capacity - a "bloodline forever" list effectively - including more recently leaders, hands and members who allowed or participated in the bloodlining of him and his friends. This database is why people now receive mails from Whoreable of "hey didn't you work with Curtis 2 years ago, do you think he is still around?" shortly before they get shot by a 'rogue'. 

So, what I was actually saying is that comparisons with Disorder's regime are apt in that the systematic purging is and will continue to be repeated because the same legwork is being done by the same person and group. They've also now had a couple of years of persecution and chewing on failures to whet their appetite for the task, which I'm sure will only have a positive outcome. 

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Interesting. Your posts have actually been quite enlightening on that era.

There's just one obvious problem with your argument here, innit?

Wolverine seems to be working for a lot of people that his ancestor supposedly had in a "bloodline forever" list back then. 

Then I would add a second problem. I've been in my fair share of meetings where I see decisions being made about people who should die, and haven't seen Wolverine as that foaming at the mouth guy. Actually, with all the bad reputation he has, he has actually been on the side of caution and let's give XYZ a chance. Heck, from what I remember, guy was even offline for at least a couple takedowns. He seems like a very chill guy.

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There you have it: he is a very chill guy. Case closed. You're listening to Radio 101.3 Super Chill Guys and I'm your host, Dr. Funkhouser. Shabookie, my brothas.

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Who is he working with off that list? Seems to me that he's working with a lot less people than he was at the start of this discussion. Lets have a look.


Leaders: Berserker, DougRoss, CarolHathaway

These are all in the Nifl/affiliate group and are still alive. No surprise there.


Leaders: JustinBieber, Sachetto, Hoth

Bieber and Sachetto had served their purpose in consolidating the regime's power and are now dead. Hoth, Nifl/affiliate group member, as predicted, survives without a scratch.

Las Vegas

Leaders: Homer, Bunny, Zeitgeist.

Homer cheated and spared them the embarrassment of killing him. Zeitgeist was immediately removed thereafter, not in the group and Bunny disbanded. Someone not in the group who is still alive, kudos to her.

Los Angeles

Leaders: Whoreable, Anarchy-, Kate-Macer.

 Whatever went on between Macer and Premier put paid to the latter two names on the list. Whoreable, Nifl/affiliate group member is still alive.

New York

Leaders: Adalynn, Estarossa

Not in the group, now dead. No surprise.


Leaders: Raphael, Zangief, Naughty_Elf

Not in the group, now dead. No surprise. 


Leaders: Dmitry, Il_Matto, Moby

Not in the group, now dead. No surprise. 

I get that you're in a difficult position and you have to be seen to be towing the party line and pretending like this isn't what's happening, but it is. There is no proving yourself, here and doing this routine won't help. For all of us here, the paradigm will be: serving a purpose, becoming a risk and then becoming a corpse. That is the game plan and they will be ruthless. Threats, real and imagined, are going to be removed. Some will get told it was a rogue, some will get a "no W/S required" eulogy and others will just be completely brushed under the carpet. Check the obituaries for recent examples. 

But no, Funhouser's right, and you've convinced me too. Wolverine is clearly very chill and he and his allies are going to bring about a new age of prosperity. I'm excited.

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Shut up, Grin...And stop tipping yourself.

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Waiiitt, let me see if I understand this correctly... 

1) Groups of people regularly target certain people who are high up on the food pyramid currently. Shot attempts at them, their bodyguards, and their family members and their bodyguards.

2) Crews/Cities are then removed because of those actions by those said members.

3) The blame is now on the people who were being targeted.... for purging the threats and potential threats...

So... how about stop with the fuckery for 4 months. See if the outcomes/happenings in those 4 months are consistent with behavior in the prior 2-3 months? 


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If that is aimed at me, no, you didn't understand it correctly.

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It was, and I apologize for not getting it.

Please, enlighten me.
I'm a very analytical person, so please keep it factual so that I may be able to understand better.  

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Are you suggesting Insta, Zeitgeist, Raphael, Zangief and Randall all took pot shots at people high up in the current regime, @Grogglez? Cos there doesn't seem to be any instance of any of those crews being in the obits for nefarious reasons, prior to being purged.

Your crew does, however, appear to have 3 button men in concrete boots, two of which were kills apparently not authed by your hand, which means you're either unintentionally giving untrustworthy members their button who then go on to plan or execute a plan against the current regime, or you're allowing purging on made men who have done nothing.

Now I know you wouldn't come out here to vociferously argue against the existence of purging whilst participating in the act, which begs the question - if your control of your own crew is so lax, why are you being allowed to consistently harbour rogues, yet other crews are wiped without incident?

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My made members were made in the city prior to joining me. 
Once again, keep shit factual, or don't open your cock holder. 

I have not given a single button to a person who has rogued. Will it happen? I'm sure it is. Is it happening at the rates as high as other places.... nah, not really.

Once again, if you cannot present any factual evidence.... don't spread bullshit. It just further proves your attempt at controlling the narrative. 

Let me guess, now you'll change the comment from targeting myself directly to now blaming it on the city.

Keep changing the narrative as I provide you factual evidence of your claims being false. 

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Interesting on both parts however, I think alot of this is down to speculation grin-03 your family tree goes a long way back much further than mine infact. But you do seem so sure of yourself maybe you are right maybe you are wrong. Can we not just ask for peace on our streets and for the population to grow?

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I don't need to do anything mate, that outburst says it all. You're angry, and you're resorting to name calling and deflection instead of responding to the underlying point I'm making, which you have (probably unintentionally) confirmed; that you open your books for purges. Thanks man.

Report Post Tips: 3 / Total: $60,000 Tip

Look at you, continuing to ignore factual evidence and try to control narratives.

My insult was due to your mouth spewing incorrect information. If you presented truthful statements, they wouldn't happen.

Don't try to hide your intentions by being polite. It's blatantly obvious.

As for deflecting, what did I deflect? You made a claim, trying to cast blame on me. I showed you how your claim was inaccurate, as I never gave a button to those said people.

But hey, how about we talk about targeted PPing, repeatedly, every few days, from the same family. Would you consider that some sort of targeted attack that might raise suspicion? 

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Also.. what outburst exactly?

That was a very calm response from me.... anyone who has seen me in the coffee shops will know, my outbursts are much more exceptional. 

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So PPing is now reason enough to raze a city? Cool.

And I'm not trying to control anything, I was initially implying that you allow purges to happen. You've essentially confirmed that, and I've pointed out that's the case.

You're also overly angry. You should probably address that at some point. Take it easy brotha.

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PPing? Nobody said PPing, stop trying to control the narrative.
I clearly stated, TARGETTED PPing. From the same people. After it was evident I was not a fan.

A single PP here and there, is just a friendly hello. Repeated actions every few days from within the same crew and/or cities organization? Hmmm. 

Also, I never said it was the reason to take out a city. I stated it was a reason to be suspicious. Just another item on the list.

What would you think if the same 2 people tried your pockets every 2-3 days from the same crew? 

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This is Dr Funkhouser and you're listening to 101.3 Controlling The Narrative. We're here with our guest, Grooglez, who knows his narratives and who's controlling them. Grooglez, our listeners need to know: what is the narrative and, more importantly, can it be controlled?

Report Post Tips: 2 / Total: $40,000 Tip

The narrative is a strong tool, Mr Funkhouser.

It is used as a form of justification and tool to control the feelings of the masses. It is difficult to tell what the intentions of ones narratives are, however there are key signs that help distinguish truthful intentions and false intentions. 

If factual evidence is presented, with any sort of deferred opinion clearly posed as an idea/thought/assumption and not factual... then it shows that the party is willing to discuss and share what information that they have to help others come to their on conclusion.

If anecdotal information and/or hearsay is the primary source, that would be an "opinion piece". Why would someone try to present their opinion as factual? To ensure that the masses support their cause/intentions.

Here is my opinion piece.
Stop the underground/hidden/stealthy fuckery. This fuckery serves no positive cause at all. It is there to "stir shit up" and "cause drama". These are the people who find joy in finding complete innocents having to suffer... for their own actions. 

If these shadow warriors had intentions of actually continuing the growth of organized crime and taking over positions of power, they would not be taking these actions. They would be on best behaviour, trying to keep their head low and ensure that their actions don't lead to their entire city being eliminated. But they don't. They don't have the care to wait for the right moment to make a move. No, that's not their motives or goals.

Their goals is to cause chaos. The chaos then results with those who are not as involved in the daily grind to feel as though the current regimes are simply attacking for the sake of attacking. 

In 40 days time, you will NOT have the means to make a power play. So why are these people engaging in hostile actions, knowing that they will not be able to actually inflict direct harm to the top? 

If that was their intentions, they would wait 100-120 days, not causing drama, not sparking wars... and then make their move.

So what is the suggestion?

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Oh ok, so one or two people repeatedly PP'd you despite your mass of guards and that was a part of the reason to 'scorch-earth' Philly? Was that one of the bigger issues? Because it seems like one that has you particularly irked.

Could you possibly divulge any more reasons? I wouldn't ask, but there has been no street thread regarding the removal, and you seem to be better informed than I.

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PPing? Nobody said PPing, stop trying to control the narrative.
I clearly stated, TARGETTED PPing. From the same people. After it was evident I was not a fan.

A single PP here and there, is just a friendly hello. Repeated actions every few days from within the same crew and/or cities organization? Hmmm. 

Also, I never said it was the reason to take out a city. I stated it was a reason to be suspicious. Just another item on the list.

What would you think if the same 2 people tried your pockets every 2-3 days from the same crew? 

High lighted my response from earlier.

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