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The last weird dream you remember having Started by: __________I_________ on Jun 25, '20 00:38
My last dream felt like a nightmare. It's actually a recurring one that I have. I am at the bottom of what looks like a massive crater. I kinda can hear some muted voices in the distance. So I decide I gotta climb out of this crater and start hiking up. It's quite steep and rocky and I slip and stumble a few times. But the worse part is as I climb higher the voices get louder and I realise they are actually screams. They are a combination of screams for help, screams of people being butchered or just panicked screams. They get so loud as I climb higher that it becomes unbearable and so painful. Sometimes I just fall back to the bottom of the crater to make it stop. But then I develop this fear that I gotta get out and start climbing again to only be confronted with the screams again. I've never gotten out of the crater. I also end up waking when the screams get so unbearable and I'm covered in sweat. Sometimes my partner says she hears me whimpering when I have this dream. Used to get it heaps as a kid and wake up crying, thought I was done with it. But apparently not. Hopefully one day I'll get out of that crater. I want to, but in the dream, I never can manage to push through the screams.
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My last dream I was falling from space to the earth.  I hit the ground and bounced back up only to fall again.  The last time I hit the ground I landed like I was iron man on one hand and knee.  Then I stood up and my knee was hurting.  I woke up and that same knee was hurting.  

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Last night I had another really weird one. I was at my high school with my batchmates, we were having some sort of reunion. I go outside our classroom and see that there was this beautiful waterfall then one of my friends pushed me in. There were lots of jagged rocks on the edges so I scraped my knee and stuff, and it was hard to get out because of the sharp rocks. Eventually I managed to do so and we started eating lunch, then a friend of mine approached me and said there was something on my nose, I pulled it and it was a leech (my biggest biggest fear) so I freaked out and looked up at my friend and she had one hanging off her eye too! It was terrible hahaha 0/10 would not recommend

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I was pushed off of some object going to fall on a bed of spikes and be impaled, then I woke up.  At the time after I woke I found out that I had a temperature of 105.1

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I had a dream where I turned into a taco. And then, I got sold out of a taco truck to some guy on his lunch break.

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I had a nightmare. It was me at work. Halfway through the day It stayed that way for hours. Way to long. Nothing changed. It remained the same time. Just in the middle of my shift. . So long of a day. Just work upon work.
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Lately I have had lots of work related dreams. But sometimes I have no memory of the dream except for some oddly specific details. For example, last night I only remember I thought my toenails were too long in my dream...
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So The Last Dream I Had Was Earlier In The Year,


In Which I Had A Baby Red Snake And A Baby Alligator Running All Over My Bed And Room.

Just Randomly Playing. 


What Brought That On, I Have No Idea Esp Cause I Didnt Even Drink That Night haha.

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I have weird dreams every single night so I post here wayyy too often lol. Anyway my last weird one was hours ago, I adopted a baby kitten but I was also in the middle of an IRL COD battle. Obviously I was focusing on the kitten so I was just playing with it while my teammates were shooting the other team. We then agreed to go on break and my best friend and I decided to go to the ammo shop and then the kitten was getting really bothered like it didn’t wanna be held so I put it down. It then went under a table and I thought it disappeared (my bff was devastated although he pretended he didnt like the cat) but then I saw an airpods case that looks like its fur and I was like “oh the kitty just shed its fur, it must be around here somewhere” eventually I heard a rustling and found the kitten that was now a pair of scissors. And i loved it like i would love a cat anyway. Yup.

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I am 100% serious when I say that the other day I dreamt that my cat had a cocaine addiction.

Though the majority of the dream is hazy at best I remember trying to tear the small bag of cocaine away from it and he just went completely fucking mental. Since my cat is a lovely fuzzball this was completely out of character and I thus considered it to be bad RP.

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One where i caught a chicken and was walking home with it when another person with a chicken got shot in the face so i RANNN with my chicken 

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I dreamed I was a superhero how was flying then I fell out the sky.  I picked up a bus and hit the hulk with it and it just made him mad.  I tried to hit him but he looked at me and smiled.  Then he hit me and i slid down the street.  Then I woke up.  

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ive had a little problem with a women a lot younger than me about 20 years who has decided that she wants me. im married and has caused me some issues.

i had a dream about here and the last thing she said to me IRL was i will get you and your mine in anger.

My dream was those words coming out of her mouth then she morphed into a demon... scary shit. 


if anyone is concerned i dont have a any rabbits :P  

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I remember having like been seized with a group of people, like maybe workmates, inside some building. I don't remember how but we somehow managed to get free. We tried convincing them, and we tried both escaping by foot, and using a racecar we had in a garage, maybe to go away fast and warn some people of what was happening.

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The lastest dream i had was that my work got sabatoaged and we only had so many hours to get out and we had to climb up trees lol 

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Somehow, despite not smoking anything or drinking anything or watching anything related or even thinking about it, I got unicorn-like fairy land, and then they all turned into zombies, and everything became slow motion as I fought them off with a bat. I woke up when my dog jumped on me and probably for the better. I wish I had smoked something so I could at least somewhat comprehend any of whatever that was.

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I’m on a container ship in the sea of Cortez, it’s breakfast time and all the Mexican truckers are eating prison grade food for breakfast. My mate walks in to the canteen and starts belting out Careless Whisper. These fuckers applaud and laugh like they were at the theatre. Later, we are all sat watching dvd’s. Soon as the only woman on board is asleep, they all start watching soft core euro porn. But, too shy to face the gritty reality of carefully shot non graphic intercourse, these rough Mexican truck drivers fast forward through the intimate scenes. Embarrassed and giggling like 12 year olds on a school yard. 

oh wait, maybe that wasn’t a dream. 

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I dream of being chased in the pitch black by a man. As soon as he comes closer I seem to wake up

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The dreams that I really find weird are the ones where a foreign language is involved. 

I remember one where (I'll spare you most of the mundane details) I was getting on a bus and the driver was speaking fluently in French to me. 
I don't understand more than 10 words of French but it seemed to be fluent. How did that get into my head. Obviously in there somewhere or my mind would not have been able to reproduce it in my dream. Bizarre. 

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I had a weird one the other night - for some reason the sink was leaking and I couldn't make it stop and when I tried to get some help for it I was talking but no sound was heard! I think less cheese just before bed might be on the cards. Or more! One or the other.

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