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A FAIR Writing Contest Started by: Douglas_MacArthur on Aug 06, '20 17:11

You have stooped to a truly disgusting level. 

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Simply meeting you on your level Anton.

You’ve been exposed as a liar and yet you continue to double down. Why don’t you state the actual truth? That you were jealous of someone else’s contest so you took it upon yourself to stop it. Great “leader of the streets”. You’re nothing more than a bad joke to the masses.

Report Post Tips: 2 / Total: $40,000 Tip

You are evidently wrong.  You are simply jealous of the support that I command.  In using such awful language to describe someone as universally liked as Delicate, you reveal yourself to be the uncouth vulgarian that you are.

TemporaryChar is about as convincing as you are.

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Ok, liar Anton. That should be your title, Anton, the undeniable lying scumbag. Delicate is simply an extension of you. Brash, obnoxious and a bit of a cunt. How’d that fostering the streets bullshit post you put out doing? The one that everyone absolutely ignored because you aren’t worth the effort. A whole lot more people think you’re a joke than dont. 

Youve been called out and exposed, son. Learn from your scumbag ways and maybe everyone won’t dislike you so much. Put that effort towards actually improving things. Maybe actually try a contest rather than attack anyone who is better at you in the RP department. You’re a place holder. An annoyance that we have to put up with because you don’t know how or when to shut up. You’re not even particularly interesting. The most interesting thing about you has always been the people you attack. You’ve never had honor and you never will. You learned that from your keeper, Grin-08, though.

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And honestly, Anton and Grin-08, what are you really going to do about it? Oooh, kill me as soon as I can be, bloodline me? You really aren’t as scary as you think you are. There will always be people who disagree and stand up to your bullshit, even if it costs them. That’s the price of telling you dickheads that you are in fact dickheads.

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I already told you what I was doing back before you had this latest meltdown. I stopped your contest because you're a buffoon who doesn't have any conception of how the Mafia works.

All you had to do was apologise for trying to dictate to me when you're not in any position to do so and that would have been that. Instead, to borrow a phrase, you double down and launch into this whiny little woe-is-me diatribe about how nasty the Mafia is to poor little writers. 

Whilst this may feel like some momentus crusade to you about standing up for what you believe, to me it is merely Wednesday and another no-name civilian thinking the world owes him something. 

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That’s ok Grin-08, there’s a reason I’ve never respected you. Anything you say doesn’t actually mean a thing. This isn’t even the first time someone from your line attacked the writing community but I guess you don’t like to remember that. You don’t dictate a damn thing on the streets. You can yell and scream about what you says goes but that didn’t actually make it true. You can threaten, you can try and twist words, the prizes will still be handed out to those that deserve when the contest ends on Friday. Best of luck putting a stop to something that you can’t actually put a stop to. As much as you dislike it, you’re not on any higher ground than the rest of us. Keep tossing your threats, they’re just that, threats.

You can go ahead and try to dismiss the truth and those that will actually stand up to your whinny bitchyness. All you’ve done is show how childish you are.

Keep flexing those gym muscles, we’re all trembling over here.

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Well, Bill, that veneer dropped fast. I hope you feel better for getting that off your chest and from my own perspective, at least you've stopped calling me Sir Grin-08, because that was kind of embarrassing for both of us.

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Grin-08, you’re right there, I felt a bit disgusting having to show you respect. That’s reserved for someone who earned it and deserved it, you don’t fall into either category.

And are you really as thick as Anton there, Grin-08? My mother was Karrin. Billy is the one funding the contest you feel the urge to stop because you employ a whinny bitch like Anton. Have an original thought in your head between the two of you would be a vast improvement.

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This repeated stalking of me is getting a little creepy now, Bill. I get it. You think I'm a piece of shit and you don't respect me. You think Anton is a piece of shit and you don't respect him either. Good for you, buddy, you're obviously the genius Civilian who, through no fault of his own, doesn't have two cents to rub together, and we are clearly the pathetically moronic Bosses and Dons who, by an unfair quirk of fate, just so happen to rule the universe you can't climb above gutter-scum in. Boy, you really showed me. Consider me chastised. 

Now that's we've cleared all that up, I'm going to go about my business and leave you to it. I'd appreciate it if you stopped tagging me in your meltdown, but I guess you won't do that. 

Oh and, any would-be entrants, don't be silly - I'll shoot you if you participate with this loser's contest. See LSD's contest instead. He seems a little less....Marleau, than old Bill here. 

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Once again Grin-08, you keep talking about that douchebag, unoriginal loser Destro. I know he didn’t posses an original thought in that thick skull of his but I don’t see that as a reason to keep bringing him up. 

Oh wow, you’re so strong and powerful, oh mighty powerful Grin-08, we all fear you so. Get on with your joke of an existence, you’re scum and most likely always will be. 

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With all that being said. I'm here to shamelessly plug my own writing competition, The Fairest Writing Competition

We welcome writers of all background, all cities and all skill levels to participate and win some seriously awesome prizes. A huge thank you to all our supports and benefactors and a big thank you to Grin-08 for shout out and recognition.

I hope to see everyone stop by!

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DeadSet - do you understand that Delicate and the late, great Destro are and were two of the most universally respected and popular bloodlnes that this thing has ever seen?

Report Post Tips: 2 / Total: $40,000 Tip

Still doesn’t change the fact that Delicate and Destro were and are mindless unoriginal hacks. And if you have an issue with Grin-08 bringing up Destro you should bring that to him. He’s the one who keeps bringing up the uninspired hack of writings that flowed from Destro’s bloodline. I know it wasn’t any good either but I don’t think that’s a reason to keep harping on it. 

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What’s particularly mind-boggling about the bloodline of Deadset here is that there is never any evolution in his family tree. No growth, no improvement, no next-of-kin learning from the moronic mistakes of the generation before his. The whole family tree is just a giant genetic blunder really worthy of nothing but the well-deserved ridicule it receives time after time again.

They all share the same genetic flaw of mistaking their lack of self-awareness and utter lack of accountability as “having a backbone”. They all fancy themselves street martyrs when most have been allowed to freely disrespect men well above their own station in This Thing of Ours. PhilipMarleau, DickGreyson, PhilipMarleauJr, Billy Russo, the list of fools goes on and on up to and including the already forgotten goof who comically denied being a part of this error-ridden lineage to try and convince everyone that Billy Russo was the best “writer” in the mafia and Anton had run him off. Imagine pretending to be someone else for the sole purpose of convincing others that your father was the best writer. Pathetic. Want to know who else echoed those same sentiments about Billy Russo or any of his ancestors? Well folks, if you guessed absolutely no one, you’d be correct.

I believe the only way people learn in This Thing of Ours is by looking inward and recognizing their flaws, learning from them, and correcting them. I speak on this from personal experience, as this way of thinking as benefitted me. This has been explained to one of your predecessors by one of mine, but in true Marleau fashion, your inherited rose tinted glasses only allow you to believe yourself to be a William Wallace type martyr, standing up to those you believe to be your oppressors. You’re not being oppressed, you’re being made fun of. All for very well-warranted reasons that you brought upon yourself. There’s a difference.

Enough blaming others for your problems. You blame Grin-08 for your contest being shut down. This is your fault. You continually blame @Destro for your hardships when he is probably the only person to give any of your lackluster kin any kind of identity in this mafia, you’re ancestors blame Anton and his line for, well, as I understand it, for giving “unwanted money”, whatever the hell that means. How about take a look in the mirror and blame the big stupid looking bag of shit you see in that instead.

Better yourself, take some accountability, and stop blaming others for problems that you create for yourself.

Or, contrarily, continue with the long-standing family tradition of bafoonery. I’ll admit I hope you choose the latter because you provide a seemingly endless source of amusement. This is the last time I try and help you, Muesli Man. After this, you’re on your own.
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After about seven people rang in to Delicate's apartment about the bloodline of Deadset being an absolute idiot in the streets...again, she fluffed her hair and went to go see for herself. 

Aww darling Deadset, what troubles you so? Do you need a hug, pet? 

Delicate pulled a few bills from her wallet. 

Of course not from myself. But I'd be willing to purchase a prostitute for you to get a hug. Maybe she'll even take her top off. Put a little thrill into your step. Turn that frown upside down. 

Delicate smiled sweetly, a condescending tone dripping from her lips. 

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There’s that unoriginal drivel from Rubberlips, it was only a matter of time before you wandered here. List whatever names you’d like. As Grin-08 showed when, for whatever reason he linked to your bloodlines turn as PhillipMarleauJr, I can’t think for the life of me as why, it wasn’t very good. Or maybe he’s just mistaking me for someone else, he’s been doing that all day. 

Seems like all those names you’ve listed other than you know, that one that was yours, have stood up and said something to the same set of bullies around here. Your and your untalented friends. Be better. You’ve supposedly been around here long enough to know better.

Delicate, yawn. Same drivel as always. You’re better off whenever you just recite what Anton tells you too. You’re not all that on your own. 

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Deadset, you speak of others killing the creative spark of speaking on these streets, telling their stories, and damning them to silence. Yet you, yourself, come to these streets and dismiss quality replies as drivel. You can't even think of another way to say drivel. Today you are silencing the streets. Today you are suffocating them with idiocy. 

Also, it's important to point out that if this is true:

The benefactor has given me permission to release his name. It was Billy_Russo.

Reply by: TemporaryChar at Aug 12, '20 17:39

Then Karrin, the daughter/son of the late Billy_Russo was the anonymous benefactor. Karrin claimed up and down that the anonymous benefactor was an idividual independant from herself/himself. Turns out it was just your bloodline. Call all these people here liars, cunts, pissants, twats...but at the end of the day you are just describing yourself, pet. 

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Well I’d be lying if I thought your response would be any different than what it was, despite my hopes that maybe some sense would resonate with you. I guess the old saying is true. The turd doesn’t fall far from the turd tree. And we all k ow what happens to turds around here. You’ll inevitably and clumsily trip and fall and land in one. Good day to you sir and good luck with whatever it is you’re hoping to accomplish with these embarrassing meltdowns. Helping the likes of you has proven once again to be a waste of time. Back to pointing out your flaws and hypocrisies, or as like most perpetual victims such as yourself here refer to it as, bullying.
Report Post Tips: 4 / Total: $80,000 Tip

Well, when everything that comes out of your mouth is boring and uninspired, yea I’m going to call a spade a spade, in this case, drivel.

That’s what I don’t quite understand from this rag tag band of idiots you guys are. My mother was Karrin Murphy, before that, well that’s none of your business but it certainly wasn’t Billy Russo. I’ve been here long enough to have seen the same repeated dickhead behavior from pretty much all of you. Although I will give credit where credit is due, Grin-08’s turn running creditham forest was brilliant, it’s a shame he got away from that type of work. That’s the type of work that actually inspires and engages. The rest of you bring nothing to the table other than an annoyance. 

I’m not Billy and never have been Billy. So yea, not the anonymous benefactor. Seems the lot of you are sharing the same brain at the moment. Hence why the contest prizes will still be handed out, because the actual Billy will still be handing out prizes.

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