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Hows your weather Started by: CrossHair on Sep 27, '19 01:43

I live in a place of wonder.
The Summer averages 33c  our heatwaves hits up to 40c

Our winters are blessed.  It ends at 9 in the morning and starts again at 6 in the evening.

So most of the time it's nice and warm,  but then it's so warm that in the evenings there are lightining storms that might kill all your electronices.


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It's cold and rainy out now here in missouri
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I am so happy spring is here. We already had a few nice sunny days and my garden starts to understand that the flowers need to show themselves.

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The weather outside is relentless. Every day there's more of it. And just when you think it might stop, you're treated to a nice fresh dose of weather. I can't get away from it. It's too much weather.
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The weather isn't good. It's raining a lot, like everything is wet and it isn't helping my vegetables. This weather will stay like that along the week.

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Im in Utah and we got quite a bit of rain for all of April. We got more rain in just the month of April then weve gotten in the last year combined and we probably wont see anymore rain like that again until next April. I got a single month of being able to have a yard where I could use my weed eater once a year. Never had a reason to buy a lawnmower cause theres no point. 3/4 of my yard is just sand. I hope this was long enough of a post for my hustle point lol.

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It has been fantastic the whole week already. It rained during th enight and its still "benauwd" outside. Sorry, I dont know the English word for it. Its not sure if the sun will come today or the rain continues.

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More weather today. Thought we'd seen the last of it. Woke up and the weather was in full swing. I wonder if the weather will ever end. I hope there's no weather tomorrow.
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Sunny and blue skies. Typical Australian weather
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Weather came from all sides today. Above, below. Sideways. I yelled at the weather. Told it to go home. I smashed the weather with my powerful fists.
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Well for a change I can say we are getting the weather that we should be getting .... rain rain rain...smells really nice outside in the mountains ⛰️
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It's  raining a lot right now. To be honest it rains everyday here almost and turning colder slowly since the summer ended. 

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its raining heavily here. and that too during summer. its either too hot or raining. global warming i guess 

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Today wasn't so bad. It was really pretty and sunny and not hot. Wednesday is supposed to be really hot though, which is okay cuz I can take my dogs to the beach and let them swim. I'm currently teaching my puppy how to swim. She's 5 months old and super cute
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The storm last night really put some dings and dents into our suv.  It was only dime to quarter sized hail here but at Vittorio 's work apparently had tennis ball sized hail.  We were apparently were very blessed because the windshield and windows weren't damaged, but another vehicle there was.  :/

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There are storms everyday, and today also a big hailstorm. Quite annoying, but gotta say the fresh air they keep is nice.

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It’s been hotter than hell here lately. Thankfully it’s cooled down. I was lazy and didn’t put my ac in yet. I’m gonna have to get off my fatt rump and put it in before next Sunday. Summer weathers going to kick in and it’s supposed to be worse than last year. I’m thinking about buying a second ac for the rest of my apartment. Last two years I’ve been hiding in my bedroom because that’s where I put it normally.
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Today's forecast is clouded with wind up to 15 knots from south and rain later on
It can be some sun in the evening
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where i live in colorado, we got some snow last night and had a high of 42 today.  gotta love spring 

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Weather in Dublin is either cloudy or sunny or raining or windy. On rare occasion all of the above do not happen on the same day. :D 

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