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Hows your weather Started by: CrossHair on Sep 27, '19 01:43

Today the weather seems nice, although this is still Holland. You never know if it will change during the day.

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In Jordan it is hot during the day, yet it can be better in shadows since the air isn't that hot it's more warm to cold and during night it's the best so far colder and much more refreshing.
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It has been raining all night, i know its good for the grass and my flowers in the garden, but a little sunshine is much appreciated.

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The weather got finally sunny and warmer, and I'm already all sweaty for a little walk I had to do :P Gotta get used to it again.

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Today's forecast is clouded with wind up to 35 knots from south west and temperatur around 10 degrees.
It can be some rain later on.
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I know it may sound weird, but the weather in Dublin is still all possible weathers in one.
What's it going to be in 10 minutes? Rain, Sun, Clouds, wind? Nobody knows!

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In the south of africa... it's always hot... even now in winter. at 9-30 in the morning the sun is out and blazing a solid winter 28 then at night is cools down.

So right now the chill has gone and the jacets are off.
But this makes us hard, my people wear shorts.... always... even in the winter otherwise we can't run fast... for the Lions , Leopards  and most wildlife.

no people... you don't pet wild animals... even a little baboon can tear your skin off.

stay safe lock the car door ;)

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Opened up with a bit of it in the early morning and it's progressed since then, even as far as late breakfast. Was surprised to hear some experts are predicting there could be weather all day, which would unfortunately make today like most other days.
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Started off nice and sunny, hopefully it stays that way as my wife is off the her friends wedding at 2. I'm staying at home as it's a kid free wedding and we have 3 that are 3 and under. Really hoping it stays nice so I can throw the kids out into the garden for a few hours this afternoon

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So much weather lately.
Snow rain sleet we've covered every angle. The mountains are looking good with more snow. We needed it for sure.
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My weather is starting to change. It's slowly getting cold and windy since the winter is coming. The whole weekend will be like that so better stay inside since i hate cold.

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warm today! still wearing a jacket when I went out shopping but I can atleast hang up clothes to dry so that's a bonus!

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It was rainy earlier this morning, but now its partly cloudy. Hopefully everything dumps out of the sky because I hate rainy work days. We want that smooth sunshine, give it to me!

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Yesterday it was even cold, where is the spring and the sun that promised to shine in spring.

I really hope summer will be nice.

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Dry, Humid With no Wind Precipitation, Extreme Uv Mid 30degrees 

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Today is raining and a bit humid. I procrastinated on yard work yesterday when it was sunny; but rainy Sunday mornings are not a bad thing in my opinion. 

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they say where there's weather, there's pleasure, and when the weather gets going, there's no stopping it. I don't think I'm in any position to play spoiler to any of those sentiments and if I were I'm not sure I'd ever want to do so in any case. It stands to reason that you could have pleasure without weather but who's to say anything at all, for any good reason.

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Today's forecast is sunny with some wind from south west and temperatur around 11 degrees, it can be some rain later on but it will be over in the afternoon
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Today's forecast is sunny and temperatur around 10 degrees and wind up to 10 knots from south and it's going to be rain in the afternoon
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Today's forecast is clouded with wind up to 25 knots from north and temperatur around 9 degrees.
Later on it will be sunny and temperatur around 11 degrees.
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