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A random fact you recently got to know Started by: Protea on Apr 13, '21 10:49

For the Olympics of 2012 they actually filmed the Queen walking with James Bond. 

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I dont know if because of covid Era and the stuff thats been going on but only recently i got the info that India is very close of catching China on Population. Amazing, not good or bad, just a fact....

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So I saw a repost by a webcomic I follow of a comic they made about hyena's giving birth, with strict instructions to not Google it. Which mean, of course I Googled it. The random fact I learned was that female spotted hyenas have pseudo penises that they GIVE BIRTH out of...and they have litters of two to four. Seriously...ouch!

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A Recent random fact, hmm ... ok

Neuroscience has only recently identified a hitherto entirely unknown area of the human brain. This newly discovered brain region was named the ' Endorestiform Nucleus ' Its function however, still remains unknown.

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Penguins can convert salt water into fresh water, but contrary to popular belief , they don't do it directly

They have a gland between their eye, above their nose, called the supraorbital gland, which filters NaCl from their blood. 

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One thing I learned from trivia is that giraffes have the same number of vertebrae as humans, seven. It both completely baffles me and makes total sense to me at the same time

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I guess this sort of counts as a random fact... and strange.

My province just set some more new lockdown regulations to help flatten the spike were currently seeing.

As of tomorrow you are only allowed 15 people in church.

Unless one of them is dead, then you may only have 10.

Unless the funeral is being held outside... then you can only have 5.

This makes sense government, good job lol.

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I just heard that if you trow alcohol over a scorpion that it will sting itself. Just another reason to keep alcohol with you all the time.
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I've known this for a while but couldn't remember the actual medical reason for it but... Did you know that every day you shrink a little, too? You aren't as tall at the end of the day as you are at the beginning. That's because as the day goes on, water in the disks of the spine gets compressed (squeezed) due to gravity, making you just a tiny bit shorter. Don't worry, though.
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What do bullet proof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers and laser printers all have in common?
They're all invented by women.
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White boards that use dry markers come with a couple sponges to wipe them clean. Well, after weeks of trying to find the optimal storage spot for them I realized that they have magnets on the back so you could just stick them on the board. How about that!

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I'm one of these people that when I get to the petrol station I always forget which side the tank is on. That was until my darling hubby pointed out that the petrol pump symbol on the dash has an arrow on the side of the pump to indicate which side it is!!! 

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I recently found out that although we have an idea and a basic theory we actually have no idea how RF energy truly works, meaning we have no idea how radars truly work, and we also have no idea how fast they truly are so we just label it our fastest observable speed. (6.66 Microseconds per mile)

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Light colored eyes, like blue and green, have less pigment in the iris which makes it more translucent and allows more light into the eye. So they are able to see better in the dark!

Not sure if it is true, but if it is, I think it's cool!

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I didn;t think acorns can be eaten but apparently they can be made into cookies, biscuits etc.

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Did you guys know that a Dentist created and invented Cotton Candy?
A FUCKING DENTIST. Dude did it draw in customers and show how bad sugar got into the crevice of the teeth. And how important flossing was.

Needless to say dude was smart as hell and got a ton of customers anf money from it. 😂
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It’s not so much new but I learned that kangaroos can’t jump backwards. 

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This recently blew my mind that I didn't realize sooner.   But on a golf scorecard, the ranking of hole difficulties is such that all of the odd difficulties are on one set of nine holes and the even ones are on the other set.

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Giraffe tongues can be 20 inches long, and the colour of Their tounges is black.
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Butterflies that are moving very quickly and can do a lot more tight turns and aerial agility are non-poisonous, the ones we often see just fluttering around never needed speed or agility because predators left them alone.

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