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What are you doing right this minute? Started by: Vito_Landucci on Mar 14, '18 08:27

Work is done, coffee is done, time to change and get the fuck out of here. Pick up kid from training and home. Woohoo. Time to relax bitches. Oh i need to feed the cat.

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I’m just trying to think of a well thought out reply so I can get the hustle done and then once that’s done I plan to play some rimworld and see where the night takes me 

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At this moment I'm playing cards with my friends, I may regret it in the morning because ei have to wake up early to study.. it is what it is few hours won't do much harm :'(
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I just picked up my mother from the airport and took her out to dinner at a seafood restaurant. She will be staying over the Thanksgiving weekend and then flying back to Florida on Sunday, so that's exciting. I get to see her only every few years, so it's sort of a big deal.

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I just got home, ate dinner, talked to my uncle, and now I'm here cracking jokes, and being a menace on the internet for my own personal amusement. Honestly a 10/10 time.

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Husband is making me a coffee while I sit here trying to come alive after going to bed at 9pm last night. I have training at work again today so I'm debating if I login now to do my daily reporting or just wait and do it while I'm at the office. 

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Hmm, well after eating a fair amount of food, I am now drinking and watching football.  That's about it.

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At this very point and time, I am sitting on the couch in the living room. I have the wolf of wallstreet movie playing on the TV while I just sit here and smoke a bowl and hang out with my dogs while they snor their asses of which is always funny
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Bout to head to sleep after a full day and night with family. Dinner was nice, it was the usual Thanksgiving dinner but somehow it always hits.

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I am sitting down relaxing my cheeks so I can take a nice relieving dump. Sometimes you just have to enjoy the simple things in life.
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Currently watching Manchester City vs Liverpool in my newly made man cave. Looking forward to it as it should be a good game. Having a bit of lunch then I'll be swilling it down with a beer later on.

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Watching the walking dead while trying to roll one up and think of an original post I can just slide in here and continue my hustle 

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Multi-tasking multiple games, its how I cope

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This again.  I really need to find somewhere else to write, but I like this one.  After a fairly busy day, I am currently not doing anything and enjoying it.

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Right this moment I am watching a great movie on my television called "tropic thunder". It is a magnificent movie about a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude who forgot what dude he is. Then he is teamed up with guys to shoot for Vietnam War movie but the one guy is Ben stiller but I'm watching a great movie 

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The exciting life of work, responsibility and being a father.

To all dad out there I salute you all.

Band of Brothers xd
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Currently looking at guitar reviews online and at youtube to get another guitar. The formula is always N+1, where N = the number of guitars you currently own. 

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Sitting on the sofa having just finished dinner, holding my 7 week old while my other two toddlers are running around and me telling them to be quiet while wife dries hair. Waiting for peace and quiet time ....which I appreciate will be in about 20 years
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Preparing myself for homework in Turkish.

Busy day at work last night, i had to sleep until 3pm.

Reading my e-mails and search the web for support.

No further plans for the day, besides tonight there's CL.

Forza Napoli!!!!

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"Being under stress is like being stranded in a body of water. If you panic, it will cause you to flail around so that the water rushes into your lungs and creates further distress. Yet, by calmly collecting yourself and using controlled breathing, you remain afloat with ease." ― Alaric Hutchinson
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