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Hows your weather Started by: CrossHair on Sep 27, '19 01:43

It is good. Bit cold. There will be rain later. This is acceptable. 

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its windy and very wet at the minute fairly normal for this time of year for us. Still warm ish so its not all bad. 

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Yesterday the rain was relentless, especially after I had got half way to my destination. When I had set off no rain, it was as if it had waited until I was at the point of no return and just emptied skies on me. However today is another day, or so I thought, and exactly the same happened again today. Therefore I have decided that the weather today and lately is out to get me.

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Today was a lovely autumn day. It was bright and the sun illuminated the autumn colours beautifully.  

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weather here is cool, like 50 degrees. slight breeze just enough to make the nips cut glass, but not cold enough for winter gear to come out. All the fall color are showing, its totes bonfire season. cheers.

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the forecast today is windy and rain, it will be up too 70 knots from north and rain most of the day 

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We are enjoying typical Midwest US weather, which at this time of year is days in the 60's F and nights in the 40's F, with cold, cold rain at least twice a week.  Nothing too extreme, but amazing sleeping weather in you crack open a window at night and thrown an extra blanket on the bed! Goodnight!

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The weather is blah right now don't know whether to be sunny or rainy. There is a nip to the air though, jacket time again I guess

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Yesterday we had our first snow fall of the season.
Counted 9 people in the ditch with their cars and two semi plus another one jackknifed on a hill on the highway.
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It's bi-polar like my mood 

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Been raining so much overnight, and it’s starting to get a little cold. I look forward to the snow though!
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It is currently, windy, wet, expecting more rain just lovely overall.


Meant to have had a major storm but it doesnt seem to want to work it's way down to where i live.

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Red and yellow weather warnings, which means heavy rain, wind, and flooded roads.


Climate change I guess.

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Bloody cold!!!! Winters just about setting in and I’ve had to dig out my winter socks from the depths of my wardrobe. They make me feel invincible lol
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My nuts are freeeezing for fuck sake 🥶 why didnt i born somewhere wheres a lot warmer weather, why here? Bloody hell. This is aint joke in winter here.. like i need fucking reindeer coat or something.

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It's just starting to get cold but it's getting there very quickly. Supposed to snow tomorrow already and it was like 80 2 weeks ago. Gotta love the midwest.

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Strange weather here, rain for a few days, clear for a few days, just waiting for wednesday and potential torrential rain and floods, thank god i am on higher ground but feel sorry for those at the bottom of the river, farmers etc gonna be flooded probably 

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Not a clue as I’m currently in bed and I can’t be arsed to go and check
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let's talk about the weather here! it's raining everyday, whole day! Sometimes with thunders.

i'm missing some good weather and to catch some sun.

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Man I have what we call NC weather, one day it's in the 80s, the next day it's cold and rainy. A couple days later it could be right back to the 80s or snowing. It's crazy.
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